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Story (Zoyâ Pirzâd)

Par Zoya Pirzad
Publié par Clifford Armion le 04/04/2014

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Chaque année, les invités des Assises Internationales du Roman rédigent la définition d'un mot de leur choix : il s'agit ici du mot "story", défini par l'auteure iranienne Zoyâ Pirzâd.

When I read a story, I want to read a story. I want to read about people, their relationships, their environment and their culture. I want to know where they live, what they eat and wear, how they act and react. I do not want being lectured by the writer on this and that issue. I do not want to know how knowledgeable the writer is about this and that subject. I do not want to be a witness and/or admirer of the writer’s technical skills. I do not want him/her to philosophize, to teach, to preach and at last but not the least; I do not need the writer’s judgment. I want a writer to put a mirror in front of me and let me, the reader; see a world, enjoy that world and draw my own conclusion(s).

This is what, as a writer, I try to do. I simply want to tell a story. I write stories about ordinary people, ordinary relationships and ordinary circumstances because; in ordinary one can find the most extraordinary. Life contains the most ordinary/extraordinary stories and all I want to do is to tell those stories.


Pour citer cette ressource :

Zoya Pirzad, Story (Zoyâ Pirzâd), La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), avril 2014. Consulté le 18/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/litterature/entretiens-et-textes-inedits/story-zoya-pirzad-

Les 6èmes Assises Internationales du Roman

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