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Il y a 158 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Images of Erudite Femininity: Capturing the learned/ knowledgeable woman in 19th-century visual arts (part 2: Pre-Raphaelite artists' female perspective) par Agathe Viffray, publié le 14/12/2023
Pre-Raphaelite women artists assimilated the type of the erudite woman that had been forged by their male counterparts: they complied with the canon, yet slightly shifted it by softening the usual rejection of the learned woman and emphasising the idea of freedom linked to the possession of knowledge. From the (twin) figures of the governess and the Angel in the House (two forms of possession of knowledge deemed acceptable for women by Victorian society) to the image of the sorceress (the embodiment of Evil), by way of the representation or lack of representation of the professional scholar woman, we shall endeavour to embrace the different types of knowledgeable women created by women artists in 19th-century British art.
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Generic reference: the exceptional status of human nouns par Ismaël Zaïdi, publié le 25/09/2023
This article examines the particular status of generic references (statements that assign a characteristic to a class or subclass) that concern human subjects. While such statements are often described as interchangeable, our study shows that each form of generic reference has social implications when human subjects are under study. Between non-acceptability, the expression of stereotypes and a need for context which is usually absent in studies, human nouns highlight more than ever the relationship between grammar and semantics within generic references.
From National Literatures to World Literature par Suagata Bhaduri, publié le 02/03/2023
If, rather than being rooted in sectarian identity politics, reading strategies for literary and cultural practice have to be other-regarding, and not be cocooned within one’s self-same monolingual and monocultural universes, it calls for translation and comparative literature – where one goes beyond literary and cultural texts in one’s own language and reaches out to the other – to become mainstays of such a practice. To what extent would an emphasis on going beyond one’s own identitarian literary universes require one to align with the project of World Literature, considering further the question of access to ‘worlding’ and canonization in a deeply differential globalized world? The role played by translation and comparative literature in leading pedagogic praxes beyond national monolingual literatures towards the ethical and other-regarding project of World Literature will be examined in this lecture with particular reference to the Bengali author Rabindranath Tagore’s views on the same.
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Literature, Sound and the Egyptian Uprising par Jumana Bayeh, publié le 12/01/2023
Egypt's Arab Spring was experienced as a mediated event in two notable ways. First, in the immediate successes of Tahrir Square, Facebook was heralded as a fundamental agent of the uprising and responsible for the fall of Mubarak. Second, the failure of the 'Spring' with the election of an Islamist and a counter-revolution that saw the rise of a military dictatorship, news reports sought to make sense of the country's rapidly flailing political fortunes. Missing from both these forms of mediation are the voices of the rioters, their coordinated spontaneity and their very acts of resistance. While numerous images of the protests were captured, individual stories and lives were drowned out by the raucous cacophony of the masses. Assuming an extended view of the media terrain that recorded the uprising, this seminar seeks to recover the lost voices of Egypt's Arab Spring. It focuses on two novels by Robert Omar Hamilton and Yasmin El Rashid to drill down into how intimate stories and individual voices provide an alternative method to inform our knowledge of crowd violence. It will illustrate how narrative discourses can contribute in critical and strategic ways to reclaiming what has been lost or unheard in the seeming media decadence that characterised the uprising.
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‘Literary Theory’, Ideology-Critique, and Beyond par Saugata Bhaduri, publié le 11/01/2023
This first lecture focuses on recent developments in the area of Literary Theory, or to be more specific, on how ideology critique, which would have been one of the methodological mainstays of reading literature and culture under the aegis of Literary Theory, has been challenged over the last couple of decades, in the form of post-critical and post-theoretical developments, to lead to more ‘affective’ modes of dealing with literature and culture. The move, from the late 1990s, towards literary pedagogic practices being oriented more towards affect and enjoyment has been complicated, however, over the last few years with an unforeseen rise in cybernetic cultures including the social media, the global rise of sectarianism and new-fascisms, and the unforeseen pandemic situation, having ushered discursivity and narrativity, on an unprecedented scale, into regimes of fake news and post-truth. Is there a need, therefore, to revitalize ideology critique as one of the primary modes of studying literature and culture? Or, considering that ideology is itself, by definition, false consciousness, and ideological interpellation is always connected to projections of identities, and thus identity politics, is there a need for strengthening a literary critical practice that is otherwise than ideological – premised on a robust economy of Truth and an ethical outlook of being other-regarding, rather than being sectarian and identitarian?
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Alienation and defamiliarization in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah (2013) par Annalena Geisler, publié le 15/06/2022
In Americanah, Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie tells the story of high school lovers Ifemelu and Obinze, their experiences of migration to the US and the UK, and their reunion 13 years later back in Nigeria. Through the means of defamiliarization and the depiction of Ifemelu’s sense of alienation in the US, Adichie sheds new light on America’s relationship with race and racism.
Rencontre avec Thomas Chatterton Williams autour de son livre Self-Portrait in Black and White: Unlearning Race (2019) par Thomas Chatterton Wiliams, publié le 24/06/2021
Des élèves de première et terminale du lycée Blaise Pascal à Charbonnières-les-Bains ont rencontré l'auteur Thomas Chatterton Williams dans le cadre du Littérature Live Festival de la Villa Gillet. Des groupes qui suivent l'enseignement de spécialité LLCER anglais et LLCER anglais monde contemporain, ainsi que des groupes de la section européenne anglais, ont pu échanger avec l'auteur autour de son livre Self-Portrait in Black and White: Unlearning Race, paru en 2019.
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The Travelers, Regina Porter (2019) par Jillian Bruns, publié le 23/02/2021
Fiche de lecture du roman "The Travelers" de Regina Porter.
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West Side Story then and now: the representation of Puerto Rican immigrants in the 1961 film and the 2021 remake par Lucas Leone Coutinho Miranda Frota, publié le 30/12/2020
[Fiche] Based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story holds an important place within American culture: it started as a Broadway success, became an Oscar-winning movie in the early 1960s, and then was readapted to the big screen sixty years later by Steven Spielberg. This article analyzes how key issues such as immigration and territory are particularly addressed in each film, as well as how the racial and gender portrayal of Puerto Ricans living in mid-20th century New York City has evolved from one version to another.
Giving Voice in Mike Lew’s Teenage Dick: Disability in a Modern Rewriting of Richard III par Méline Dumot, publié le 09/10/2020
This article examines a contemporary rewriting of Shakespeare’s Richard III by Chinese-American playwright Mike Lew. In his play Teenage Dick (2018), Lew gives a new voice to Shakespeare’s well-known villain. Noticing that one of the most famous disabled characters in theatre history is rarely – if ever – performed by a disabled actor, Lew centers his play on Richard’s experience as a disabled teenager. The play questions our current vision of disability, both in the theatrical world and in our society. This article explores the ways in which Lew adapts the Shakespearean legacy to produce a new narrative and envisions the concept of accessibility in multiple ways.
Question d'actualité - Racisme structurel aux Etats-Unis par Marion Coste, publié le 18/06/2020
Cette page propose une série de ressources afin de traiter en classe des manifestations au lendemain de la mort de George Floyd, du mouvement Black Lives Matter et du racisme institutionnel aux Etats-Unis.
