Mercantilism, Enslavement, and Literary Form: The Royal African Company Letters, 1685–1699
This lecture was organised as part of a research residency at IHRIM (ENS de Lyon).
audio_chapitre | |
Introduction | 00:00 |
03:10 |
04:17 |
1. Archive of slavery and epistolary form: the example of Pley's letter (1681)
07:45 |
13:45 |
22:50 |
25:43 |
29:32 |
2. The figure of the pawn | 34:30 |
35:52 |
42:12 |
Conclusion | 46:38 |
HARTMAN, Saidiya. June 2008. "Venus in Two Acts", Small Axe, volume 2, n°2, pp.1-14.
SPILLERS, Hortense J. Summer 1987. "Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe: An American Grammar Book", Diacritics, volume 17, n°2, pp.64-81.
Pour citer cette ressource :
Helen Thompson, Mercantilism, Enslavement, and Literary Form: The Royal African Company Letters, 1685–1699, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2024. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: