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Dernières publications

publié le 22/05/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Hymen and Cupid)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

Johanna Felter - publié le 21/05/2013

"David Shrigley is a multidisciplinary artist who started his career in the early nineties self-publishing art books containing cartoon-like drawings for which he is mainly famous. Their trademarks, which are also recognizable in his varied artistic productions – clumsy execution, sloppy handwriting, disturbing or puzzling text, dark humour and uncanny atmosphere – helped Shrigley to gradually shape a clearly distinctive personality in his work which brought him out as one of the current key (...)

Laura Mingam - publié le 09/05/2013

During the Victorian period, the Industrial Revolution reached the field of printing, and profoundly altered book production in England. Even though technical innovations led to the creation of dazzling volumes, the artist designer William Morris denounced the corruption of traditional printing methods. As a reaction against the standards of his time, William Morris decided to open his own printing press, with the aim of “producing [books] which would have a definite claim to beauty”. The (...)

publié le 07/05/2013

Reproductions commentées des douzes oeuvres de la série ((Industry and Idleness)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 07/05/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((A Country Inn-Yard)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 06/05/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Simon Lord Lovat)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 06/05/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Garrick in King Richard III)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 19/04/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Battle of the Pictures)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 19/04/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Characters and Caricaturas)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 19/04/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Bishop Hoadly)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 19/04/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Martin Folkes, Esq.)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

Manuel Jobert - publié le 16/04/2013

Authors sometimes pepper their writings with features of orality. Charles Dickens, Emily Brontë, Thomas Hardy or George Bernard Shaw have become household names renowned for this propensity to rely on the vocal medium. Orality, however, is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of possible meanings. In this paper, I shall mainly be concerned with direct speech and the way it represents spoken discourse proper.

Michael Dobson - publié le 11/04/2013

With all of this provocative and intriguing play to choose from, complete with a beguiling cast list that includes figures as complex and compelling as Angelo, Isabella, and the Duke, I have chosen to discuss the person who may seem in her own right the least interesting of the six newly-married, betrothed-and-expecting, or potentially betrothed characters who dominate ((Measure for Measure))’s final tableau: Mariana.

publié le 26/03/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((The Enraged Musician)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

Michaël Roy - publié le 20/03/2013

Aux origines du film de Steve McQueen, ((Twelve Years a Slave)) (2013), il y a le récit de l’esclave américain Solomon Northup (1853). Cet article présente d’abord le récit d’esclave et situe cette forme littéraire dans le paysage idéologique de l’Amérique d’avant la guerre de Sécession ; il détaille ensuite l’histoire éditoriale de ((Twelve Years a Slave)) ; il donne enfin quelques repères dans l’œuvre et évoque son devenir critique.

Joan Tronto - publié le 15/03/2013

"In the United States, care became a focus of feminist research in the early 1980s. As “second wave” feminists realized that mere formal equality was insufficient, they began to think more deeply about what was required for the genuine inclusion of women."

publié le 12/03/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Strolling Actresses Dressing)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

Jeffrey Rosen - publié le 11/03/2013

"I was at a conference at Google not long ago, and the head of public policy, said he expected that before long, Google and Facebook will be asked to post online live feeds to all the public and private surveillance cameras in the world, including mobile cameras mounted on drones. Imagine that Facebook responds to public pressure and decides to post live feeds, so they can be searched online, as well as archiving the video in the digital cloud."

publié le 01/03/2013

Reproductions commentées des oeuvres ((The Pool of Bethesda)) et ((The Good Samaritan)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 01/03/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((The Distressed Poet)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 01/03/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((The Lecture)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 21/02/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Company of Undertakers)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

Alondra Nelson - publié le 21/02/2013

The new stakes for healthcare policy in the U.S. are apparent in what Obamacare concretized — the further privatization and stratification of healthcare—and what it left unsaid—the assertion of a right to health. Solutions lie outside of the formal domain of policy and in the realm of ethics and human rights. Yet, it is hard to imagine the application of these remedies at a time when life can be taken with impunity and in a world in which the US kills through drone warfare with each bomb (...)

Eric Klinenberg - publié le 19/02/2013

"About five years ago I started working on a book that I planned to call ALONE IN AMERICA. My original idea was to write a book that would sound an alarm about a disturbing trend: the unprecedented rise of living alone. I was motivated by my belief that the rise of living alone is a profound social change – the greatest change of the past 60 years that we have failed to name or identify."

publié le 19/02/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((The Sleeping Congregation)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 19/02/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Sancho at a Magnificent Feast)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

publié le 19/02/2013

Reproduction commentée de l'oeuvre ((Woman Swearing a Child)) du graveur anglais William Hogarth.

Adel Hakim, Estelle Rivier - publié le 18/02/2013

((Mesure pour Mesure)) a été créé pour les Fêtes Nocturnes de Grignan en 2007. Quarante représentations y ont eu lieu devant la façade du palais. Le spectacle a été ensuite repris en 2009 au Théâtre des Quartiers d’Ivry dirigé par Adel Hakim puis est parti en tournée.

Andrew Gurr - publié le 17/02/2013

But pause a moment before we conclude this examination of the play with such a contrived harmony, which is hardly the mode most critics favour. I have spoken about it entirely on the basis of what Shakespeare designed and expected from its first staging. The unstated premise behind this is that Shakespeare was a seer who knew better than anyone how his designs should be executed. Today we live in a different world, and we have different views. Many people today prefer Isabella to reject the (...)

Simon Critchley - publié le 15/02/2013

"What is it that makes human beings happy? In a word, ((bread)). And here we return to Jesus’ answers to the Devil’s desert temptations. In refusing to transform miraculously the stones into loaves, Jesus rejected bread for the sake of freedom, for the bread of heaven."