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Precarious Borders: The Nation-State and Arab Diaspora Literature par Jumana Bayeh, publié le 30/01/2020
In this talk, Jumana Bayeh (Macquarie University, Sydney), author of The Literature of the Lebanese Diaspora: Representations of Place and Transnational Identity (2014) outlines her latest project which proposes to trace the representation of borders and the nation-state across a century of Arab writing in English.
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"Ideas don't exist, except within emotions": Interview with Joshua Cohen par Joshua Cohen, Benjamin Ferguson, publié le 20/12/2019
Joshua Cohen is an American writer and literary critic, whose first collection of essays, ATTENTION: Dispatches from a Land of Distraction (2019) explores the notion of attention in today's society. In this interview, Joshua Cohen talks about writing for a global readership, being a novelist in the age of non-fiction, the effects of #MeToo on literary production and the invention of facts.
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Reconfigurations of space in Partition novels par Sandrine Soukaï, publié le 19/09/2019
This article examines two Indian novels Clear Light of Day (1980) by Anita Desai and The Shadow Lines (1988) by Amitav Ghosh along with Burnt Shadows (2009) by Anglo-Pakistani novelist Kamila Shamsie, books written about the Partition of India that accompanied independence in 1947. Partition led to violence on an enormous scale; the exact number of people who were killed has never been ascertained, and estimates vary between one and two million. Partition also caused massive displacements of population, estimated between 12 and 18 million. This paper examines the way in which space – national, familial and communal – was divided and then reshaped by and through Partition. After discussing the fractures, ruptures and uprooting brought about by this trauma, I will consider the way in which diasporic writers devise fictional maps of memory of the past that foster exchanges across geographical borders.
All men are created equal? Barack Obama and the American Revolution par Steven Sarson, publié le 28/03/2019
Barack Obama believes that the American nation's founding documents—the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution (including the Bill of Rights)—have been the driving forces of American history and remain the foundations of American politics today. In this talk we will explore Obama's analyses of these documents and of their legacies since, in particular in relation to slavery, the Civil War, Jim Crow, and Civil Rights. We will look at the words of Barack Obama, as derived from his writings and speeches, and also at historical sources from the time of the American Revolution, through the Civil War, and to the Civil Rights era.
Race and the three phases of the American Revolution par Olivier Richomme, publié le 25/03/2019
The American Revolution, the Civil War and Reconstruction period, along with the Civil Rights era can be seen as three phases of the same struggle for racial equality in the U.S. The Declaration of Independence established the revolutionary ideal of equality among men. This promise was not fulfilled by the Reconstruction Amendments. Some might argue that the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 the Voting Rights did not bring about true racial equality. In a sense, the American Revolution can be envisioned as a work in progress.
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Insurrection, the Paris Commune, and Leaves of Grass par Betsy Erkkilä, publié le 15/11/2018
Professeure invitée à l'ENS de Lyon, Betsy Erkkilä (Northwestern University) a donné une série de conférences sur Leaves of Grass de Walt Whitman. Dans cette deuxième conférence, elle explore l'influence des insurrections populaires en France sur le langage démocratique utilisé dans Leaves of Grass et sur la structure des différentes éditions du recueil.
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The Whitman Revolution: Why Poetry Matters par Betsy Erkkilä, publié le 12/11/2018
Professeure invitée à l'ENS de Lyon, Betsy Erkkilä (Northwestern University) a donné une série de conférences sur Leaves of Grass de Walt Whitman. Elle revient ici sur l'aspect révolutionnaire de la poésie de Whitman.
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“I, poor monster” (Twelfth Night, II. 2. 33): Monsters as Subjects in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest par Manon Turban, publié le 02/10/2018
This paper aims to study how the unusual characterisation of Caliban and Bottom as feeling and thinking subjects in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Tempest provokes the emergence of compassion, an emotion which monsters seldom inspired in the early modern period and which invites the audience to catch a glimpse of the mutability of human identity in these two monstrous characters.
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Measuring the Global Influence of a City par Hiroo Ichikawa, publié le 31/05/2018
Le professeur Hiroo Ichikawa de la Mori Memorial Foundation nous explique le fonctionnement du Global Power City Index qui classe les métropoles mondiales selon 70 critères. La définition de la « puissance » ("power") adoptée dans ce classement est large et repose aussi bien sur l'attractivité économique que le poids touristique ou l'efficacité énergétique et environnementale. Les métropoles s'appuient sur les résultats du rapport pour infléchir leurs politiques, et l'auteur souligne le rôle performatif de ce type de classements.
Dearborn, Michigan: a city divided by religion, race and class par Marion Coste, publié le 12/09/2017
Ce documentaire de 16 minutes intitulé "Dearborn, Michigan" explore la vie de cinq américains originaires de Dearborn, ville qui abrite la plus grande mosquée aux États-Unis. Il est ainsi particulièrement adapté au programme de seconde, dont l'entrée culturelle "l'art de vivre ensemble" permet une réflexion sur les villes et les territoires.
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The practical value of formal graphophonemic rules - insights from lexical frequency and linguistic competence par Monika Pukli, publié le 21/06/2017
This paper looks into some of the most well-known graphophonemic rules of English and seeks to determine the extent to which they can be relied on in the light of lexical frequency and learner proficiency. It aims at encouraging teachers and learners to adopt an explicit and constructive strategy to incorporate letter-to-sound rules in the learning process.
La présidence Obama ou la confirmation d’un renforcement institutionnel transpartisan de l’exécutif américain par Hamed Jendoubi, publié le 29/05/2017
La présidence américaine, dirigée par celui que l'on présente volontiers comme le « leader du monde libre », est aujourd'hui une institution bien plus puissante que lors de sa création en 1787. Cet article partira d'une analyse de la présidence de Barack Obama pour insister sur le caractère transpartisan de ce renforcement institutionnel, qui est aussi bien le fait de présidents démocrates que de leurs homologues républicains.
Immigration to the United States of America: Current Challenges and Debates par Anne-Kathrin Marquardt, publié le 11/05/2017
This paper, written in April 2017, gives an overview of recent immigration to the United States and the immigrant population of America. It outlines the consequences for the demographics and politics of the country and summarises the contentious issues in the debate around immigration reform. It focuses on executive action taken since 2012, during the Obama and Trump presidencies, right up to the present day.
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Churchill (2017) - Dossier pédagogique par Marion Coste, publié le 11/05/2017
Le film traite des derniers instants de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, peu de temps avant le débarquement de juin 1944. En ce sens, il s’agit du traitement du temps court. Toutefois, grâce au montage, le spectateur et les élèves sont amenés à revenir sur les grands instants de la Première et de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ils abordent ainsi les grandes transformations, militaires, politiques et diplomatiques du premier XXe siècle.
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Immigration to the United States of America - Glossary par Anne-Kathrin Marquardt, publié le 04/05/2017
This glossary comes with the paper “Immigration to the United States of America: current challenges and debates”, which was written in April 2017. An asterisk (*) refers to an entry in the glossary.
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Two for the Road / Voyage à deux (Stanley Donen - 1967) par Lionel Gerin, publié le 16/02/2017
Tout le monde connait le Stanley Donen de Singing in the Rain (Chantons sous la pluie, 1952), ou de On the Town (Un jour à New York, 1949), comédies musicales brillantes et hautement toniques, à revoir évidemment. On connaît moins le Stanley Donen de Charade (1963), et pas davantage celui de Two for the Road (Voyage à deux, 1967). Le film raconte une quinzaine d'années de la vie d'un couple, en l'occurence Albert Finney et Audrey Hepburn. Thème simple, banal même. Pourtant, il pose d'emblée le problème de la forme. Faut-il opter pour la linéarité et user de stratagèmes pour évoquer le passage du temps, ou bien recourir aux bons vieux flash-backs ?
