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Il y a 21 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.-
Guidelines for decision-making in English pronunciation and listening instruction
par Alice Henderson, publié le 05/12/2024
[Article] This text argues that in instructed English language teaching, a key distinction needs to be made between work focusing on pronunciation and work focusing on listening. This re-focusing makes it easier to prepare learners to successfully interact, as both speakers and listeners, beyond the classroom context. The text describes the process of how the author’s approach to teaching pronunciation changed, as she became more aware of this distinction.
La prononciation en (anglais) L2 : perspectives cognitives et questions de fond pour une didactique focalisée sur "le sens"
par Heather Hilton, Marie-Pierre Jouannaud, publié le 05/12/2024
[Article] Nous résumerons ici des travaux fascinants en sciences cognitives, visant à mieux cerner la nature et le fonctionnement des connaissances phonologiques (réceptives et productives, phonémiques et prosodiques) dans le cerveau humain. Nous résumerons également des démarches (expérimentales ou didactiques) qui ont facilité l’émergence de nouvelles catégories phonémiques – même dans le cerveau d’apprenants plus âgés ou ayant étudié une langue étrangère pendant de nombreuses années. Ces perspectives cognitives sur les apprentissages phonologiques nous permettront de questionner quelques notions répandues de la didactique communicativo-actionnelle des langues (Task-Based Language Teaching). Elles nous aideront aussi à décomplexer les activités phonologiques et métaphonologiques en classe de langue, à tous les niveaux.
Online courses and their integration into the studying process (on the example of online course “Connected Speech Processes”)
par Ksenia Efremova, publié le 05/12/2024
[Article] In the last few years, “Dubna” University has been actively developing its Virtual Learning Environment due to the fact that online teaching and assessment is an increasingly desirable method for enhancing student learning in Higher Education. Moreover, the sanitary situation of 2020-2021 resulted in a number of new approaches and computer-assisted teaching techniques to master the pronunciation of a foreign language. The article reports on the “Connected Speech Processes” online course, its design and development, as well as its integration and the achieved learning outcomes.
From National Literatures to World Literature
par Suagata Bhaduri, publié le 02/03/2023
If, rather than being rooted in sectarian identity politics, reading strategies for literary and cultural practice have to be other-regarding, and not be cocooned within one’s self-same monolingual and monocultural universes, it calls for translation and comparative literature – where one goes beyond literary and cultural texts in one’s own language and reaches out to the other – to become mainstays of such a practice. To what extent would an emphasis on going beyond one’s own identitarian literary universes require one to align with the project of World Literature, considering further the question of access to ‘worlding’ and canonization in a deeply differential globalized world? The role played by translation and comparative literature in leading pedagogic praxes beyond national monolingual literatures towards the ethical and other-regarding project of World Literature will be examined in this lecture with particular reference to the Bengali author Rabindranath Tagore’s views on the same.
War, Catharsis, Peace: Ancient Greek Visions and 21st Century Violence
par Christine Froula, publié le 12/03/2020
This presentation brings together an American play and an American film inspired by Greek plays: Aeschylus’s Suppliants and Aristophanes’s Lysistrata. Charles Mee’s gripping drama Big Love (2000) animates the plot of The Suppliants to explore the violence of the American socio-economic sex/gender system, moving from male violence to female violence to catharsis to peace. The title of Spike Lee’s brilliant, urgent, visionary utopian film Chi-Raq (2015) names Chicago’s horrific neighborhood gang wars and America’s imperial violence in one angry word and empowers its heroine, Lysistrata, to organize the neighborhood women to seize arms, treasure and the power of language in order to stop the gang warfare that, in real life as in the film, destroys children and young men in our city every day.
The Scottish Education System and Scotland’s Languages Policy
par Louise Glen, publié le 21/11/2019
Louise Glen, Senior Education Officer, details the specificities of the Scottish education system.
"Language is a movement between scattered forms": Interview with Amitava Kumar
par Amitava Kumar, Natacha Lasorak, publié le 25/10/2019
Amitava Kumar is an Indian writer and journalist who teaches literature at Vassar College. In this interview, he talks about his collection of essays Away: The Indian Writer as an Expatriate (2004) and his novel Immigrant, Montana (2017), and focuses on the notion of "home", immigration, the caste system and the political situation in India.
"Language is power" : Entretien avec Claire Messud
par Claire Messud, Jillian Bruns, publié le 25/09/2018
À l'occasion des Assises Internationales du Roman, organisées par la Villa Gillet, la Clé des langues a pu rencontrer Claire Messud, romancière et enseignante américaine, auteure de The Burning Girl, paru en 2017. Dans cet entretien, elle nous livre ses réflexions sur l'importance de la langue et du roman en tant que genre littéraire, et revient sur son enfance partagée entre la France et les États-Unis.
Seeing Between the Lines: Terence Davies’s The House of Mirth and the art of adaptation
par Wendy Everett, publié le 02/03/2015
Examining Terence Davies’s adaptation of Edith Wharton’s The House of Mirth, this article identifies ways in which the creative interpretation of the filmmaker may serve to open up new insights into both the original text and the language of cinema itself. It considers, in particular, aspects such as music, painting, and visual metaphor in its presentation of cinema as an essentially multilayered and complex medium which requires of the spectator an imaginative and creative engagement, just as the novel requires of the reader.
