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Littérature jeunesse

Au Pays des Merveilles : Science et contes de fées
Un article sur les ouvrages de vulgarisation scientifique victoriens pour enfants.
De Tom Brown à Harry Potter : pérennité et avatars du roman scolaire britannique
Cet article explore les caractéristiques littéraires des romans scolaires en Grande-Bretagne.
The Intricacies of Onomastics in Harry Potter and its French Translation
To put it in a nutshell, here, I am going to consider two categories in the vast corpus of Rowling's proper nouns, namely character naming and place naming. I would like to show that not only do they point at one single instance but also that they are in keeping with the reference characteristics - or sometimes misleading - ; that they contain cultural echoes and plays on words; and that their sounds are also appropriate. To conclude I am going to underline how difficult it must have been for translators to find a satisfactory solution as a result.
Incroyable fiction : «L’histoire de Pi» de Yann Martel (2001), relecture contemporaine de Noé et Robinson
Le roman de Yann Martel, typique de la post-modernité, dont l'intrigue "surfictionnelle" mêle théologie et zoologie, exploite de façon à la fois massive et désinvolte ses références intertextuelles, et en premier lieu le parallèle avec le Noé biblique, dans un hymne à la fiction et à la foi ne faisant qu'une, à la croyance et au déguisement métaphorique du réel comme enchantement de l'existence.
Gender and genre in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s «The Secret Garden»
Questions of genre and gender lie at the heart of ((The Secret Garden)), which plays on different cultural and literary influences, and questions the ideological and social context in which it is inscribed.
From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures
“From traditional dystopias to teenage dystopias: Harry Potter as a bridge between two cultures” seeks to explain the key role that the Harry Potter novels have played in the creation of the Young Adult dystopian genre which has flourished in recent years. It focuses on three aspects of dystopia (mind-control, death and resistance) to show how these themes taken from traditional dystopias are re-written to shape such contemporary works as Uglies, The Hunger Games and Divergent.
L’intertextualité en mots et en images des romans illustrés de Philip Pullman
Nous proposons ici une réflexion théorique sur le rapport intertextualité/littérature de jeunesse à partir de l'exemple de quelques œuvres du romancier Philip Pullman, surtout connu pour ((His Dark Materials)), trilogie qui s'est vendue à plus de 15 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde à ce jour. L'intertextualité en mots et en images des romans illustrés de Philip Pullman, ou comment constituer une culture d'enfance.
«We’re Going on a Bear Hunt»: Traditional and Counter-traditional Aspects of a Classic Children’s Book
The read-aloud book ((We’re Going on a Bear Hunt)), “retold” by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury designed for very young children may be unlikely teaching material for EFL students in French middle and senior schools. But if studied in conjunction with the video released by ((The Guardian)) in 2014 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the book, and if additional literary and artistic references are brought into the lesson plan, the teaching project may prove rewarding on many levels. Questions related to the influence of publishers, editors and the media in the construction of literary artefacts can be raised. The book will open discussions on the primacy of voice before and after the invention of print and the fashioning of human experience through the prism of epic and mock-epic. It will also raise questions related to gender and its visual display – modern or old-fashioned – and the image conveyed of England/Britain in the book’s landscapes – questions of identity therefore, either fixed or open to change. The book and the video could be used to serve many aspects of the curriculum but the discussion was written mainly with “rupture et tradition” in mind.