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Il y a 243 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
From page to screen: between betrayal and re-creation in the film adaptation of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Half of a Yellow Sun par Agathe Faucourt, publié le 27/04/2023
This article examines the film adaptation of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s 2006 novel, Half of a Yellow Sun. Released in 2014, Biyi Bandele’s adaptation was often criticized for its alleged betrayal of the original text. The task of adapting a novel of more than four hundred pages in a film of less than two hours was particularly daunting. Yet, it remains to be seen whether the film deserved to be labelled as unfaithful. Rather than judging the worth of an adaptation based on its degree of loyalty to the source text, spectators could also regard the adaptation as a commentary and even possibly as an independent work of art. Relying on adaptation theory, this paper will consider whether Bandele’s infidelities allow for a potential re-reading of Adichie’s novel.
Experimental Life-Writing: From Roland Barthes to Digital Biography par Wojciech Drąg, publié le 16/03/2023
This talk examines a variety of instances of contemporary experimental life-writing – a critical category theorised by Irene Kacandes (2012) and Julia Novak (2017). After defining the notion and providing a brief historical overview of formally unconventional auto/biographies, Wojciech Drąg introduces his research project concerned with life-writing works that renounce a narrative structure in favour of an archive (or a database). He then proposes a classification of archival subgenres that have been particularly prominent in Anglophone and French auto/biographical literature since the 1970s. Based on their adopted system of arranging data, this talk differentiates between the bibliography (e.g., Rick Moody's Primary Sources), the encyclopedia (Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life), the glossary (Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes), the index (Joan Wickersham's The Suicide Index), the chronicle (Tan Lin’s BIB., Rev. Ed.), the social media archive (Matias Viegener’s 2500 Random Things About Me Too), the inventory (Claude Closky’s Mon Catalogue), the list (Joe Brainard's I Remember), the portfolio (Dana Teen Lomax's Disclosure), the computation (Gregory Burnham's Subtotals) and the digital database (David Clark's 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein).
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Postcolonialism and its Discontents: Towards Polycoloniality par Saugata Bhaduri, publié le 09/03/2023
Connected to the question of nationalistic and identitarian assertions versus the other-regarding 'worlding' of literary-critical praxis is the question of the Global South – questions more specifically connected to colonialism, postcolonial discourse, and new-imperialism. To what extent can postcolonialism offer a suitable methodological toolkit for studying literature today? Conversely, what are some of the current discontents with postcolonialism, arising particularly from emerging insights into colonialism and literary production from the Global South? To answer these questions, this lecture probes into the different strands of recent critiques of postcolonialism as an adequate method of literary criticism. It also focuses on one of the primary research outputs of the current lecturer, which has been in the area of 'polycoloniality', or the multiple and productive strands of networked and mutually competitive colonial processes, which have always been multinational rather than mononational – with there being colonial efforts in South Asia, for instance, not just by the English (as is often presumed) but by the Portuguese, Dutch, French, Danish, 'Germans', etc, too. This lecture examines this further, particularly in relation to France's involvement in colonial projects in South Asia.
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Crafting a poetic voice as a 21st century Indian woman – An introduction to Menka Shivdasani par Manon Boukhroufa-Trijaud, publié le 20/12/2022
This article aims at shedding light on the work of Menka Shivdasani, a key figure of contemporary Indian poetry in English. It highlights her involvement in the collective poetry scene of Mumbai and her commitment to connect it to the world. It also focuses on the singular poetic voice she elaborates in the personal itinerary of her poetic work, shaping the self-portrait of a woman poetess in contemporary India.
The American Wilderness: an Ambivalent Image of Self-regeneration and Psychological Disintegration. From Dead Man (1995) to Into the Wild (2007). par Martin Berny, publié le 03/06/2021
This presentation deals with the wilderness motif in contemporary American literature and American cinema. Going back to the origins of this ambivalent image, it aims at explaining the underlying ideology that actively contributes to the endless process of mythogenesis of the American nation. On the individual level, it is through a journey of self-reinvention or reconstruction of the self that the wilderness appears as either a path to a metaphorical rebirth or as a dangerous place where one has to face the perils of psychological disintegration. Focusing on historical notions and topics such as Turner’s Frontier thesis, the Transcendentalist movement, or the representation of Native Americans in popular culture, this article deals with the limits of the American dream of self-transcendence. It explores works such as Jim Jarmusch’s Dead Man (1995) and both Jon Krakauer’s non-fiction bestseller Into the Wild (1996) and its film adaptation directed by Sean Penn (2007).