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President Obama's Farewell Address - January 2017 par Marion Coste, publié le 12/01/2017
Obama a profité de son discours d'adieux pour faire le bilan de ses deux mandats et rendre hommage à sa femme et ses filles, ainsi qu'à son Vice-Président, Joe Biden. "Yes We Did", a-t-il conclu. La Clé anglaise vous propose une transcription de ce discours d'adieux, ainsi qu'une retransmission de son allocution. Cette retranscription, qui provient du site officiel de la Maison Blanche, a été divisée en plusieurs parties afin de faciliter la recherche d'extraits pouvant faire l'objet d'une étude en classe.
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Savoir poser des questions : la clé de l’accès à l’anglais par Jean-Pierre Gabilan, publié le 09/12/2016
« Donner aux élèves la maîtrise du questionnement, c’est d’abord les aider à résoudre le problème de fonctionnement de l’auxiliaire qui constitue une originalité majeure de la grammaire anglaise. Mais c’est aussi créer les conditions d’une plus grande authenticité de l’échange en classe : les questions d’élèves, souvent imprévues, ont toutes les caractéristiques de l’expression personnelle. » Ainsi s’exprimaient en 1985 les auteurs du manuel de collège Hello 6ème (Hatier) parmi lesquels figurait Robert ASSELINEAU, auquel je dois, comme d’autres anciens élèves-professeurs du C.R.F.P.E.G.C. de Paris-Auteuil l’essentiel de ma formation initiale d’angliciste et de professeur. Sans doute faudrait-il méditer avec l’attention nécessaire ces propos d’il y a trente ans.
Questions d'actualité : Décès de Fidel Castro, retour sur les relations entre les Etats-Unis et Cuba par Marion Coste, publié le 28/11/2016
L'annonce du décès de Fidel Castro est l'occasion de revenir sur l'histoire houleuse des relations entre les États-Unis et Cuba. Cette page regroupe plusieurs articles de journaux revenant sur le parcours de Castro, mais aussi des ressources sur le dégel des relations entre les deux pays amorcé par Barack Obama. Une courte vidéo publiée par le site d'information Vox permet de résumer à grands traits l'histoire entre les deux pays. Enfin, vous trouverez également sur cette page des articles universitaires sur l'avenir des relations américano-cubaines après la mort de Castro.
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Élections américaines : les discours clés par Marion Coste, publié le 10/11/2016
Nous vous proposons sur cette page les vidéos des discours de Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton et Barack Obama à l'issue des élections américaines, ainsi que les transcriptions de ces discours. Certains passages ont été mis en gras par la Clé afin de faire ressortir les idées charnières. Nous vous proposons également quelques pistes d'analyse.
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Antoine Sire présente L'héritière (William Wyler - 1949) par Antoine Sire, publié le 18/10/2016
Antoine Sire est l'auteur de Hollywood, la Cité des femmes, premier ouvrage à retracer avec précision la trajectoire des femmes qui ont construit le mythe hollywoodien. Il est venu présenter le film L'héritière de William Wyler le 11 octobre 2016 au Comoedia dans le cadre du Festival Lumière et de la rétrospective consacrée aux actrices de l'âge d'or d'Hollywood.
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Imitation of Life / Mirage de la vie (Douglas Sirk - 1959) par Lionel Gerin, publié le 07/10/2016
Le film raconte l'ascension et le succès de Lora (Lana Turner) qui, partie de rien, sacrifie sa vie amoureuse pour sa carrière d'actrice. Elle est aidée par Annie, une femme noire qu'elle héberge, et qui est tout à la fois femme de ménage, nounou, secrétaire, dame de compagnie. Toutes deux sont veuves et ont une fille. Il s'agit donc, entre autres, d'une histoire de réussite, mais c'est d'une self-made woman dont il est véritablement question ici, d'une incarnation féminine du rêve américain et des problèmes spécifiques que cela pose. Le film joue sur des couples: mère/fille, noire/blanche, riche/pauvre.
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Republican Electoral Strategy after Realignment: Electioneering and the Ideological Shift par Andrew Ives, publié le 29/02/2016
This article argues that the ideological shift undertaken by the Republican Party in the late 1970s, namely the move away from the consensus politics of Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism towards the so-called Reagan Revolution, was motivated primarily by electoral considerations and the pursuit of power. The southern strategy, the adoption of socially conservative policies and the embracing of supply side economics, are analyzed in light of their electoral appeal, and are seen as a delayed response to the New Deal realignment of 1930-32.
Élections présidentielles américaines 2016 - Les primaires par Fabien Poète, publié le 19/02/2016
La Clé des langues vous propose un article sur les primaires américaines permettant de faire le point sur les candidats encore en lice (Hillary Clinton et Bernie Sanders pour les démocrates, John Kasich, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio et Donald Trump pour les républicains), de résumer les grandes lignes de leurs programmes et de retracer les moments importants de leurs campagnes. L'article renvoie vers de nombreux liens (articles de journaux, extraits vidéos) pouvant faire l'objet d'une étude en classe.
Brigitte Gauthier : Harold Pinter et le théâtre de la distorsion par Brigitte Gauthier, publié le 03/12/2015
Brigitte Gauthier nous rappelle dans cet entretien les grandes thématiques du théâtre d'Harold Pinter. Celui-ci dépeint les enjeux des interactions entre les individus et adopte une neutralité absolue: il se fait le témoin des "nuances marécageuses" dans lesquelles disparaissent toute règle, afin de nous prévenir du danger politique et des enjeux humains essentiels. Son théâtre est celui de la fragmentation, de la distorsion narrative et linguistique.
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Vertigo / Sueurs froides (Alfred Hitchcock - 1958) par Lionel Gerin, publié le 30/11/2015
Alfred Hitchcock ou l'une des incarnations possibles du cinéma. Si, comme le dit Capra, "le film est une maladie", alors le grand Alfred a vraiment soigné le mal par le mal. L'un de ses grands films malades (pour reprendre une expression de Truffaut) est Vertigo. Nous sommes en 1958. Entre 1954 et 1955, il a tourné trois films avec Grace Kelly : Dial M for Murder, Rear Window, To Catch a Thief. Elle représente son idéal féminin, comme il le définit: "le feu sous la glace". Elle est, comme on le sait, partie sous d'autres cieux. Fait unique dans la filmographie d'Hitchcock, il tourne alors trois films sans héroïne digne de ce nom, c'est-à-dire désirable: Trouble with Harry, The Man Who Knew Too Much (remake de sa version anglaise de 1934) et The Wrong Man. Puis vient Vertigo.
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Hitchcock/Truffaut (2015 - Kent Jones) par Serge Toubiana, publié le 21/10/2015
A l'occasion du Festival Lumière 2015, Serge Toubiana, directeur de la Cinémathèque française, présente le documentaire Hitchcock/Truffaut qui retrace la rencontre et la collaboration entre les deux cinéastes. Ce texte est une transcription de son intervention.
