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À la une - Civilisation - Anglais

Olivier Richomme - publié le 25/03/2019

The American Revolution, the Civil War and Reconstruction period, along with the Civil Rights era can be seen as three phases of the same struggle for racial equality in the U.S. The Declaration of Independence established the revolutionary ideal of equality among men. This promise was not fulfilled by the Reconstruction Amendments. Some might argue that the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 the Voting Rights did not bring about true racial equality. In a sense, the American Revolution can be (...)

Jeffrey Rosen, Clifford Armion - publié le 10/01/2013

Now that we’re living most of our lives online, all of us are vulnerable to the internet. The difficulty with young people is that they may not have experienced the dangers of not being able to escape your past until it’s too late. I like to tell the story of Stacy Sneider, the young 22 year old teacher in training who posted a picture of herself on Myspace wearing a pirate’s hat and drinking from a plastic cup that said drunken pirate. Her supervisor at the school said she was promoting (...)

Gilles Christoph - publié le 18/01/2010

Afin de contribuer à l'entreprise d'évaluation de l'héritage thatchérien qui était l'objet du colloque organisé à Lyon en décembre 2009, cet article se propose d'étudier l'influence des idées néolibérales sur l'opinion britannique. Il apparaît que le passage du consensus keynésien au consensus néolibéral, symbolisé par l'élection de Margaret Thatcher en 1979, doit beaucoup à l'action d'un petit groupe d'économistes qui, au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, se sont (...)