DNL Géographie
Immigration to the United States of America: Current Challenges and Debates
This paper, written in April 2017, gives an overview of recent immigration to the United States and the immigrant population of America. It outlines the consequences for the demographics and politics of the country and summarises (...) Lire la suite
La disparition des bisons des Grandes Plaines nord-américaines
Ce texte est la traduction du chapitre "The Vanishing New World", tiré de l'ouvrage ((Beyond Geography: The Western Spirit against the Wilderness)) de Frederick Turner. Dans cet extrait, l'auteur évoque le rapport des colons au (...) Lire la suite
La nature sauvage dans la guerre du Vietnam
Cet article présente trois conceptions de la nature vietnamienne (nature-refuge, nature-cible et nature-martyre) durant la guerre du Vietnam (1955-1975). Lire la suite
Measuring the Global Influence of a City
Le professeur Hiroo Ichikawa de la Mori Memorial Foundation nous explique le fonctionnement du Global Power City Index qui classe les métropoles mondiales selon 70 critères. La définition de la « puissance » ("power") (...) Lire la suite
Régénération urbaine et événements festifs à Glasgow
Glasgow est parvenue, au cours des 25 dernières années à radicalement modifier son image en organisant des événements festifs d'ampleur nationale ou internationale. Le recours aux arts et à la culture lui a permis de (...) Lire la suite
Remembering 9/11 - Politics of Memory
One of the reasons I was interested in trying to unpack the meanings of kitsch memory culture, say for instance in relationship to 9/11, is precisely the ways in which it creates this culture of comfort, that allows us to feel (...) Lire la suite
Scottish Civic Nationalism: An Opportunity for Migrants?
This article aims at critically addressing the SNP's very favourable discourse on immigration and immigrants’ rights in Scotland from a historical and contemporary perspective. Lire la suite
Sectarisme religieux et football en Ecosse
L'installation dans les régions industrielles d'Ecosse de larges communautés d'Irlandais a souvent généré des tensions importantes entre communautés catholique et protestante. A Glasgow, les confrontations entre les deux (...) Lire la suite
The cultural perception of the American land: a short history
The importance of land and nature in the American culture is widely known. The Pilgrim Fathers who landed on the coast of the Massachussetts in 1620 were looking for freedom which was both spiritual and material. The latter (...) Lire la suite
The policy of "danization" of the local Greenlandic populations as viewed by inhabitants of Ilulissat
The acculturation of the Danish colony of Greenland during the 20th century was less brutal than in other latitudes. However, under the guise of the modernization and rationalization of the built environment, the urbanization (...) Lire la suite
The transcendentalist approach to wilderness in US culture
This presentation tackles the significance and legacy of the Transcendentalist understanding of wilderness in US culture. It begins with a brief overview of the largely hostile attitudes toward wilderness that pre-dated (...) Lire la suite
The United States, climate, and the rest of the world
Dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre l'Université Grenoble Alpes, l'Ecole académique de formation continue (EAFC) et les IA-IPR d'anglais de l'académie de Grenoble, des professeurs d'anglais de lycée qui dispensent (...) Lire la suite
Urbanizing coastal areas facing environmental challenges: The case of Timor-Leste
When Timor-Leste (East Timor), a country smaller than Slovenia, gained independence in 2002, everything had to be either built or rebuilt. Based on a study of the coastline, this article addresses the following question through (...) Lire la suite