Nickolas Butler: On Rural America par Nickolas Butler, publié le 15/09/2015
Until about a year ago, I had lived my whole life in urban areas. The smallest cities I had ever called home was likely during graduate school, when I commuted between Arden Hills, Minnesota (population: 9,704) and Iowa City, Iowa (population: 67,862). And in fairness to Arden Hills and Iowa City, both communities are much larger than their census estimates, due in part to their proximity to other larger growing cities, and their migrating student populations. The largest city I had ever called home was Chicago, where I once lived for a year during college, in a small room so close to the elevated train tracks I could have thrown a baseball and hit the passing EL.
Taiye Selasi: On Emotions par Taiye Selasi, publié le 31/08/2015
How do writers succeed in submerging us in situations so unlike our own lives? I would argue that, as a reader, I have yet to encounter a situation in literature "unlike" my life. The demographic details may differ: Charlotte is a spider, I am a human; Teju Cole's narrators are men, I am a woman; many of Toni Morrison's characters are mothers, I am not. The list of things that I am not is long: white, male, a parent, a soldier, Chinese-speaking, South American, a witness to any war.
Meritocracy (David Samuels) par David Samuels, publié le 11/06/2015
“Meritocracy” is the comic honorific that the American elite has awarded to itself in recognition of its accomplishments since the end of the Cold War. The coinage has proved to be a lasting and significant one because it does so many kinds of necessary work at once. “Meritocracy” assuages the inherent tension that exists between the terms “elite” and “popular democracy” by suggesting that the new American elite has earned its position in an entirely democratic way. Yes, we do have an elite, the word admits, as other nations do: but our elite merely consists of the most “meritorious” members of our democracy, and so any potentially troubling contradiction dissolves in a pleasurable way that both the early Puritans and their plutocratic descendents might easily recognize. The fortunes of the founders of Google and Facebook provide us with reassuring proof that the more we have, the more deserving we are.
Le corps dans les réécritures zombies de Pride and Prejudice par Véronique Maillard, Virginie Thomas, publié le 06/05/2015
Nombreuses sont les réécritures fantastiques de textes canoniques datant du XIXe siècle. Ce phénomène à la mode se caractérise par l’introduction de créatures surnaturelles au sein d’œuvres réalistes. Pride and Prejudice de Jane Austen est l’une de ces œuvres prisées des auteurs contemporains se livrant à ce type de pratique littéraire. C’est ainsi que deux auteurs différents, Seth Grahame-Smith et Steve Hockensmith, se sont intéressés à cette œuvre. Seth Grahame-Smith a, le premier, « révisé » le texte de Jane Austen en une version zombie intitulée Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2009), suite à quoi Steve Hockensmith a écrit un prequel et un sequel respectivement intitulés Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Dawn of the Dreadful (2010) et Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Dreadfully Ever After (2011)
Qu'est-ce qu'un acte d'écriture ? Analyse d'un cas : les promesses de mémoire adressées aux morts du 11/9 par Béatrice Fraenkel, publié le 29/01/2015
Dans le cadre de la construction d'une anthropologie pragmatique de l'écriture, Béatrice Fraenkel, anthropologue et directrice d'étude à l'EHESS, interrogera cette notion, à partir d'une analyse de cas : celui des "promesses de mémoire" (ex. "we will never forget you") recueillies à New York après le 11/9. Il s'agira à la fois de proposer une analyse des énoncés comme actes de langage (Austin), comme acte d'écriture, en prenant appui sur leur matérialité (affichage, autographie, signature etc) et la situation dans laquelle ils sont produits, et de proposer une interprétation concernant la mémoire promise par ces actes d'écriture, en prenant appui sur les travaux d'Arendt, d'Halbwachs et de Ricoeur.
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End of Story par Avital Ronell, publié le 19/01/2015
"For my part, I practice affirmative dissociation. Prompted mostly by a Nietzschean will to fiction and love of masks, I “fake it ‘til I make it,” assuming shrewd yet fragile identities, rotating signatures, reappropriating for myself syntactical maneuvers and rhetorical feints."
The Politics of Fear par Corey Robin, publié le 19/12/2014
In my 2004 book Fear: The History of a Political Idea, I argued that “one day, the war on terrorism will come to an end. All wars do. And when it does, we will find ourselves still living in fear: not of terrorism or radical Islam, but of the domestic rulers that fear has left behind.” When I wrote “one day,” I was thinking decades, not years. I figured that the war on terror—less the invasions, wars, torture, drone attacks, and assassinations than the broader atmosphere of pervasive and militarized dread, what Hobbes called “a tract of time, wherein the will to contend by battle is sufficiently known” and an enemy is perceived as permanent and irrepressible—would continue at least into the 2010s, if not the '20s. Yet even before Osama bin Laden was killed and negotiations with the Taliban had begun, it was clear that the war on terror, understood in those terms, had come to an end.
Heaven's Gate / La porte du paradis (Michael Cimino -1980) par Lionel Gerin, publié le 12/12/2014
1978. Deer Hunter / Voyage au bout de l'enfer. Bien qu'avare du mot, je l'ose ici: chef d'œuvre absolu. N'en déplaise aux détracteurs, à ceux qui y voient, à grand tort, un film (de plus) sur le Vietnam. Deer Hunter est un immense film, profondément américain. Faut-il être aveugle pour y lire un message impérialiste, malgré cette dernière scène poignante, si souvent incomprise. Chef d'oeuvre, donc. Presque trois ans plus tard, sort Heaven's Gate, le plus grand désastre financier du cinéma américain, mais qu'importe! Combien de tableaux Van Gogh a-t-il vendu? Combien d'exemplaires Rimbaud a-t-il écoulé?
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Fractions et infractions dans The Heart of Whiteness de Rehad Desai : les stigmates de l’apartheid par Stéphane Sitayeb, publié le 06/11/2014
Stéphane Sitayeb propose une analyse de The Heart of Whiteness (2005), un road movie documentaire de Rehad Desai qui interroge l’identité des blancs en Afrique du Sud. L’Afrikaner est-il un étranger en Afrique ou un autochtone ? Desai étudie les stigmates de l’Apartheid sur la société sud-africaine contemporaine en observant les clivages qui opposent encore aujourd’hui les noirs et les blancs dont certains s’estiment victimes d’une ségrégation inversée, une vengeance de la population noire. Le réalisateur cultive une double stratégie de camouflage et d’exposition, ainsi que la technique du contrepoint : c’est uniquement dans la superposition entre discours et image, dans la lecture connexe du monologue en voix-off et de l’esthétique audio-visuelle que se révèle la corrélation entre fractions raciales et infractions juridiques.
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La Princesse et la Grenouille, une vision de l'Afrique en Amérique par Ethel Montagnani, publié le 06/11/2014
Spécialiste de Walt Disney et de la langue produite par Disney pour ses films d’animation, Ethel Montagnani nous parle de la vision de la communauté noire par Disney et particulièrement dans La Princesse et la Grenouille. Au fil des années, les studios Disney, fidèles à leur idéologie, et se présentant comme les heureux promoteurs des civilisations du monde, nous ont entraîné partout autour du globe. Ou plus exactement, partout, tout autour de leur vision du globe. On peut ainsi penser que la Chine, vue par les Studios, se résume à Mulan. L'Afrique a plus de chance puisqu'elle est représentée dans plusieurs films comme Le Roi Lion ou encore Tarzan. Toutefois, si ces deux films montrent des images saisissantes de la beauté des paysages africains, ils ne montrent rien de la complexité des rapports humains qui ont prévalu en Afrique du Sud pendant l'Apartheid. Pour s'en faire une idée, il faudra attendre la première princesse noire de l'histoire des Studios Disney, Tiana et son film La Princesse et la Grenouille, qui lui se déroule... en Louisiane, Mississippi, aux Etats-Unis.
