Les textes inédits
Portrait of Joshua Cohen. Source: www.villagillet.net
W.I.K.I. (Joshua Cohen)
Joshua Cohen - publié le 20/12/2019
Every year, the English-speaking writers invited to the Assises Internationales du Roman write the definition of a word of their choice.
Portrait of Amitava Kumar. Source: https://www.babelio.com/auteur/Amitava-Kumar/502967
Immigritude (Amitava Kumar)
Amitava Kumar - publié le 25/10/2019
Every year, the English-speaking writers invited to the Assises Internationales du Roman write the definition of a word of their choice.
William Finnegan on Memory and Non-Fiction
William Finnegan - publié le 09/10/2017
A l'occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman (2017), William Finnegan a écrit un texte sur la mémoire et la non-fiction.
Manu Joseph: Les familles : liaisons et déliaisons
Manu Joseph - publié le 03/05/2016
Ce texte a été écrit lors des Assises Internationales du Roman 2015, suite à la discussion animée par Raphaëlle Leyris, avec Manu Joseph, Florence Seyvos et Zeruya Shalev. "When I was a child, our home had a sofa that had a big hole in the seat. The sofa was draped in a sheet and only the family knew about the hole. One day, the surly landlord came asking for rent. My mother invited him in on purpose, and made him sit on the sofa. As he sank into the hole, she laughed. My mother did things (...)
L'Amérique est-elle encore un modèle ?
Nicolas Baverez - publié le 27/04/2016
À l'occasion du débat "L’Amérique : encore un modèle ?", organisé par la Villa Gillet en partenariat avec le Théâtre de la Croix-Rousse et l’Opéra de Lyon, la Clé anglaise vous propose ce texte de Nicolas Baverez sur le rôle des États-Unis dans le monde aujourd'hui. De quel modèle l’Amérique est-elle le nom ? Les États-Unis, qui s’affirment encore aujourd’hui comme la première puissance mondiale, sont-ils, à long terme, toujours un modèle viable ?
Fabio Parasecoli - Food, migrants, and the making of traditions
Fabio Parasecoli - publié le 30/11/2015
"The table can be a safe place, but tensions and contrasts are always lurking. Due to gender, age, or occupation, some migrants might find themselves exposed only to limited and filtered contact with the host community, in which case the communal aspects of their experience are particularly relevant. "
Krishnendu Ray: Taste, Toil and Ethnicity
Krishnendu Ray - publié le 30/11/2015
En partenariat avec les départements de Food Studies de la New School et de New York University, le Festival Mode d'Emploi 2015 propose une réflexion sur les migrations du goût. Diplômé de sciences politiques et de sociologie, Krishnendu Ray est professeur de Food Studies et à la tête du Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health à l’Université de New York. À travers ses différents ouvrages, il s’intéresse à la façon dont les immigrés combinent leur culture (...)
Adelle Waldman: L’identité troublée
Adelle Waldman - publié le 15/09/2015
In reporter and columnist Adelle Waldman’s first, highly touted novel, ((La Vie amoureuse de Nathaniel P.)), the author describes with subtlety and irony the meanderings of Nate Piven, a popular writer moving up in the elite literary circles of Brooklyn. He is also a young lover drunk with his success with women. In this astute novel of manners, Waldman brilliantly paints the portrait of a modern, imperfect and narcissistic male with a troubled love life.
Dana Spiotta: Disillusion
Dana Spiotta - publié le 15/09/2015
Ce texte original de Dana Spiotta a été écrit dans le cadre des Assises Internationales du Roman 2015.
Lionel Shriver: L'obsession
Lionel Shriver - publié le 15/09/2015
Ce texte original de l'auteur de ((We Need to Talk about Kevin)) a été écrit dans le cadre des Assises Internationales du Roman 2015.