Feminist and queer studies: Judith Butler’s conceptualisation of gender par Marilou Niedda, publié le 02/10/2020
This article is an introduction to Judith Butler's conception of gender: central to Butler's theory is the difference between sex and gender and the conception of gender as performance. The article also explores the impact of her work on queer theory.
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The Gay Liberation Front and queer rights in the UK: a conversation with Jeffrey Weeks par Jeffrey Weeks, publié le 23/05/2019
Jeffrey Weeks is a gay activist and historian specialising in the history of sexuality. His work includes Socialism and the New Life (1977) and Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (1977). He was invited at the LGBT Centre in Lyon to talk about his latest book What is sexual history (2016), which has been translated in French and published by the Presses Universitaires de Lyon. The discussion was moderated by Quentin Zimmerman.
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Race and the three phases of the American Revolution par Olivier Richomme, publié le 25/03/2019
The American Revolution, the Civil War and Reconstruction period, along with the Civil Rights era can be seen as three phases of the same struggle for racial equality in the U.S. The Declaration of Independence established the revolutionary ideal of equality among men. This promise was not fulfilled by the Reconstruction Amendments. Some might argue that the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 the Voting Rights did not bring about true racial equality. In a sense, the American Revolution can be envisioned as a work in progress.
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From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures par Eléonore Cartellier-Veuillen, publié le 25/04/2016
“From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures” seeks to explain the key role that the Harry Potter novels have played in the creation of the Young Adult dystopian genre which has flourished in recent years. It focuses on three aspects of dystopia (mind-control, death and resistance) to show how these themes taken from traditional dystopias are re-written to shape such contemporary works as Uglies, The Hunger Games and Divergent.
Nature after Wordsworth in Dance of the Happy Shades by Alice Munro par Christine Lorre-Johnston, publié le 01/03/2016
Alice Munro has acknowledged the influence of Wordsworth’s works and ideas on her own outlook, particularly where the idea of nature is concerned. Yet this cultural link has seldom been explored. Starting from this observation, this article proposes a few research directions by examining the concept of nature in Munro’s first collection of short stories, Dance of the Happy Shades (1968), successively as an experience of “the call of the wild,” then in the form of geology, and last, as overall framework for contemporary ecological changes.
Meritocracy (David Samuels) par David Samuels, publié le 11/06/2015
“Meritocracy” is the comic honorific that the American elite has awarded to itself in recognition of its accomplishments since the end of the Cold War. The coinage has proved to be a lasting and significant one because it does so many kinds of necessary work at once. “Meritocracy” assuages the inherent tension that exists between the terms “elite” and “popular democracy” by suggesting that the new American elite has earned its position in an entirely democratic way. Yes, we do have an elite, the word admits, as other nations do: but our elite merely consists of the most “meritorious” members of our democracy, and so any potentially troubling contradiction dissolves in a pleasurable way that both the early Puritans and their plutocratic descendents might easily recognize. The fortunes of the founders of Google and Facebook provide us with reassuring proof that the more we have, the more deserving we are.
The Great Mouse Plot (Roald Dahl) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 25/11/2014
In Boy: Tales of Childhood, Roald Dahl tells us about his youth, focusing on some of his most remarkable childhood memories. A lot of irony is introduced by the first person narrator who describes these scenes with the hindsight of age.
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Gulliver's Travels (Jonathan Swift) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 21/11/2014
Travel books were very fashionable in the eighteenth century. Real travelers sometimes included elements of fiction in their accounts of their wanderings to make them sound more exotic and interesting. In Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift makes fun of this literary genre by introducing a fictitious traveler, Gulliver, who tells us about his encounters with strange creatures and countries. Gulliver's first person narrative is introduced by a fake publisher's note which is also written in the first person...
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Writing on the self par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 14/11/2014
Critics and academics tend to draw a line between autobiography and fiction. However, it is sometimes difficult to make such a clear distinction between what is made up and what is not. Here are some short texts written by authors who reflect on their use of the first person.
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Self-portraits par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 13/11/2014
A self-portrait is a drawn, engraved, painted, photographed or sculpted representation of an artist by himself. Self-portraits have been a common art form since the Renaissance, a period when artists had a prominent part in society and when a distinct interest in the individual as a subject arose.
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First person narratives par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 10/11/2014
Ce dossier sur le thème des auteurs écrivant à la première personne regroupe trois ressources accompagnées d'exercices de compréhension et de production orales et écrites, ainsi que d'analyse d'image.