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Rachel Cusk: Love narratives par Rachel Cusk, publié le 28/08/2014
If it’s true that we use narrative as a frame to make sense of the randomness of our human experience, then the story of romantic love might be seen as reflecting our profoundest anxieties about who and what we are, about what happens to us and why. The love narrative is ostensibly a story of progress, yet its true goal is to achieve an ending, a place of finality where nothing further needs to happen and the tension between fantasy and reality can cease. At the wedding of man and woman a veil is drawn, an ending arrived at: the reader closes the book, for marriage as it is lived represents the re-assertion of reality over narrative. Having committed this public act of participation and belief in the notion of life as a story, man and woman are left to order and confer meaning on their private experiences as best they can...
Rebellion (Rachel Cusk) par Rachel Cusk, publié le 30/05/2014
Chaque année, les invités des Assises Internationales du Roman rédigent la définition d'un mot de leur choix : il s'agit ici du mot "rebellion", défini par l'écrivaine anglaise Rachel Cusk.
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Embrace (Nicholson Baker) par Nicholson Baker, publié le 08/04/2014
Chaque année, les invités des Assises Internationales du Roman rédigent la définition d'un mot de leur choix : il s'agit ici du mot "embrace", défini par l'auteur américain Nicholson Baker.
Angela Davis: becoming an icon par Clifford Armion, publié le 24/03/2014
Séquence pédagogique en trois parties, autour de la militante américaine des droits de l'homme Angela Davis : 1. Angela Davis posters (Free Angela posters; Shepard Fairey artworks) / 2. Free Angela and All Political Prisoners (Free Angela trailer; Phonetics, the nuclear stress) / 3. Negotiating the Transformations of History (Extract from Angela Davis's The Meaning of Freedom; Grammar, the genitive)
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Angela Davis posters par Clifford Armion, publié le 07/02/2014
On October 13, 1970, Angela Davis was arrested in New York City by FBI agents. She soon became a global icon suggesting freedom, resilience, and the struggle for equality. Her image was used to illustrate many causes that sometimes had little to do with racial discrimination or the American Civil Rights movement.
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In Support of Affirmative Action par Randall Kennedy, publié le 06/02/2014
There are several good justifications for racial affirmative action in a society that has long been a pigmentocracy in which white people have been privileged and people of color oppressed. Affirmative action can ameliorate debilitating scars left by past racial mistreatment – scars (such as educational deprivation) that handicap racial minorities as they seek to compete with whites who have been free of racial subordination. Affirmative action can also counter racially prejudiced misconduct. True, an array of laws supposedly protect people in America from racial mistreatment. But these laws are notoriously under-enforced...
Negotiating the Transformations of History par Clifford Armion, publié le 27/01/2014
This is an extract from Angela Davis's The Meaning of Freedom, a collection of speeches and papers dealing with the author's life-long struggle against oppression, inequality and prejudice.
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Minorities and democracy par Siddhartha Deb, publié le 17/01/2014
In 1916, the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore delivered a series of lectures that would eventually be collected into the book, Nationalism. Tagore was writing in the glow of his own celebrity (he had just won the Nobel Prize for literature) and from within the heart of the crisis engulfing the modern world, two years into the slow, grim war that had converted Europe into a labyrinth of trenches covered over with clouds of poison gas. For Tagore, this was the tragic but inevitable outcome of a social calculus that valued efficiency, profit and, especially, the spirit of us versus them that bonded together the inhabitants of one nation and allowed them to go out, conquer and enslave other people, most of them members of no nation at all.
Rencontre avec Randall Kennedy par Randall Kennedy, Kédem Ferré, publié le 10/01/2014
Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy answered Aiguerande 11th graders before a conference at the Hôtel de Région for the Villa Gillet Mode d'Emploi festival, on 24 November 2013 in Lyon, France. The meeting was organised by the Villa Gillet and La Clé des Langues, and was prepared by Kédem Ferré and his students.
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Taking History Personnally par Cynthia Carr, publié le 12/12/2013
Two black men were lynched in Marion, Indiana, on the night of August 7, 1930. That was my father’s hometown, the town where I have my roots, and I heard this story when I was a little girl: The night it happened someone called my grandfather, whose shift at the Post Office began at three in the morning. "Don’t walk through the courthouse square tonight on your way to work," the caller said. "You might see something you don’t want to see." Apparently that was the punchline, which puzzled me. Something you don’t want to see. Then laughter. I was in my late twenties — my grandfather long dead — when I first came upon the photo of this lynching in a book. It has become an iconic image of racial injustice in America: two black men in bloody tattered clothing hang from a tree and below them stand the grinning, gloating, proud and pleased white folks.
In Praise of Babel par Robyn Creswell, publié le 22/11/2013
Like Jewish and Christian commentators, Muslim exegetes understood the Babel story to be a parable of how mankind’s hubris, in the form of a desire for knowledge or an attempt to reach the heavens, leads to divine punishment. The subsequent confusion of human idioms and scattering of peoples is a second fall from grace, an expulsion from the paradise of monolingualism. Henceforth, translation becomes at once necessary and impossible—impossible in the sense that no translation could ever match the transparency of the original Ur-Sprache. So the Islamic tradition, like the Judaic one in particular, comes to bear a tremendous nostalgia for the lost language of Eden.
Goldie Goldbloom: Portraits and Faces - Appearance and Disfigurement par Goldie Goldbloom, publié le 27/09/2013
Chekhov is well known for his impartial observations of his characters and for his grasp of “realism”. When I first read his description of the lady with the little dog, I discovered that she is “a fair-haired young lady of medium height, wearing a beret.” I was puzzled. This less than enthusiastic description of the woman Gurov will come to love leaves out many basic details such as the colour of Anna Sergeyevna’s eyes and whether she has an attractive figure. I wondered why Chekhov departs from the wordier earlier traditions of written portraiture, and how his simple sketch of Anna illustrated the “realism” for which he is known.
Rebelling as a female in the 18th and 19th century literature. From Pamela to Jane Eyre: a path to equality? par Marion Lopez-Burette, publié le 23/09/2013
This article intends to study and compare the way Pamela, Richardson's early heroine of the novel genre, and Charlotte Brontë's romantic Jane, rebel. What follows will underscore the path trodden by female fictional characters in terms of shaping the individual, from the Enlightenment period to the romantic era. The patterns of entrapment and self-willed seclusion the protagonists are involved in function as incentives for rebellion. The ideals they rebel for play the role of living forces in a way that is meaningful to comprehend how the essence of rebellion evolved with time. No matter how much the protagonists' respective procedure may differ, from moral conservatism to personal answering of moral questions through rites of passage, the two female heroines are equally conscious of their value as human beings. Their handling of their hardships and their allegiance to God, however, points to the qualitative and quantitative evolution of the notion of equality.
