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leadIamge [Fiche] The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood frequently represented desire through the figure of the prostitute, be it in a realistic British context or, more frequently, in an eroticised and exoticised recreation of the harem in the Oriental present or ancient times. Resorting to biblical or mythological (...)
leadIamge [Conférence] Rachel Rogers outlines in this talk the beginnings of the "new social history", a field of history which came to prominence after the Second World War and endeavoured to bring the actions of men and women within social and political movements to light. She then provides an overview of (...)
leadIamge [Article] Although the 18th century has often been characterised as a libertine age, the Victorian era is frequently remembered for its strict moral codes, social conservatism, and sexual repression, particularly concerning women's sexuality. This paper examines 19th-century attitudes toward female (...)
leadIamge [Fiche] In 2021, the South African novelist and playwright Damon Galgut was awarded the Booker Prize for The Promise. This novel indirectly addresses the inheritances of the Apartheid system through the dislocation of an Afrikaner family from Pretoria over four decades. Focusing on onomastics, (...)
leadIamge [Fiche] A taste for Gothic literature and painting emerged in 18th-century British society. The fascination for terrifying subjects was theorised in Edmund Burke’s well-known essay, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, published in 1757. His ideas (...)
leadIamge [Article] Nous résumerons ici des travaux fascinants en sciences cognitives, visant à mieux cerner la nature et le fonctionnement des connaissances phonologiques (réceptives et productives, phonémiques et prosodiques) dans le cerveau humain. Nous résumerons également des démarches (...)


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19/10/2024 - 16/03/2025, Palais Galliera, Paris.


19/03/2025 - 22/03/2025, Saint-Étienne


29/02/2024 - 28/09/2025, Musée du Louvre, Paris.


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Contributeurs et contributrices

Le volet anglais compte 261 contributeurs et contributrices. La liste est disponible sur notre annuaire.