Jane Austen: Myth, Reality and Global Celebrity
Marion Coste
le 30/11/2018
Jane Austen went from being a moderately successful anonymous novelist in her own time to a global celebrity in ours. On this course you will explore how that happened, exploring Austen’s own literary influences, and her reputation over time.
You will learn about her origins in Hampshire, uncovering her formative years, and the society she lived in, asking how Austen’s location, background and reading influenced her novels. You will also consider the ways her own contemporaries read and responded to her, and her place in the modern canon of world literature today, 200 years after she died.
Quand ? | Du 14/01/2019 à 09:40 au 04/02/2019 à 09:40 |
Où ? | University of Southampton |
S'adresser à | 3 semaines |