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Rencontre avec Ian McEwan autour de son roman «Atonement»

Par Ian McEwan, Vanessa Guignery : Professeur de littérature britannique contemporaine et de littérature postcoloniale - ENS de Lyon
Publié par Marion Coste le 30/06/2018

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Dans le cadre des Assises Internationales du Roman, Ian McEwan est venu à l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon pour parler de son roman ((Atonement)). Cette rencontre avec les étudiant.e.s a été organisée par Vanessa Guignery, professeur de littérature anglaise et postcoloniale à l'ENS, membre du laboratoire IHRIM, en collaboration avec la Villa Gillet.

Vanessa Guignery et Ian McEwan lors de la séance de dédicace - ENS de Lyon, 22 mai 2018

Tous droits réservés © Julia Siccardi - 2018

L'entretien se déroule en deux temps : Ian McEwan échange tout d'abord avec Vanessa Guignery sur les premières versions de Atonement ainsi que sur ses carnets d'écriture, archivés au Harry Ransom Center à Austin (Texas). L'auteur répond ensuite aux questions des étudiant.e.s.

Les extraits des archives d'Ian McEwan sont reproduits ici avec l'aimable autorisation de l'auteur et du Harry Ransom Center de l'Université du Texas à Austin.

Une transcription de l’entretien, éditée par Vanessa Guignery, a été publiée dans la revue Études Anglaises :

« A Conversation with Ian McEwan. » Études Anglaises 71.3 (July/Sept. 2018): 332-340.


  • Does Atonement hold a special place in your work?
  • Could you describe the process of writing the beginning of the novel?
  • How did you decide which characters would be the centres of consciousness?
  • You had three different plotlines in mind when you started writing the novel: why did you decide to let Marshall live?
  • At what point did you know you were going to jump ahead to 1999 at the end of the novel?
  • Did you consciously connect your writing with your father's recollections of Dunkirk?
  • Are meaningful and recurring images, such as the vase or the leg in the tree, part of the scaffolding of the novel?
  • There are common points between Atonement and The Go-Between by L. P. Hartley: can you tell us about your interest in this book and its film adaptation by Joseph Losey?
  • Some scholars have suggested that Robbie might be Jack Tallis's son. Has that ever crossed your mind?
  • Briony writes to atone for her mistakes: do you approach your own writing as a form of atonement?
  • Was Atonement influenced by modernism?
  • Have you ever thought about including Robbie's mother among the centres of consciousness we find in the novel?
  • How did you conceive the family house in Atonement?
  • Do you see Nutshell as a new writing experiment or is there a continuity with what you have written before?
  • You mentioned that you found the literature of the 1970s disappointing. Do you still find it drab and uninteresting?
  • Are there similarities between Atonement and the novella The Adventures of Arabella?
  • How did you feel about Atonement being made into a film?
  • Enduring Love ends with an appendix on De Clérambault's Syndrome and some people thought it was an actual scientific paper. Did you imagine people would take this paper for an authentic one?
  • How did this powerful image of the air balloon at the beginning of Enduring Love come to you?


Pour citer cette ressource :

Ian McEwan, Vanessa Guignery, Rencontre avec Ian McEwan autour de son roman Atonement, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2018. Consulté le 22/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/litterature/litterature-britannique/rencontre-avec-ian-mcewan-autour-de-son-roman-atonement