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Aboriginal Australians and the white population, a troubled relationship

Publié par Clifford Armion le 03/01/2012
Ce dossier sur les relations difficiles entre aborigènes et blancs en Australie regroupe trois ressources accompagnées d'exercices de compréhension et de production orales et écrites, ainsi que d'analyse d'image.

Sally Morgan, Citizenship

All rights reserved
- A print by Sally Morgan,
an Australian Aboriginal author and artist.

Analyse d'image


Benang reflects on his ancestors


- An extract from Kim Scott's second novel dealing with the dislocation and reconstruction of aboriginal identity.


Texte et compréhension écrite


'Mr Neville says No'

All rights reserved
- An extract from the film Rabbit Proof Fence

- Word stress: the <-i.ty> ending

Enregistrement vidéo et compréhension orale


Final task

Writing task

Write a blog on the troubled relationship between Aboriginal Australians and the white population. The blog will focus on point of view of artists such as Sally Morgan, Kim Scott and Phillip Noyce.

Speaking task

Organise a TV show for an Australian TV channel. Sudents will have to play the parts of historians, authors and artists who will react to previously recorded testimonies of Aboriginal Australians (recorded by students).


Pour citer cette ressource :

Aboriginal Australians and the white population, a troubled relationship, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2012. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/se-former/workbook/aboriginal-australians-and-the-white-population/aboriginal-australians-and-the-white-population-a-troubled-relationship