Keith Scribner: Representation and Psychology of Conflict par Keith Scribner, publié le 27/08/2013
In his Nobel Prize acceptance speech William Faulkner famously said that all real meaning in fiction comes from the human heart in conflict with itself. As a novelist I’m compelled by the internal conflicts inherent in the stories we tell ourselves in order to live and how those stories come to define us, how they allow us to justify our actions and possibly delude ourselves about who we are. Like any narrative, these stories help us shape otherwise disparate experiences into a comprehensible form. Over time we become so heavily invested in these narratives that when their veracity is challenged, the resulting conflict can be explosive.
Hamlet (Charles Lamb) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/07/2013
Cette page retranscrit la version de Hamlet issue de l'ouvrage "Tales from Shakespeare". Ce recueil, écrit par Charles et Mary Lamb en 1807 est un livre pour enfants très connu en Angleterre. Chaque histoire suit fidèlement la pièce originale, citant parfois précisément le texte de Shakespeare. Les histoires sont cependant plus courtes que les pièces, car elles adoptent une narration en prose, et que les intrigues secondaires sont parfois raccourcies. Le niveau de langue est évidemment également simplifié.
Macbeth (Charles Lamb) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/07/2013
Cette page retranscrit la version de Macbeth issue de l'ouvrage "Tales from Shakespeare". Ce recueil, écrit par Charles et Mary Lamb en 1807 est un livre pour enfants très connu en Angleterre. Chaque histoire suit fidèlement la pièce originale, citant parfois précisément le texte de Shakespeare. Les histoires sont cependant plus courtes que les pièces, car elles adoptent une narration en prose, et que les intrigues secondaires sont parfois raccourcies. Le niveau de langue est évidemment également simplifié.
King Lear (Charles Lamb) par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/07/2013
Cette page retranscrit la version du Roi Lear issue de l'ouvrage "Tales from Shakespeare". Ce recueil, écrit par Charles et Mary Lamb en 1807 est un livre pour enfants très connu en Angleterre. Chaque histoire suit fidèlement la pièce originale, citant parfois précisément le texte de Shakespeare. Les histoires sont cependant plus courtes que les pièces, car elles adoptent une narration en prose, et que les intrigues secondaires sont parfois raccourcies. Le niveau de langue est évidemment également simplifié.
William Hogarth - Characters and Caricaturas par Vincent Brault, publié le 19/04/2013
Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre "Characters and Caricaturas" du graveur anglais William Hogarth.
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Amending Mariana in Measure for Measure par Michael Dobson, publié le 11/04/2013
With all of this provocative and intriguing play to choose from, complete with a beguiling cast list that includes figures as complex and compelling as Angelo, Isabella, and the Duke, I have chosen to discuss the person who may seem in her own right the least interesting of the six newly-married, betrothed-and-expecting, or potentially betrothed characters who dominate Measure for Measure’s final tableau: Mariana.
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After Obamacare: The New Stakes of US Healthcare Policy par Alondra Nelson, publié le 21/02/2013
The new stakes for healthcare policy in the U.S. are apparent in what Obamacare concretized — the further privatization and stratification of healthcare—and what it left unsaid—the assertion of a right to health. Solutions lie outside of the formal domain of policy and in the realm of ethics and human rights. Yet, it is hard to imagine the application of these remedies at a time when life can be taken with impunity and in a world in which the US kills through drone warfare with each bomb carrying not only the threat of death but also the message that some lives matter less than yours or mine.
Measure for Measure in Performance par Estelle Rivier, Delphine Lemonnier-Texier, Isabelle Schwartz-Gastine, publié le 17/02/2013
Ce dossier a été réalisé à partir des interventions de la journée d'étude "Measure for measure in performance", consacrée à l'oeuvre de William Shakespeare
Can Religion Make you Free? A Sermon on Diabolical Happiness par Simon Critchley, publié le 15/02/2013
"What is it that makes human beings happy? In a word, bread. And here we return to Jesus’ answers to the Devil’s desert temptations. In refusing to transform miraculously the stones into loaves, Jesus rejected bread for the sake of freedom, for the bread of heaven."
The Intensive Care Unit: A Place of Technology and Myth par Cécile Guilbert, publié le 22/01/2013
If we follow Giorgio Agamben, who defined “religion as that which subtracts things, places, animals and persons from common use to transfer them into a separate sphere,” the intensive care unit seems to be a sacred place within the hospital because it is special, separate, and governed by specific protocols, whether we’re talking about reduced visiting hours or its bunker-like nature (like the operating room and the morgue). And because it’s the place of suspension between life and death, a passageway between the conscious and the unconscious, or between presence and absence, intensive care is the place for all sorts of metaphysical questions, in the form of oxymora. What’s at stake here, for the patient—a dying life? A living death? What then is life? and death?
Not Looking for Love par Chris Kraus, publié le 17/12/2012
As women, we are often identified through our choice of sexual partners. When an “attractive” woman has sex with an ugly man, it is a descent into “abjection.” But why? Clearly, it is because as women, we are still believed to attain most of our identities through sexuality. In the present assimilationist climate, any non-monogamous, non-relational sexual act is read as a symptom of emotional damage. Our culture persists in believing that sex holds the magic key to a person’s identity — which is, of course, wrong — and in behaving as if female writers are uniquely charged with upholding the sacred intimacy of the sexual act.
Video game theory par Liel Leibovtiz, Claire Richard, publié le 05/12/2012
TV requires you to interpret, to find meaning, to reject meaning, to make up new meaning, to negociate. Video games aren’t like that. Video games require you to do something else. You turn on a video game, and immediately you exist in three separate forms : you are that self on the couch, sitting in the physical space, watching the TV, holding the remote in your hand, you are the avatar on the screen, the character which you control and manipulate, and you’re a sort of third entity, an amalgamation of the two of you, of real and unreal, person and avatar, of gamer and character.
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The cultural perception of the American land: a short history par Mireille Chambon-Pernet, publié le 20/11/2012
The importance of land and nature in the American culture is widely known. The Pilgrim Fathers who landed on the coast of the Massachussetts in 1620 were looking for freedom which was both spiritual and material. The latter derived from land ownership, as a landowner called no man master. Yet, in 1893, Jackson Turner announced that: “the American character did not spring full-blown from the Mayflower” “ It came out of the forests and gained new strength each time it touched a frontier”.
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Kate Colquhoun on the blurred boundaries between fiction and non-fiction par Kate Colquhoun, publié le 11/09/2012
Truman Capote called his 1966 book In Cold Blood the first non-fiction novel. Since then, the boundaries between fiction and non-fiction have become increasingly blurred. Are these false definitions? At least we could say that novelists are able to articulate the internal worlds – the thoughts and feelings – of their characters while non-fiction relies entirely on evidence.
Introduction au précis de phonétique et de phonologie par Natalie Mandon, Manuel Jobert, publié le 03/09/2012
La phonologie de l’anglais constitue l’un des trois « savoirs linguistiques » de la langue avec le lexique et la grammaire. Elle concerne trois des cinq compétences : la « compréhension de l’oral », « l’expression orale en continu » et « l’interaction orale ». Malgré les efforts fournis par les auteurs de manuels de langue, il semble que la connaissance des principes de base de la prononciation de l’anglais reste le plus souvent ignorée. La grammaire et la production écrite occupent l’essentiel du temps d’apprentissage. On compte sur l’exposition à l’anglais oral pour régler les problèmes liés à la langue orale. La réalité prouve pourtant que cette simple exposition, si elle est nécessaire, n’est pas suffisante.
