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'Mr Neville says No'

Publié par Clifford Armion le 17/02/2012
((Rabbit-proof fence)) est un film dramatique australien réalisé par Phillip Noyce en 2002, à partir du roman de Doris Pilkington Garimara ((Follow the Rabbit-proof fence)). A partir d'un court extrait du film, cette page propose des exercices de compréhension et de phonétique.

Rabbit-Proof Fence is a 2002 Australian drama film directed by Phillip Noyce based on the book Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence by Doris Pilkington Garimara.


Télécharger la vidéo en haute définition

Visual composition

1) How many groups of characters are present in this scene and how are they located?

2) Which characters are standing up and which ones are sitting? Why?

3) How does the clothing of the characters relate to their status and power?

4) What is the backdrop against which the adults are framed?

5) How does it emphasize the power of white society?

Perspective and point of view

6) From which perspective is the opening part of this scene shot?

7) What happens when Molly starts moving forward?

8) How is the distance conveyed between Molly and her 'new world' embodied by the Chief Protector?


9) Who is speaking in the opening section of the scene?

10) Who is commanding the dialogue at the end?

11) What kinds of messages is Molly being delivered with?

12) Throughout this dialogue, which voices can be considered as complementary and which ones act as a counterpoint? You may focus your attention on :

- the volume
- the tone used by the characters
- the content of the speech


13) What nickname is Mr Neville being given by the older girl and why?

14) Why does Mr Neville scrutinize Molly's back?

15) What is the meaning of Mr Neville's refusal for Molly?

Cultural file: 'the Stolen Generations'

16) What does the expression 'Stolen Generations' refer to?

17) Why were Aboriginal children taken away?

18) What happened to them?

19) How does this section of the film illustrate the plight of mixed descent (part Aboriginal, part European) children?

Phonetics: words ending in <-i.ty>

One of the last words spoken by Mr Neville is 'responsibility'. Listen carefully to the way it is pronounced.
1) The primary stress falls on the:

- the last syllable (responsibili'ty)
- the penultimate syllable (responsibi'lity)
- the antepenultimate syllable (responsi'bility)

2) Complete the following line:

Just like words ending in <-i.ble>, <-u.ble>, <-e.ty>, <-i.fy>, <-i.tude>, <-u.lar>, words ending in <-i.ty> are stressed on the ................................. syllable.

Phonétique et phonologie : Terminaisons contraignantes - Accent sur l’avant avant-dernière syllabe


Pour citer cette ressource :

'Mr Neville says No', La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), février 2012. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/se-former/workbook/aboriginal-australians-and-the-white-population/mr-neville-says-no-