Nickolas Butler: On Rural America
Nickolas Butler - publié le 15/09/2015
"Until about a year ago, I had lived my whole life in urban areas. The smallest cities I had ever called home was likely during graduate school, when I commuted between Arden Hills, Minnesota (population: 9,704) and Iowa City, Iowa (population: 67,862). And in fairness to Arden Hills and Iowa City, both communities are much larger than their census estimates, due in part to their proximity to other larger growing cities, and their migrating student populations."
David Samuels: My Troubles, and Yours
David Samuels - publié le 01/09/2015
David Samuels nous propose dans ce texte inédit, écrit à l’occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman 2015, une réflexion saisissante sur le principe d’ « auto-imagination » en dressant un parallèle entre l’autofiction et la montée des extrémismes politiques et religieux.
Taiye Selasi: On Emotions
Taiye Selasi - publié le 31/08/2015
A l'occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman (2015), Taiye Selasi a écrit un texte sur les émotions.
Teaching Humanities
Gayatri Spivak - publié le 06/05/2015
Fifty years of institutional teaching has brought me this lesson: try to learn to learn how to teach this group, for me the two ends of the spectrum: Columbia University in the City of New York and six elementary schools on the border between West Bengal and Jharkhand. Everything I say will be marked by this. I take my motto from Kafka: “Perhaps there is only one cardinal sin: Impatience. Because of impatience we were driven out of Paradise, because of impatience we cannot return.”
The Myth of Concordia
Nadia Urbinati - publié le 23/02/2015
The place of God in the constitution has been one of the most sensitive issues in the debate on the constitutional treaty of the European Union, and has influenced the process of ratification. In the five decades since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957, European leaders have tried to build a united Europe on a secular foundation of treaties and economic regulations. These no longer seem to be adequate to the task. Lately, efforts have been made to include another factor – religion...
Philosophy, Religion and Toleration
Sudipta Kaviraj - publié le 22/01/2015
Religious faith connects strongly held ethical ideals to the belief that these are the commands of God, or a power above human reason. This can make people of hard religious belief to be intensely intolerant. How can we easily accept those who violate or dismiss principles that we consider the foundational to the moral order of the universe? Thus it is quite possible that religious people might be pious inside their own religion, but hateful towards others. Though most religious faiths set down (...)
End of Story
Avital Ronell - publié le 19/01/2015
"For my part, I practice affirmative dissociation. Prompted mostly by a Nietzschean will to fiction and love of masks, I “fake it ‘til I make it,” assuming shrewd yet fragile identities, rotating signatures, reappropriating for myself syntactical maneuvers and rhetorical feints."
Pluralism and Tolerance: Philosophers, Mystics and Religions
Souleymane Bachir Diagne - publié le 12/01/2015
The belief in certain supernatural realities is an essential dimension of faith. And, by definition, they are that because we do not comprehend them in the same way as we comprehend objects and beings which we are capable of experiencing with our senses or those mathematic idealities that we understand. Faith therefore allows us to perceive the realities of God, His attributes, His angels and other entities and qualities of the same kind. It equally convinces us that, as human beings, we have (...)
Outline for a Discussion on Toleration
Karen Barkey - publié le 09/01/2015
"There are a few ways of thinking about toleration: I define toleration as more or less absence of persecution; the acceptance of a plurality of religions, but not necessarily their acceptance into society as full and welcomed members/communities. Toleration can mean the acceptance of “difference” and a lack of interest beyond the instrumentality to maintain a coherent polity."
The Politics of Fear
Corey Robin - publié le 19/12/2014
In my 2004 book ((Fear: The History of a Political Idea)), I argued that “one day, the war on terrorism will come to an end. All wars do. And when it does, we will find ourselves still living in fear: not of terrorism or radical Islam, but of the domestic rulers that fear has left behind.” When I wrote “one day,” I was thinking decades, not years. I figured that the war on terror—less the invasions, wars, torture, drone attacks, and assassinations than the broader atmosphere of (...)
