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Immigration et minorités

Immigration to the United States of America - Glossary

Anne-Kathrin Marquardt - publié le 04/05/2017

This glossary comes with the paper “Immigration to the United States of America: current challenges and debates”, which was written in April 2017. An asterisk (*) refers to an entry in the glossary.

Immigration to the United States of America: Current Challenges and Debates

Anne-Kathrin Marquardt - publié le 02/05/2017

This paper, written in April 2017, gives an overview of recent immigration to the United States and the immigrant population of America. It outlines the consequences for the demographics and politics of the country and summarises the contentious issues in the debate around immigration reform. It focuses on executive action taken since 2012, during the Obama and Trump presidencies, right up to the present day.

Dearborn, Michigan: a city divided by religion, race and class

publié le 09/01/2017

Ce documentaire de 16 minutes intitulé "Dearborn, Michigan" explore la vie de cinq américains originaires de Dearborn, ville qui abrite la plus grande mosquée aux États-Unis.

American Indians - A conversation with David Treuer

David Treuer, Clifford Armion - publié le 08/09/2014

David Treuer took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and ((Le Monde)). He answered our questions on his involvement in the protection of Indian culture.

In Support of Affirmative Action

Randall Kennedy - publié le 06/02/2014

There are several good justifications for racial affirmative action in a society that has long been a pigmentocracy in which white people have been privileged and people of color oppressed. Affirmative action can ameliorate debilitating scars left by past racial mistreatment – scars (such as educational deprivation) that handicap racial minorities as they seek to compete with whites who have been free of racial subordination. Affirmative action can also counter racially prejudiced misconduct. (...)

Rencontre avec Randall Kennedy

Randall Kennedy, Kédem Ferré - publié le 10/01/2014

Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy answered Aiguerande 11th graders before a conference at the Hôtel de Région for the Villa Gillet Mode d'Emploi festival, on 24 November 2013 in Lyon, France. The meeting was organised by the Villa Gillet and La Clé des Langues, and was prepared by Kédem Ferré and his students.

The Young Lords

Johanna Fernandez, Claire Richard - publié le 22/01/2013

The Young Lords were the children of the first large wave of Puerto Rican migration to the North East of the United States, in cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Hartford. The Young Lords was begun not in New York, interestingly enough, but in Chicago. And it was initiated by the efforts of the leader of the Young Lords, who initially in Chicago had been a gang. Cha Cha Jimenez, who was the leader of that gang, worked with a leader of the Black Panther Party, Fred Hampton, to (...)

The black community in New York, past and present

Alondra Nelson, Clifford Armion - publié le 15/01/2013

Alondra Nelson tells us about the history of the black community in New York; where they came from, where they settled and why. She also explores issues related to the urban development in Manhattan and to the gentrification of Harlem. Interview by Clifford Armion at 30th November 2012, Hôtel de Région, Lyon.

Reclaiming the streets, Public space and quality of life in New York

Janette Sadik-Khan, Clifford Armion - publié le 11/01/2013

Janette Sadik-Khan, who has served as transportation commissioner since 2007, is internationally recognized for her expertise in transportation issues, public policy development and innovative finance. Under her leadership, the transportation department has implemented an ambitious program to improve safety, mobility and sustainability throughout New York. Interview by Clifford Armion on 13th October 2012, in The Guardian New York Offices.

Questions d'urbanisme à New York

Michel Lussault, Clifford Armion - publié le 29/11/2012

Michel Lussault, professeur de géographie et directeur de l'Istitut Français d'Education, répond aux questions de Clifford Armion, responsable de La Clé des langues, dans le cadre d'une rencontre organisée par la Villa Gillet dans les locaux newyorkais du Guardian, le 13 octobre 2012. Il évoque les changements opérés dans le paysage urbain de New York ces dernières années aux travers d'exemples comme la reconfiguration de Time Square, la transformation de la High Line en promenade ou (...)

The Black Panther Party's fight against medical discrimination

Alondra Nelson, Claire Richard - publié le 09/01/2012

Claire Richard asks Alondra Nelson about a neglected and yet essential legacy of the Black Panther Party. When the party emerged in 1966, the Jim Crow laws had been dismantled and there was no legal support for discrimination in the United States, but there were still segregated practices within the healthcare sector. As the saying goes, when America has a cold, African Americans have pneumonia. The Black Panthers fought for healthcare equality as a way to achieve social justice. Alondra Nelson (...)

Race Relations and the Presidency of Barack Obama

Randall Kennedy - publié le 05/03/2010

I attended the inauguration of Barack Obama with two million other people who created the largest crowd in the history of Washington, D.C. Although I grew up in the nation's capital, I had never before attended an inauguration. None had previously beckoned. But this time I felt compelled to be present. The sentiments that gripped me were similar to those that animated many who attended the proceedings.

Interview de Randall Kennedy

Randall Kennedy , Clifford Armion - publié le 01/02/2010

Lors de son passage à la Villa Gillet, en janvier 2010, Randall Kennedy s'est exprimé sur la dimension historique de la dernière élection présidentielle américaine. Cet évènement culturel s'est tenu le soir même où Barack Obama prononçait face au congrès américain le traditionnel discours sur l'état de l'union. Le lendemain, Randall Kennedy, professeur de droit à Harvard et membre du barreau de la Cour Suprème des Etats-Unis, accordait une interview à Clifford Armion, (...)

La guerre de Sécession ou "les Etats désunis"

Marie Beauchamp - publié le 24/04/2007

Paradoxalement, la guerre de Sécession (1861-1865) fut un événement fondateur pour les États-Unis, qui, après avoir frôlé l'implosion, en sont ressortis avec un État et une nation plus solides, unis autour d'un gouvernement fédéral.