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Il y a 8 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Experimental Life-Writing: From Roland Barthes to Digital Biography par Wojciech Drąg, publié le 16/03/2023
This talk examines a variety of instances of contemporary experimental life-writing – a critical category theorised by Irene Kacandes (2012) and Julia Novak (2017). After defining the notion and providing a brief historical overview of formally unconventional auto/biographies, Wojciech Drąg introduces his research project concerned with life-writing works that renounce a narrative structure in favour of an archive (or a database). He then proposes a classification of archival subgenres that have been particularly prominent in Anglophone and French auto/biographical literature since the 1970s. Based on their adopted system of arranging data, this talk differentiates between the bibliography (e.g., Rick Moody's Primary Sources), the encyclopedia (Amy Krouse Rosenthal's Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life), the glossary (Roland Barthes par Roland Barthes), the index (Joan Wickersham's The Suicide Index), the chronicle (Tan Lin’s BIB., Rev. Ed.), the social media archive (Matias Viegener’s 2500 Random Things About Me Too), the inventory (Claude Closky’s Mon Catalogue), the list (Joe Brainard's I Remember), the portfolio (Dana Teen Lomax's Disclosure), the computation (Gregory Burnham's Subtotals) and the digital database (David Clark's 88 Constellations for Wittgenstein).
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All the World’s a Folly : Theatricality and Intertextuality in Paul Auster’s The Brooklyn Follies par Brigitte Friant-Kessler, publié le 11/12/2009
There is a manner in which Auster's revisiting classic sources is not merely a simple lift or a citation from the work when he playfully offers a postmodern context to old texts, especially with major literary figures in the wings. As J. Dupont argues in his introductory note to The Brooklyn Follies : "It would however be an exhaustingly vain task to try and undertake a census of the literary intertexts that run beneath the surface of Auster's work". Such an attempt is all the more so destined to be a failure as there are, beside the clearly stated references, less obvious, possibly unavowed though not any the less significant, undercurrents of intertextuality to be traced in Auster's Brooklyn Follies. Were there only one idiosyncratic trait to be highlighted in Auster's style, it would obviously be his taste for patch-working...
The Intricacies of Onomastics in Harry Potter and its French Translation par Carole Mulliez, publié le 16/11/2009
To put it in a nutshell, here, I am going to consider two categories in the vast corpus of Rowling's proper nouns, namely character naming and place naming. I would like to show that not only do they point at one single instance but also that they are in keeping with the reference characteristics - or sometimes misleading - ; that they contain cultural echoes and plays on words; and that their sounds are also appropriate. To conclude I am going to underline how difficult it must have been for translators to find a satisfactory solution as a result.
L’intertextualité en mots et en images des romans illustrés de Philip Pullman par Virginie Douglas, publié le 24/09/2009
Nous proposons ici une réflexion théorique sur le rapport intertextualité/littérature de jeunesse à partir de l'exemple de quelques œuvres du romancier Philip Pullman, surtout connu pour His Dark Materials, trilogie qui s'est vendue à plus de 15 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde à ce jour.
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Fiche de lecture : Liver, Will Self par Jocelyn Dupont, publié le 24/09/2009
A review of Will Self's collection of novellas, Liver.
Qu'est-ce que l'intertextualité ? par Emilie Walezak, Jocelyn Dupont, publié le 18/09/2009
Cette page propose une définition de l'intertextualité et regroupe les communications de la journée d'étude sur l'intertextualité dans le roman contemporain de langue anglaise, organisée le 19 juin 2009 à Lyon 2 par le CARMA.
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Fiche de lecture : Possession, A.S. Byatt par Christine Bini, publié le 05/03/2009
Roland Michell, jeune chercheur spécialiste de l’œuvre du poète victorien Randolph Henry Ash, découvre – et dérobe – deux lettres du poète, qui laissent présager d’une liaison avec une jeune femme, elle-même poète et écrivain, qu’il identifiera comme étant Christabel LaMotte. En suivant cette piste, qui a toutes les chances de révolutionner les recherches en cours sur la période, il fait la connaissance de Maud Bailey, universitaire froide et élégante, spécialiste de l’œuvre de Christabel.
Fiche de lecture : The Brooklyn Follies, Paul Auster par Juliette Tran, publié le 05/07/2008
A review of Paul Auster's The Brooklyn Follies.