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Kirsty Gunn: Sound and Writing par Kirsty Gunn, publié le 08/09/2014
That sound you hear, as though coming off the lonely Scottish hills, through the fine Highland air, passing across straths and glens, along rivers and to the sea... Is the sound of the piobaireachd, the classical music of the great Highland bagpipe, a music made for Gatherings, Salutes and Laments, a grand and grave and complicated music - Ceol Mor it is in Gaelic - The Big Music. The Big Music, too, is the title of my latest work of fiction - not a novel, but an elegy, as Virginia Woolf described all her work - a story that sounds as much as it says... An experience of words, of a story of people and a landscape, of a love story played across generations, that nevertheless sounds in the mind...
What's a hero? par Susan Neiman, publié le 01/04/2014
When talking about heroes I’ve often been asked if I could please drop the problematic term ‘hero’ in favor of the term ‘role model’. I cannot, since the word role model is part of the problem: a sterile term that social scientists invented in 1957, which simply doesn’t work the way the word heroes does: to inspire, to challenge, to light fires for (and under) people of whatever age who need to be reminded that there is more to their lives than they are told to be resigned to. When attempting to use the word hero in a BBC discussion I was attacked by an interlocutor who justified her refusal to use the old-fashioned word ‘hero’ because “Hitler and Stalin were heroes.”
Angela Davis: becoming an icon par Clifford Armion, publié le 24/03/2014
Séquence pédagogique en trois parties, autour de la militante américaine des droits de l'homme Angela Davis : 1. Angela Davis posters (Free Angela posters; Shepard Fairey artworks) / 2. Free Angela and All Political Prisoners (Free Angela trailer; Phonetics, the nuclear stress) / 3. Negotiating the Transformations of History (Extract from Angela Davis's The Meaning of Freedom; Grammar, the genitive)
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Free Angela and All Political Prisoners par Clifford Armion, publié le 28/02/2014
Free Angela and All Political Prisoners is a documentary that chronicles the events surrounding the trial of Angela Davis in 1971. It was directed by Shola Lynch and released in 2012 (US).
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The Truth of Pussy Riot par Masha Gessen, publié le 21/02/2014
A great work of art is also often not immediately recognizable. Five young women entered the enormous Cathedral of Christ the Savior early in the morning on February 21, 2012, took off their overcoats to expose differently colored dresses and neon-colored tights, pulled on similarly neon-colored balaclavas, climbed up on the soleas (having lost one of their number in the process—she had been grabbed by a security guard), and proceeded to dance, play air guitar, and sing a song they called a “punk prayer,” beseeching Mother of God to “get rid of Putin.”
Angela Davis posters par Clifford Armion, publié le 07/02/2014
On October 13, 1970, Angela Davis was arrested in New York City by FBI agents. She soon became a global icon suggesting freedom, resilience, and the struggle for equality. Her image was used to illustrate many causes that sometimes had little to do with racial discrimination or the American Civil Rights movement.
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Negotiating the Transformations of History par Clifford Armion, publié le 27/01/2014
This is an extract from Angela Davis's The Meaning of Freedom, a collection of speeches and papers dealing with the author's life-long struggle against oppression, inequality and prejudice.
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Barbie Zelizer on the power of images par Barbie Zelizer, Clifford Armion, publié le 06/01/2014
Barbie Zelizer is a Professor of Communication, and holds the Raymond Williams Chair of Communication and is Director of the Scholars Program in Culture and Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. A former journalist, Professor Zelizer's work focuses on the cultural dimensions of journalism, with a specific interest in journalistic authority, collective memory, and journalistic images in times of crisis and war. She also works on the impact of disciplinary knowledge on academic inquiry.
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Family Histories par Ian Buruma, publié le 16/12/2013
When I was at primary school in the Netherlands in the late 1950s and early 1960s, history was still taught as a story of great men, kings, generals, national heroes, and of course great villains, mostly foreigners. In our case, this meant a succession of Williams of Orange, Admiral Tromp, Philip II, the Duke of Alva, Napoleon, Hitler, and so on. As a reaction to this kind of thing, historians of the left began to focus on systems: fascist, late capitalist, communist, totalitarian. Hannah Arendt’s take on the Eichmann trial, though not the work of a typical leftist, contributed to this tendency, as did the work of Adorno. I have often suspected that they favored systemic analyses, because they couldn’t bring themselves to face what had gone so badly wrong specifically in their beloved Germany. The responsibility of Germans, such as Heidegger, was not the issue; it had to be a systemic failure.
