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Darwin - Browsing through the web

Par Sophie Lemercier-Goddard : Maître de conférences - ENS de Lyon
Publié par Clifford Armion le 26/02/2009

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Une sélection de sites sur Charles Darwin, sa théorie de l'évolution, le créationnisme et l'((intelligent design)).

All resources listed below can be freely downloaded, printed or copied.

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin's published works and unpublished papers, previously available to scholars in Cambridge University Library only,  can now be read online free of charge: Both images of the original document and the fully formatted electronic text (PDF format for downloading and printing) can be viewed side-by-side.


A selection of sketches and caricatures of Charles Darwin available here:


Creationism and Intelligent Design

A synthetic presentation of the implication in education


"Fears over teaching creationism in the UK" (a BBC News article)


Audio file: the role of religion in the school curriculum and Darwin's role in the dispute:


The Evolution Theory

Seven short videos (5-6 minutes) about Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution designed for in-class viewing. In its Evolution Library, pbs.org also provides online lessons for students, an online course for teachers and multimedia resources.


In its 'Nature Online' section which investigates the issues of biodiversity or environmental change, the Natural History Museum (London) presents a dossier on evolution and the development of the theory:


Understanding Evolution is an american education website teaching the history of evolution biology: articles and interviews explain the mechanism of evolutionary theory, from the scientific evidence to the impact of evolutionary theory on everyday life and its surprising applications. Lesson plans for teachers also available.


The medical revolution of the Victorian era: Bruce Robinson writes about  Victorian Medicine,  From Fluke to Theory


Pour citer cette ressource :

Sophie Lemercier-Goddard, Darwin - Browsing through the web, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), février 2009. Consulté le 31/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/civilisation/domaine-britannique/darwin-reception-et-evolution/darwin-browsing-through-the-web