Helen Oyeyemi on haunted house novels par Helen Oyeyemi, publié le 18/06/2012
"You read of extreme cases of jamais vu in the newspapers. There was one recently involving a husband who, after eighteen years of happy stability with his wife, told her he had a surprise for her. He blindfolded her, then ‘hit her over the head with the blunt end of an axe, fracturing her skull in three places.’ She survived and tried to forgive him, even vouched for his good character in court. The husband-turned-attacker, unable to explain his moment of terminal hostility, deferred to psychiatrists who offered the opinion that it was his past that had caused it. "
Jonathan Dee on the place of the novel in a money-driven society par Jonathan Dee, publié le 13/06/2012
About money there is nothing new. Nor about social inequity. When I wrote The Privileges, I was careful to leave out as many time-specific details as possible, because I felt that to tie its characters, and the lives they led, to the circumstances of a particular moment in history was to excuse them, in a way, and thus to miss the point of their existence...
Helen Oyeyemi reading from White is for Witching - Assises Internationales du Roman 2012 par Helen Oyeyemi, Patricia Armion, publié le 08/06/2012
Helen Oyeyemi took part in the sixth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. She was kind enough to read an extract from White is for Witching, her stunning Neo-Gothic novel.
Sepia par Eleanor Bryce, publié le 20/03/2012
Sépia est une BD de Nicolas Brachet et Alexis Segarra traduite en anglais par Eleanor Bryce, lectrice à l’ENS de Lyon. Découvrez le voyage sous-marin de Masahiro Mori, calligraphe à la recherche de l’encre parfaite. A l’heure où l’écrit est souvent dissocié de son scripteur et de son support original par les rebonds d’internet, le coup de crayon d'Alexis Segarra nous laisse entrevoir l’amour du papier et de l’encre, l’écriture comme forme artistique. De très belles planches qui seront bientôt accessibles en italien, espagnol, allemand et arabe sur La Clé des langues...
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'Mr Neville says No' par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 17/02/2012
"Rabbit-proof fence" est un film dramatique australien réalisé par Phillip Noyce en 2002, à partir du roman de Doris Pilkington Garimara "Follow the Rabbit-proof fence". A partir d'un court extrait du film, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension et de phonétique.
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Narration in the Human Mind par Siri Hustvedt, publié le 16/02/2012
"Human beings are forever explaining themselves to themselves. This is the nature of our self-consciousness. We are not only awake and aware of the world around us, but are able to reflect on ourselves as actors in that world. We reason and we tell stories. Unlike our mammalian relatives who do not narrate their own lives, we become characters in our own tales, both when we recollect ourselves in the past and imagine ourselves in the future. Our ability to represent our experience in language - in those sounds and signs of our essential intersubjectivity - allows us the necessary symbolic alienation required for mental time travel..."
For Free Union in Criticism par Pierre Bayard, publié le 14/02/2012
The idea of attributing old works to new authors is not original. It has long been practiced by those lovers of literature, our students, who do not hesitate to attribute The Old Man and the Sea to Melville or War and Peace to Dostoevsky. What is interesting is that this kind of reinvention is not always properly appreciated by teachers. Students are not the only readers to practice reattribution. Scientific discoveries have on occasion forced historians of literature - and even more, of art - to ascribe works to creators other than those to whom they were at first incorrectly attributed...
Disruptive Kinship par Judith Butler, Hélène Cixous, Avital Ronell, publié le 20/01/2012
Que se passe-t-il lorsque les relations et les communautés ne dépendent plus, pour se développer, d'une formation naturelle ou de certains réseaux préexistants, mais créent leurs propres mouvements, souvent difficilement contrôlables ? Les affinités ont peu à voir avec les liens familiaux et les structures codifiées socialement. Elles ne jaillissent pas d'une source commune, ni d'une quelconque communauté. Au contraire, elles conduisent à des assemblages inattendus, à des agrégats de personnes et d'êtres qui défient les arrangements prétendument naturels. What happens when relations and community do not depend on natural formations or grids for their unfolding but create their own, often untrackable movements? Affinities have little to do with family ties or socially codified structures. They do not well up from a common spring or identified community. Rather, they lead to unexpected pairings and conglomerates of people and beings that defy supposedly natural arrangements.
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Chords and Discords - Musical Patterns of Affinities par Pierre Bayard, Wendy Lesser, François Noudelmann, publié le 20/01/2012
Les « tables d'affinités » établies par les chimistes ont souvent servi de modèle aux rencontres sentimentales. Or, la concordance et la discordance qui résultent des affinités sont plus proches des phénomènes musicaux, où les associations redistribuent infiniment les correspondances harmoniques. Pierre Bayard, auteur de Comment parler des livres que l'on n'a pas lus, abordera cette question avec Wendy Lesser, auteur de Music for Silenced Voices : Shostakovich and His Fifteen Quartets, et François Noudelmann, qui explore, dans Le Toucher les philosophes (en cours de traduction) la relation que Barthes, Sartre et Nietzsche avaient avec leur propre pratique du piano. The affinity tables established by chemists served as models for sentimental encounters. But the concordance and discordance resulting from affinities are closer to musical phenomena, where associations infinitely redistribute harmonic correlations. Pierre Bayard, author of How to Talk About Books You Haven't Read, will discuss this topic with Wendy Lesser, author of Music for Silenced Voices: Shostakovich and His Fifteen Quartets, and François Noudelmann, who explores in Le toucher des philosophes (to be translated) the relationship that Barthes, Sartre and Nietzsche had to their own practise of the piano.
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Conscious and Unconscious Narrative Literature, Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience par Siri Hustvedt, Lionel Naccache, publié le 20/01/2012
Nous passons une grande partie de notre vie à élaborer des fictions, à nous raconter des histoires et à en raconter aux autres. La narration est profondément enracinée dans l'esprit humain, à un niveau à la fois conscient et inconscient. Produire une narration est une façon de donner du sens à l'expérience factuelle. Mais les fictions créées par le cerveau humain et celles que les romanciers imaginent sont-elles de même nature ? L'écrivain américain Siri Hustvedt et le neurobiologiste français Lionel Naccache exprimeront leurs points de vue originaux, pénétrants et empathiques sur cette question. We all spend our time constructing fictions, telling stories to ourselves and to others. Narration is deeply rooted in the human mind, at a conscious and unconscious level. Producing a narrative is a way of giving meaning to factual experience. Are the fictions created by the human brain and those imagined by novelists of the same nature? American writer Siri Hustvedt and French neurobiologist Lionel Naccache express their original, incisive and empathetic views on these questions.