Taking History Personnally par Cynthia Carr, publié le 12/12/2013
Two black men were lynched in Marion, Indiana, on the night of August 7, 1930. That was my father’s hometown, the town where I have my roots, and I heard this story when I was a little girl: The night it happened someone called my grandfather, whose shift at the Post Office began at three in the morning. "Don’t walk through the courthouse square tonight on your way to work," the caller said. "You might see something you don’t want to see." Apparently that was the punchline, which puzzled me. Something you don’t want to see. Then laughter. I was in my late twenties — my grandfather long dead — when I first came upon the photo of this lynching in a book. It has become an iconic image of racial injustice in America: two black men in bloody tattered clothing hang from a tree and below them stand the grinning, gloating, proud and pleased white folks.
Are You Going to Write That in Your Book? par Siddhartha Deb, publié le 03/12/2013
Born in north-eastern India in 1970, Siddhartha Deb is the recipient of grants from the Society of Authors in the UK and has been a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Studies at Harvard University. His latest book, a work of narrative nonfiction, ((The Beautiful and the Damned)), was a finalist for the Orwell Prize in the UK and the winner of the PEN Open award in the United States. His journalism, essays, and reviews have appeared in Harpers, The Guardian, The Observer, The New York Times, Bookforum, The Daily Telegraph, The Nation, n+1, and The Times Literary Supplement.
We’re All Translators Now par Esther Allen, publié le 15/11/2013
As our language ceases to dominate cyberspace (our share of the Web has fallen to about 27%), we English speakers are hesitantly stepping out of our monolingual sphere and evincing renewed interest in foreign tongues. Language learning websites like Livemocha and Matador Network seem to crop up like mushrooms, Rosetta Stone is a publicly traded company whose stock is up 41% year to date, and last year’s top-rated YouTube video — remember? —was in Korean (with a few repetitions of “hey sexy lady” thrown in for nostalgia’s sake).
A world war par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 08/11/2013
Cette page aborde l'engagement des territoires de l'Empire britannique, notamment le Canada et l'Inde, dans la Première Guerre Mondiale. Une tâche est ensuite proposée aux apprenants à partir des informations présentées.
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Women on the Home Front in World War One par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 08/11/2013
Cette page aborde sous plusieurs angles la question de l'évolution du statut et du rôle des femmes dans la société anglaise durant et après la Première Guerre Mondiale. Une tâche est ensuite proposée aux apprenants à partir des informations présentées.
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The Battle of the Somme (1916) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 30/09/2013
Cette page aborde l'épisode de la bataille de la Somme, vu par des historiens, mais aussi par des témoignages de soldats, par la presse de l'époque et par le ministère de la guerre. Les différents documents présentés font l'objet d'une tâche à réaliser par les apprenants.
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The sinking of the Lusitania (1915) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 11/07/2013
Cette page présente brièvement l'épisode tragique du naufrage du paquebot Lusitania en 1915 suite à son torpillage par un sous-marin allemand (ce qui précipita l'entrée en guerre des USA), et propose plusieurs tâches à partir de documents d'époque.
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Propaganda posters par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 05/07/2013
Au cours de la Première Guerre Mondiale, les affiches de propagande ont été utilisées pour transmettre efficacement des messages aux populations d'Angleterre et de l'Empire. Ces affichent décrivent la violence de la guerre, sa nature mondiale, le besoin de recrues et de fonds pour soutenir l'effort de guerre. Sur cette page, l'une de ces affiches est analysée, puis une dizaine d'autres affiches sont présentées. Une tâche liant analyse d'image et production orale est proposée à partir de ces documents.
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Britain and World War One (DNL) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 05/07/2013
Ce dossier sur l'Empire Britannique pendant Première Guerre Mondiale propose l'étude d'un certain nombre de ressources (affiches de propagande, photographies, textes...) organisées sous forme de séquence pédagogique, et accompagnées de tâches à réaliser par les apprenants.
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Feigned and real madness in King Lear par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/07/2013
Cette page propose plusieurs extraits du "Roi Lear" de Shakespeare, ainsi qu'une reproduction d'un tableau de William Dyce représentant le personnage du Roi Lear. Ces documents sont accompagnés d'exercices de compréhension et d'analyse d'image...
