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Question d'actualité - 2024 UK general election

Par Lucas Leone : Étudiant en Master Pensées du cinéma - ENS de Lyon
Publié par Lucas Leone le 21/06/2024

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[Question d'actualité] On July 4, 2024, British voters will elect their Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House of Commons, and therefore their new Prime Minister (PM). Current PM Rishi Sunak, who called for an early general election on May 22, aims to win a fifth term in office for the Conservative Party. With a record number of candidates, this year's election involves key figures such as Labour Party's Keir Starmer, Reform UK's Nigel Farage, and Liberal Democrats' Ed Davey. This page provides different resources (articles, videos, cartoons, statistics) to help understand the voting process in the UK, map out each party's political agendas and leaders, and reflect on the place of Scotland and its Scottish National Party (SNP) in the campaign, as well as ponder the worldwide impact of the election.

1. UK general election

1.1 Why is it happening now and how does it work?

  • "Why Rishi Sunak had to go bold and call an election now" (Opinion Piece; The Telegraph, 22/05/2024). This article analyzes how PM Rishi Sunak called for an early general election in the hopes of capitalizing on favorable conditions and outmaneuvering political opponents.

  • "General election July 2024: What happens next?" (Statistics; Institute for Government, 14/05/2024). The article outlines the timeline and procedural steps following the announcement of the summer election.

  • "Your ultimate guide to the UK general election 2024" (Video; Sky News, 14/06/2024). This video provides an in-depth overview of this year's election, covering important dates, key issues, and major party positions.

  • "How to vote" (UK Government Resources). This resource explains the voting process for UK citizens, including registration, polling locations, and methods of voting

  • "Explained: Why are UK elections always on a Thursday?" (Article; The Independent, 23/05/2024). This article explores the historical and logistical reasons behind this UK tradition.

  • "Election Special" (Cartoon; Cartoon Movement, 24/05/2024). This cartoon humorously depicts the gloomy election atmosphere following Rishi Sunak's decision to call for an early election.

1.2 How many parties are there and what are the major ones?

Rishi Sunak, Conservative Party. Keir Starmer, Labour Party.
Rishi Sunak, Conservative Party.
Source: Wikipedia © Prime Minister's Office, Open Government Licence v3.0.
Keir Starmer, Labour Party.
Source: Wikipedia © U.S. Department of State, Public Domain.
Nigel Farage, Reform UK. Ed Davey, Liberal Democrats.
Nigel Farage, Reform UK.
Source: Wikipedia © Gage Skidmore, Creative Commons.
Ed Davey, Green Party.
Source: Wikipedia © Richard Townshend, Creative Commons.

1.3 What does each party promise to British voters?

1.4 How did the election debates go so far?

2. The question of Scotland

3. How does the UK general election affect the world?

Pour citer cette ressource :

Lucas Leone, Question d'actualité - 2024 UK general election, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2024. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/civilisation/domaine-britannique/question-dactualite-2024-uk-general-election