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Beauty Contest - Human Beauty and its Social Construction par François Chaignaud, Jon-Jon Goulian, Silke Grabinger, Gressett Salette, publié le 20/01/2012
Les arts visuels, la mode et les médias ont largement contribué à la transformation de la notion de beauté au cours des dernières générations - la beauté ayant été traditionnellement perçue comme une extension de la féminité jusqu'à la fin du XXe siècle. Le féminisme et les mouvements gay, lesbien et queer ont brouillé les définitions de ce qui (et qui) est beau et ou ce qui (et qui) ne l'est pas. Les intervenants exploreront les réflexions et pratiques émancipatrices ayant contribué à révéler les structures cachées de la répression dans les domaines du genre, de la race et de l'âge, et ébranlé certains préjugés iconographiques obsolètes. Visual arts, fashion and media have strongly contributed to the transformation of the notion of beauty over the last few generations. Widely perceived of as an extension of femininity until the late 20th century, feminism and the gay, lesbian and queer movements have eroded clear definitions of who and what is beautiful - and who and what is not. French historian, dancer and choreographer François Chaignaud, American author of The Man in the Grey Flannel Skirt Jon-Jon Goulian, Austrian dancer and choreographer Silke Grabinger, and Salette Gressett, curatorial advisor for the exhibition at the Austrian Cultural Forum, will discuss how emancipatory artistic reflection and practice has fought to reveal the hidden structures of repression toward gender, race, and age and shake off antiquated visual preconceptions.
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The Actual Lives of Catherine Millet and Robert Storr par Catherine Millet, Robert Storr, publié le 19/01/2012
On both sides of the Atlantic, Catherine Millet and Robert Storr have played key rolesas witnesses and actorsin the transformations of the art world. Catherine Millet, author of bestsellers The Sexual Life of Catherine M and Jealousy and editor-in-chief of Art Press magazine, will join Robert Storr, former curator of MoMA and the dean of the School of Art at Yale University, to discuss their wide-ranging interests, their intermingled careers, and the current art scene.
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The Black Panther Party's fight against medical discrimination par Alondra Nelson, Claire Richard, publié le 09/01/2012
Claire Richard asks Alondra Nelson about a neglected and yet essential legacy of the Black Panther Party. When the party emerged in 1966, the Jim Crow laws had been dismantled and there was no legal support for discrimination in the United States, but there were still segregated practices within the healthcare sector. As the saying goes, when America has a cold, African Americans have pneumonia. The Black Panthers fought for healthcare equality as a way to achieve social justice. Alondra Nelson tells us about the clinics they created where they did basic healthcare but also screening and vaccination programs. They were asking for a universal healthcare system which the USA still don't have today...
Mise en perspective historique et politique des relations Blancs/Aborigènes en Australie par Isabelle Bénigno, publié le 05/01/2012
Le destin des tribus aborigènes a été scellé par l'arrivée des Européens en 1788. La première flotte de forçats transporte environ mille hommes et femmes. L'effectif britannique est à peu près identique à la tribu aborigène locale, la tribu des Eora, installée aux abords de Botany Bay.
Benang reflects on his ancestors par Kim Scott, ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/01/2012
A partir d'un extrait du roman "Benang", oeuvre de l'écrivain australien Kim Scott, traitant des projets eugénistes imaginés par certains colons en Australie, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension générale et détaillée, ainsi que de grammaire.
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Sally Morgan, Citizenship (1988) par Sally Morgan, ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/01/2012
Sally Morgan est une auteure et une artiste australienne aborigène. Ses travaux traitent des relations troublées entre aborigènes et population blanche en Australie au cours du XXème siècle. A partir d'une oeuvre de cette artiste, cette page propose plusieurs exercices d'analyse d'image.
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Aboriginal Australians and the white population, a troubled relationship par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 03/01/2012
Ce dossier sur les relations difficiles entre aborigènes et blancs en Australie regroupe trois ressources accompagnées d'exercices de compréhension et de production orales et écrites, ainsi que d'analyse d'image.
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“The shadow of the fifth”: patterns of exclusion in Doris Lessing’s The Fifth Child par Anne-Laure Brevet, publié le 06/12/2011
This study of The Fifth Child (1988) attempts to show that the eponymous character, a traumatic semi-human creature who neither assimilates into his ordinary family nor conforms to the demands of society impersonates a drive for disorder, chaos and violence undermining collective ideals. On the one hand, the fact that the alien child is not only excluded from family life but also from any type of “normal” human interaction, especially in Ben, in the World (2000), reveals hidden discordant notes that further lead to the disruption of his model family. On the other hand, as the symbol of a dark, destructive force fighting against enlightenment and progress, Ben’s inherently disruptive figure is a reminder of the two World Wars and the impersonation of social unrest. Through the various patterns of exclusion triggered off by his subversive presence, the fifth child reveals that the primitive dimension of the self and of humanity at large should be understood as part and parcel of human nature.
Shakespeare, Robert Greene et la théorie du plagiat : Nouveaux horizons par Jean-François Chappuit, publié le 10/11/2011
Quelques jours avant de mourir, Robert Greene compose un pamphlet dans lequel il assimile Shakespeare à « un corbeau arriviste paré de nos plumes ». Les « Désintégrateurs » ont vu dans cette invective une accusation de plagiat en référence à Horace et à la fable du Choucas paré des plumes d’autres oiseaux. Mais plusieurs difficultés demeurent dont le type d’oiseau en question, la trame narrative, le rôle des citations incluses dans la fable, le sens général de la fable. Dans les traditions grecque et latine, le thème commun de cette fable est la vanité de vouloir se faire autre que l’on est par nature, non l’accusation de plagiat. A la Renaissance, ces deux traditions fusionnent dans les collections humanistes. Je souhaite démontrer que la théorie du plagiat ne semble pas valide mais qu’en revanche le pamphlet de Robert Greene a une portée plus essentielle concernant Shakespeare, portée qui fonde son véritable intérêt.
Le théâtre US ultracontemporain par Brigitte Gauthier, publié le 04/07/2011
Le théâtre américain de la fin du 20e siècle est caractérisé par ses actions « hors bunker ». Au-delà des avant-gardes, il expérimente des formes de performances dans les rues, les parcs et les night clubs. Le théâtre devient à New York, the Scene, un monde de revendication ethniques et de libération sexuelle. La nouvelle frontière, c'est le hors les murs. Les enjeux politiques se radicalisent et un nouveau théâtre d'agit-propre s'empare du Net.
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Divisions in Glasgow go well beyond football par Tracy McVeigh, ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 01/07/2011
A partir d'un article de Tracy McVeigh, journaliste au Guardian, traitant des violences ayant eu lieu lors de match de football opposant les deux principaux clubs de Glasgow, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension générale et détaillée, ainsi que de grammaire.
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Katherine Mansfield’s Short Stories: An Introduction par Emilie Walezak , publié le 28/06/2011
Katherine Mansfield wrote short stories exclusively and produced a large body of work though she died quite young from tuberculosis when she was 30. She is one the best representatives of modernist short story writing. Virginia Woolf herself admitted to Mansfield that she was jealous of her writing: "and then Morgan Foster said the Prelude and The Voyage Out were the best novels of their time, and I said damn Katherine! Why can't I be the only woman who knows how to write?"
Sens de quelques petits riens dans le roman d’Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things par Fabienne Labaune, publié le 30/05/2011
Cet article se propose d'analyser le sens des petits riens qui donnent leur titre au roman. Ils seront vus comme un système de signes qui renvoient d'abord à la société et sont au service de la satire. Mais le déchiffrage de ces signes invite à voir le roman comme un palimpseste et les petits riens comme les signes de l'expérience traumatique ou de ses traces, donc comme les signes de l'exercice de la mémoire. Enfin, on montrera que les petits riens valent pour eux-mêmes, dans leur fragilité, et qu'ils renvoient à une conception de l'enfance et plus largement de l'écriture.