Hamlet (Charles Lamb) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/07/2013
Cette page retranscrit la version de Hamlet issue de l'ouvrage "Tales from Shakespeare". Ce recueil, écrit par Charles et Mary Lamb en 1807 est un livre pour enfants très connu en Angleterre. Chaque histoire suit fidèlement la pièce originale, citant parfois précisément le texte de Shakespeare. Les histoires sont cependant plus courtes que les pièces, car elles adoptent une narration en prose, et que les intrigues secondaires sont parfois raccourcies. Le niveau de langue est évidemment également simplifié.
Macbeth (Charles Lamb) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/07/2013
Cette page retranscrit la version de Macbeth issue de l'ouvrage "Tales from Shakespeare". Ce recueil, écrit par Charles et Mary Lamb en 1807 est un livre pour enfants très connu en Angleterre. Chaque histoire suit fidèlement la pièce originale, citant parfois précisément le texte de Shakespeare. Les histoires sont cependant plus courtes que les pièces, car elles adoptent une narration en prose, et que les intrigues secondaires sont parfois raccourcies. Le niveau de langue est évidemment également simplifié.
King Lear (Charles Lamb) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/07/2013
Cette page retranscrit la version du Roi Lear issue de l'ouvrage "Tales from Shakespeare". Ce recueil, écrit par Charles et Mary Lamb en 1807 est un livre pour enfants très connu en Angleterre. Chaque histoire suit fidèlement la pièce originale, citant parfois précisément le texte de Shakespeare. Les histoires sont cependant plus courtes que les pièces, car elles adoptent une narration en prose, et que les intrigues secondaires sont parfois raccourcies. Le niveau de langue est évidemment également simplifié.
Ophelia's lyrical madness in Hamlet par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 02/07/2013
Cette page propose deux extraits de "Hamlet" de Shakespeare, ainsi qu'une reproduction d'un tableau de John Everett Millais représentant le personnage d'Ophelia. Ces documents sont accompagnés d'exercices de compréhension et d'analyse d'image...
Macbeth - Conveying madness through language par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 02/07/2013
Cette page propose plusieurs extraits de "Macbeth" de Shakespeare, ainsi qu'une reproduction d'un tableau d'Henry Fuseli représentant le personnage de Lady Macbeth. Ces documents sont accompagnés d'exercices de compréhension et d'analyse d'image...
Madness in Shakespeare par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 02/07/2013
La folie est un thème récurrent dans l'oeuvre de Shakespeare. Ce dossier propose une sélection de textes et de peintures en relation avec ses tragédies les plus célèbres (Hamlet, Macbeth et le Roi Lear), accompagnée d'exercices de compréhension et/ou d'analyse d'image (ce dossier fait partie du programme de Littérature étrangère en langue étrangère - LELE).
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William Hogarth - The Medley par Vincent Brault, publié le 24/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Medley" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Six Tickets par Vincent Brault, publié le 24/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Six Tickets" du graveur anglais William Hogarth, et reproductions détaillées des six vignettes composant cette oeuvre.
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William Hogarth - Finis, on The Bathos par Vincent Brault, publié le 24/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Finis, on The Bathos" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Stay-Maker par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Stay-Maker" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Sigismunda par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Sigismunda" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Earl of Charlemont par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Earl of Charlemont" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Politician par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Politician" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Captain Thomas Coram par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Captain Thomas Coram" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Charles Churchill par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Charles Churchill" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Lord Holland par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Lord Holland" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Debates on Palmistry par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Debates on Palmistry" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Shrimp-Girl par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Shrimp-Girl" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Time Smoking a Picture par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Time Smoking a Picture" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The House of Commons par Vincent Brault, publié le 20/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The House of Commons" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Artists' Catalogue par Vincent Brault, publié le 18/06/2013
Reproductions commentées des deux oeuvres de la série "The Artists' Catalogue" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Times - Plate II par Vincent Brault, publié le 18/06/2013
Reproduction commentée du deuxième élément de la série "The Times" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Tristram Shandy par Vincent Brault, publié le 18/06/2013
Reproductions commentées des deux oeuvres de la série "Tristram Shandy" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Times - Plate I par Vincent Brault, publié le 18/06/2013
Reproduction commentée du premier élément de la série "The Times" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - John Wilkes par Vincent Brault, publié le 18/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "John Wilkes" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Weighing House par Vincent Brault, publié le 18/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Weighing House" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Farmer's Return par Vincent Brault, publié le 17/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Farmer's Return" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Five Orders of Periwigs par Vincent Brault, publié le 17/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Five Orders of Periwigs" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Cockpit par Vincent Brault, publié le 17/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Cockpit" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - False Perspective par Vincent Brault, publié le 17/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "False Perspective" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Brook Taylor's Architecture par Vincent Brault, publié le 17/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Brook Taylor's Architecture" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Don Quixote par Vincent Brault, publié le 17/06/2013
