Schéma accentuel et nature - Nom /10/ Verbe /01/
Un certain nombre de mots anglais sont à la fois des noms, des verbes, voire aussi des adjectifs. Ces mots, constitués d’un préfixe indétachable, sont régulièrement accentués sur la première syllabe quand ils fonctionnent comme des noms et sur la deuxième quand ils fonctionnent comme des verbes : a rebel / to rebel. Il en existe une petite centaine dont voici les principaux :
Abstract | Accent | Impact | Import |
Addict | Concert | Increase | Insult |
Concord | Concrete | Object | Perfect |
Conduct | Confine | Perfume | Permit |
Conflict | Contact | Present | Proceeds |
Content | Contest | Produce | Progress |
Contract | Contrast | Project | Prospect |
Convert | Convict | Protest | Rebel |
Decrease | Desert | Record | Refuse |
Detail | Digest | Reject | Subject |
Escort | Exploit | Suspect | Torment |
Export | Extract | Transfer | Transport |
Le moyen le plus sûr est de mémoriser ces mots (et leurs différents schémas accentuels) en contexte.
There was a conflict between the two parties. Such decisions conflict with company policy. |
I have no use for such a fancy object. I must object to you leaving early every night. |
He has signed a contract with the owner. He felt his muscles contract during the exercices. |
Her son is turning into quite a rebel. I intend to rebel against his authority. |
Read this extract from a press article. The dentist wanted to extract three of my teeth. |
I don’t care to quote the insult that he paid me. He clearly meant to insult his parents. |
The cost of transport is constantly rising. You must transport him to the nearest hospital. |
A young escort was waiting in the hallway. May I escort you to your car, Sir? |
This product must be an export given its quality. We intend to export most of our production. |
He tells us about his exploits and adventures. He exploits his family’s generosity |
This case contains articles destined for import. We have no choice but to import exotic fruit. |
Are you a frequent traveller? Do you frequent cafés all over France? |
The contrast between the two cars is striking. You have to compare and contrast the documents. |
You need a permit to fish in this pond. I will not permit anyone to take risks. |
I have asked for a transfer to another flight. You can transfer your money to the new account. |
Buy a reject; they are fifty per cent cheaper. I fear they may reject your application. |
He is making progress in Spanish. The building work can only progress very slowly. |
New housing is needed for the overflow of people. The waste water may overflow into the street. |
Petty theft is on the increase again. The number of cars per household will increase. |
Physical attributes are of minor importance. Jones attributes this play to Congreve. |
We noted a decrease in the number of volunteers. The amount of money donated may decrease. |
The prospect of returning to work appalled him. He is to prospect for new talent. |
I will be present today to receive my present. They will present her with a bouquet of flowers. |
I heard she had become a drug addict. The staff ares addicted to coffee and cigarettes. |
His latest record has sold out. An all-time record. These people record everything you say. |
His rowdy ways caused an upset in the classroom. The naughty boys upset the little girl. |
His teachers said his conduct had been exemplary. They are going to conduct a police enquiry. |
They attend all the concerts held at the school. Their concerted efforts finally paid off. |
Fresh produce is on sale at the farm. They aim to produce a variety of foodstuffs. |
He must remain within the confines of the grounds. The soldier was confined to a wheelchair. |
Many of his fans turned up to see the contest. I intend to contest his decision to suspend me. |
Please supply the following details on the form. The catalogue details all the items very clearly. |
They are interviewing the usual suspects. He suspects Joe was involved in the hold-up. |
All refuse must be placed in the bins provided. I decided to refuse his enticing offer. |
The subject of his essay was given by the teacher. He will subject the boy to rigorous tests. |
Her illness brought years of torment for her family. The other children torment him about his stammer. |
He can certainly bake a perfect cake. He wants to perfect his writing skills. |
The entrance is at the back of the building. Her beauty is said to entrance those who stare. |
The convict was allowed to see his wife. He is eager to convict him of manslaughter. |
Always check the retail price before ordering. He loves to retail his neighbour’s business. |
They are organising a protest against the new law. They will protest until the government reacts. |
You will get a discount if you buy now. Please discount any reports suggesting it is true. |
Her son is a convert to the Catholic faith. Don’t forget to convert some money into euros. |
Start by examining the contents of the package. She will indeed content herself with second best. |
He went off into the desert for forty days. Please do not desert those in need. |
Pour citer cette ressource :
Manuel Jobert, Schéma accentuel et nature - Nom /10/ Verbe /01/, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2012. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: