William Hogarth - «England»
The mirth, good humour, and air of content, in the countenances of the figures here introduced, present a striking contrast to the lank and meagre personages in the preceding Print; and strongly evince the alacrity of all parties, in coming forward to support their Country's interest.
The scene is laid at the sign of William the brave Duke of Cumberland, who is mounted on a proud charger. On the table, out of doors, a buttock of beef invites attention. The Soldier has laid his sword across the latter, and the Sailor has placed his pistols over a tankard of strong beer.
The paper lying on the table is the celebrated national song of "Rule, Britannia" and the little Fidler playing "God save the King," is the same whom we have seen in "The March to Finchley." The back ground exhibits a Serjeant drilling a company of young Recruits.
In the group on the right, a gallant Peasant relinquishes the guidance of the plough, to wield a musket; and, lest his being under the standard should cause his rejection, he is deceiving the Seijeant by standing on tip-toe.
On the opposite side a Grenadier is chalking on the w all of the public house a figure of his Majesty of France, whose robe is covered with fleurs-de-lis; and, agreeably to the custom of that day, a label is appended to his mouth with the following sentences: —"You take a' my fine ships; you be de pirate; you be de teef; me send my grand armies, and hang you all! " In correspondence with this threat, the Grand Monarque grasps in one hand a gibbet, and lays the other on his sword. This circumstance excites the mirth of the Soldier and Sailor, who, with their Girls, are standing by, and seem greatly to enjoy this chef d'oeuvre of art. One of the latter places her fore-finger against the prongs of a fork, to shew (Mr. Ireland observes) that the performance has some point, while the other measures the capacious breadth of the Military Artist's shoulders.
Pour citer cette ressource :
William Hogarth - England, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2013. Consulté le 07/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/arts/peinture/william-hogarth-england