Reproductions commentées des six oeuvres de la "Don Quixote" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Royal Masquerade par Vincent Brault, publié le 13/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Royal Masquerade" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - France par Vincent Brault, publié le 13/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "France" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Bench par Vincent Brault, publié le 13/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Bench" et du texte l'accompagnant du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - England par Vincent Brault, publié le 13/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "England" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Four Prints of an Election par Vincent Brault, publié le 13/06/2013
Reproductions commentées des quatre oeuvres de la série "Four Prints of an Election" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Analysis of Beauty par Vincent Brault, publié le 04/06/2013
Reproductions commentées des deux oeuvres de la série "The Analysis of Beauty" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Crowns, Mitres, Maces, and c. par Vincent Brault, publié le 04/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Crowns, Mitres, Maces, and c." du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Columbus Breaking the Egg par Vincent Brault, publié le 04/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Columbus Breaking the Egg" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Moses Before Pharaoh's Daughter par Vincent Brault, publié le 04/06/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Moses Before Pharaoh's Daughter" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Four Stages of Cruelty par Vincent Brault, publié le 24/05/2013
Reproductions commentées des quatre oeuvres de la série "Four Stages of Cruelty" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Beer Street par Vincent Brault, publié le 24/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Beer Street" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Gin Lane par Vincent Brault, publié le 24/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Gin Lane" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Paul Before Felix par Vincent Brault, publié le 24/05/2013
Reproductions commentées des trois oeuvres de la série "Paul Before Felix" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Gate of Calais (The Roast Beef of Old England) par Vincent Brault, publié le 23/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Gate of Calais (The Roast Beef of Old England)" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The March to Finchley par Vincent Brault, publié le 23/05/2013
Reproductions commentées des oeuvres "The March to Finchley" et "Receipt for The March to Finchley" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Hymen and Cupid par Vincent Brault, publié le 22/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Hymen and Cupid" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Mr. Ranby's House at Chiswick par Vincent Brault, publié le 22/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Mr. Ranby's House at Chiswick" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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The Essential David Shrigley par Johanna Felter, publié le 21/05/2013
"David Shrigley is a multidisciplinary artist who started his career in the early nineties self-publishing art books containing cartoon-like drawings for which he is mainly famous. Their trademarks, which are also recognizable in his varied artistic productions – clumsy execution, sloppy handwriting, disturbing or puzzling text, dark humour and uncanny atmosphere – helped Shrigley to gradually shape a clearly distinctive personality in his work which brought him out as one of the current key figures of British contemporary art scene."
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William Hogarth - Industry and Idleness par Vincent Brault, publié le 07/05/2013
Reproductions commentées des douzes oeuvres de la série "Industry and Idleness" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - A Country Inn-Yard par Vincent Brault, publié le 07/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "A Country Inn-Yard" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Simon Lord Lovat par Vincent Brault, publié le 06/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Simon Lord Lovat" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Garrick in King Richard III par Vincent Brault, publié le 06/05/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Garrick in King Richard III" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Battle of the Pictures par Vincent Brault, publié le 19/04/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Battle of the Pictures" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Bishop Hoadly par Vincent Brault, publié le 19/04/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Bishop Hoadly" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Martin Folkes, Esq. par Vincent Brault, publié le 19/04/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Martin Folkes, Esq." du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Marriage à-la-mode par Vincent Brault, publié le 19/04/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Marriage à-la-mode" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Taste in High Life par Vincent Brault, publié le 19/04/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Taste in High Life" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Characters and Caricaturas par Vincent Brault, publié le 19/04/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Characters and Caricaturas" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Enraged Musician par Vincent Brault, publié le 26/03/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "The Enraged Musician" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Strolling Actresses Dressing par Vincent Brault, publié le 12/03/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Strolling Actresses Dressing" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - Four Times of the Day par Vincent Brault, publié le 11/03/2013
Reproductions commentées des quatre oeuvres de la série "Four Times of the Day" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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William Hogarth - The Pool of Bethesda and The Good Samaritan par Vincent Brault, publié le 01/03/2013
Reproductions commentées des oeuvres "The Pool of Bethesda" et "The Good Samaritan" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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