Analysing front pages
par Clifford Armion, publié le 20/01/2015
A front page tells you a lot about the contents of a newspaper and its attitude towards the news. Even if the traditional format difference between broadsheet newspapers and the more compact tabloids is disappearing – most papers are now printed in the same size – you can still easily recognize serious newspapers from tabloids. Tabloids usually have a large red masthead, very bold typeface and eye-catching pictures. The more serious papers have more text on the front-page and a plainer layout. Contrary to tabloids, broadsheets have no puns or jokes in the headlines and use a more formal language. Here are the main features you will find in any front-page…
In Praise of Babel
par Robyn Creswell, publié le 22/11/2013
Like Jewish and Christian commentators, Muslim exegetes understood the Babel story to be a parable of how mankind’s hubris, in the form of a desire for knowledge or an attempt to reach the heavens, leads to divine punishment. The subsequent confusion of human idioms and scattering of peoples is a second fall from grace, an expulsion from the paradise of monolingualism. Henceforth, translation becomes at once necessary and impossible—impossible in the sense that no translation could ever match the transparency of the original Ur-Sprache. So the Islamic tradition, like the Judaic one in particular, comes to bear a tremendous nostalgia for the lost language of Eden.
We’re All Translators Now
par Esther Allen, publié le 15/11/2013
As our language ceases to dominate cyberspace (our share of the Web has fallen to about 27%), we English speakers are hesitantly stepping out of our monolingual sphere and evincing renewed interest in foreign tongues. Language learning websites like Livemocha and Matador Network seem to crop up like mushrooms, Rosetta Stone is a publicly traded company whose stock is up 41% year to date, and last year’s top-rated YouTube video — remember? —was in Korean (with a few repetitions of “hey sexy lady” thrown in for nostalgia’s sake).
Translation as Muse: Muse as Teacher
par Mary Jo Bang, publié le 15/11/2013
how can reading not add to one’s experience, and in turn influence a person’s writing? And wouldn’t translation especially affect the brain, since translation involves the closest sort of reading, one where the mind simultaneously reads for meaning and tries to access the equivalent word or expression in another language. Wouldn’t reading the word “pelle” in Italian similarly send a message to the brain to access the synaptic record of all past sensory experience having to do with leather: black jacket, kid gloves, car seat, red belt with an alligator buckle, toy-gun holster, shoe shop. Wouldn’t the experiential knowledge of how those various leathers felt be carried along as the translator toggled between two different linguistic systems? And of course each of those leather memories would be connected to other associational memories, some quite rich in subjectivity.
Macbeth - Conveying madness through language
par ENS Lyon La Clé des Langues, publié le 02/07/2013
Cette page propose plusieurs extraits de "Macbeth" de Shakespeare, ainsi qu'une reproduction d'un tableau d'Henry Fuseli représentant le personnage de Lady Macbeth. Ces documents sont accompagnés d'exercices de compréhension et d'analyse d'image...
The Speckled People - a conversation with Hugo Hamilton
par Hugo Hamilton, Kouadio N'Duessan, publié le 10/06/2013
Somebody mentioned the word confusion. That is probably the word that describes my childhood most clearly. It was a confusion of languages, confusion between the inside of the house and the outside of the house, confusion between my father’s idealism and my mother’s memories. There’s always been confusion in my life.
Narration in the Human Mind
par Siri Hustvedt, publié le 16/02/2012
"Human beings are forever explaining themselves to themselves. This is the nature of our self-consciousness. We are not only awake and aware of the world around us, but are able to reflect on ourselves as actors in that world. We reason and we tell stories. Unlike our mammalian relatives who do not narrate their own lives, we become characters in our own tales, both when we recollect ourselves in the past and imagine ourselves in the future. Our ability to represent our experience in language - in those sounds and signs of our essential intersubjectivity - allows us the necessary symbolic alienation required for mental time travel..."
Shakespeare’s The Rape of Lucrece: the wound that cannot heal
par Clifford Armion, publié le 17/09/2010
In Shakespeare's works, the assaults on the body and the marks they leave in the flesh constitute a complex form of language. The shape of the wound, its seriousness, its position on the body, the situation in which it was inflicted, the terms and metaphors used to describe it: all these elements contribute to its semantic load.
The Language of Gesture: Melville's Imaging of Blackness and the Modernity of Billy Budd
par Klaus Benesch , publié le 04/01/2010
In light of recent studies of both the life of black seamen and of the role of blacks in the Enlightenment, the paper discusses the representation of African sailors in the work of Herman Melville, in particular in his unfinished manuscript Billy Budd, Sailor. As I argue, Melville's imaging of a "noble" black sailor in the opening chapter is crucial to the author's ongoing attempt to untangle the complex relationship of race and modernity. By invoking a non-totalitarian, gestural/visual aesthetics of blackness Melville not only reinforces his earlier critique of modernity's foundation in slavery; he also revivifies and, simultaneously, trans-forms the eighteenth-century tradition of visualizing blacks as tragic witnesses to the para-doxes of the enlightenment. In so doing, Melville couches his argument against racism in a 'gestural' (black) critique of white judgments on blacks that may well be read to foreshadow later, more radical gestures of black pride from zoot-suiters to the raised fists of black pan-thers or the corporeal self-fashioning of the gangster rapper.
From buds to flowers: the blossoming of constructions in child language
par Aliyah Morgenstern, publié le 18/12/2009
In the course of their development, children make their way along successive transitory systems with their own internal coherence. We will present the paths they follow from gestures and first words to complex constructions embedded in their dialogic context, developing both linguistic, conversational and social skills necessary to full mastery of language. Our data shows that the use of grammatical forms is irregular in terms of canonical syntax but not random, and corresponds to particular semantic/pragmatic features.