David Treuer: Forgotten World / Forgotten Words
David Treuer - publié le 18/09/2014
"The role, then, of the writer (even the writer of ethnic or minority fiction) is to create dreams so powerful, so moving, so surprising the dreamer never wakes up, or if they do, the dream has affected them so deeply as to, in the words of R.P. Blackmur, “add to the stock of available reality.” The role of the writer and the fictive word is to make of this world a new world, not simply to reproduce the old in miniature."
Lorna Goodison: a short story
Lorna Goodison - publié le 05/09/2014
Dans le cadre de notre partenariat avec la Villa Gillet, nous avons le plaisir de publier cette délicieuse historiette de Lorna Goodison sur les rapports conjugaux.
Rachel Cusk: Love narratives
Rachel Cusk - publié le 28/08/2014
If it’s true that we use narrative as a frame to make sense of the randomness of our human experience, then the story of romantic love might be seen as reflecting our profoundest anxieties about who and what we are, about what happens to us and why. The love narrative is ostensibly a story of progress, yet its true goal is to achieve an ending, a place of finality where nothing further needs to happen and the tension between fantasy and reality can cease. At the wedding of man and woman a veil (...)
Sofi Oksanen: They fooled you - Greetings from the countries bordering Russia
Sofi Oksanen - publié le 01/07/2014
"The freedom of press became even more limited when Putin returned to presidency in 2012. The amount of counter-intelligence has exploded, FSB has bigger budgets than ever – and the official state budget for propaganda is now sky-high."
What's a hero?
Susan Neiman - publié le 01/04/2014
"It’s not an accident that the term role model was invented in 1957 as a substitute, for the first half of the 20th century provided one long assault on the very idea of heroism. The courage once exemplified by military service was first undermined by the changing nature of warfare; it was hard to view the business of cowering in cold, stinking trenches with the same elan that surrounded hand to hand sword-fighting."
Finding the Way
Gunnar Olsson - publié le 17/03/2014
Gunnar Olsson explore l'influence du vocabulaire et des méthodes des géographes sur la pensée, la création littéraire, la religion et les arts. "How do I find my way in the power-filled world of hopes and fears, truths and lies, love and hate, freedom and repression? By approaching it as if it was made of sticks and stones, mountains and rivers, as if it could be captured in a coordinate net of up and down, front and back, left and right."
The Truth of Pussy Riot
Masha Gessen - publié le 21/02/2014
A great work of art is also often not immediately recognizable. Five young women entered the enormous Cathedral of Christ the Savior early in the morning on February 21, 2012, took off their overcoats to expose differently colored dresses and neon-colored tights, pulled on similarly neon-colored balaclavas, climbed up on the soleas (having lost one of their number in the process—she had been grabbed by a security guard), and proceeded to dance, play air guitar, and sing a song they called a (...)
Anthropology and Philosophy or the Problem of Ontological Symmetry
Tim Ingold - publié le 11/02/2014
"Anthropology, for me, is philosophy with the people in. It is philosophy, because its concern is with the conditions and possibilities of human being and knowing in the one world we all inhabit."
In Support of Affirmative Action
Randall Kennedy - publié le 06/02/2014
There are several good justifications for racial affirmative action in a society that has long been a pigmentocracy in which white people have been privileged and people of color oppressed. Affirmative action can ameliorate debilitating scars left by past racial mistreatment – scars (such as educational deprivation) that handicap racial minorities as they seek to compete with whites who have been free of racial subordination. Affirmative action can also counter racially prejudiced misconduct. (...)
Family Histories
Ian Buruma - publié le 16/12/2013
"When I was at primary school in the Netherlands in the late 1950s and early 1960s, history was still taught as a story of great men, kings, generals, national heroes, and of course great villains, mostly foreigners. In our case, this meant a succession of Williams of Orange, Admiral Tromp, Philip II, the Duke of Alva, Napoleon, Hitler, and so on."