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Il y a 35 éléments qui correspondent à vos termes de recherche.
Entrevista con Juan Orrantia par Juan Orrantia, Camille Lecuyer, publié le 11/10/2019
Entretien avec le photographe colombien, Juan Orrantia.
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Entrevista con Victoria Holguín par Victoria Holguin, Camille Lecuyer, publié le 11/10/2019
Como fotógrafa, la artista caleña Victoria Holguín se apasionó desde los principios por las cuestiones de feminidad y feminismo, de identidad de género y de percepción del cuerpo en vínculo con la definición de la identidad social. A través de numerosas obras, intenta plasmar, gracias a la fotografía digital, la profundidad íntima de los individuos que se dejan retratar, siempre buscando capturar algo de su sensibilidad y fragilidad como seres humanos.
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Entrevista con Liliana Merizalde par Liliana Merizalde, Camille Lecuyer, publié le 11/10/2019
Entretien avec Liliana Merizalde, photographe colombienne.
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The Gay Liberation Front and queer rights in the UK: a conversation with Jeffrey Weeks par Jeffrey Weeks, publié le 23/05/2019
Jeffrey Weeks is a gay activist and historian specialising in the history of sexuality. His work includes Socialism and the New Life (1977) and Coming Out: Homosexual Politics in Britain from the Nineteenth Century to the Present (1977). He was invited at the LGBT Centre in Lyon to talk about his latest book What is sexual history (2016), which has been translated in French and published by the Presses Universitaires de Lyon. The discussion was moderated by Quentin Zimmerman.
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Mary Creagh and Emma Reynolds (Labour MPs) on Brexit and #MeToo par Mary Creagh, Emma Reynolds, publié le 11/09/2018
Les élèves de la classe d'ECS1A du Lycée Ampère (Lyon) sont allés en juin dernier à la rencontre de deux parlementaires travaillistes, Mary Creagh et Emma Reynolds. L'échange, ici retranscrit, porte notamment sur les enjeux du Brexit ainsi que le mouvement #MeToo.
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Hartmut Rosa über die mobilen Gesellschaften par Hartmut Rosa, publié le 31/12/2014
Interview avec le sociologue Hartmut Rosa sur l'accélération du temps, processus caractéristique selon lui de notre époque moderne, et sur les limites de la mobilité dans notre système mondialisé.
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Stefan Weinert: "Die Familie" par Stefan Weinert, publié le 26/11/2014
Stefan Weinert erklärt, dass sein Film im Rahmen der in Deutschland höchst aktuellen Debatte, ob die DDR eine Diktatur gewesen sei oder nicht, verstanden werden sollte. Ihm ist es wichtig, die Traumata der Opfer des DDR-Systems ans Licht zu bringen und das weitverbreitete Image einer gemäßigten Diktatur zu widerlegen.
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The educational system in the United States: an overview par Daniel Wright, publié le 10/11/2014
In general, we have what is called a federal system, where there is a lot of power that States have, and then cities within states and even smaller municipalities within cities can make their own rules. And education is a good example of where it can really depend on where you are. The requirements can be very different from place to place and the type of schools that are offered can vary very much from state to state...
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Interview mit Gabriele Olms, einer ehemaligen Staatsbürgerin der DDR par Gabriele Olms, Cécilia Fernandez, publié le 01/11/2014
Gabriele Olms est née en 1956 à Potsdam et elle vit depuis 1977 en France. Elle témoigne de sa jeunesse en RDA, de son départ pour la France, de la Chute du mur et de ses conséquences pour sa famille.
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American Indians - A conversation with David Treuer par David Treuer, Clifford Armion, publié le 08/09/2014
David Treuer took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his involvement in the protection of Indian culture.
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The Yellow Birds - A conversation with Kevin Powers par Kevin Powers, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/06/2014
Kevin Powers took part in the eighth edition of the Assises Internationales du Roman, organised by the Villa Gillet and Le Monde. He answered our questions on his first novel, The Yellow Birds.
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Je de l’écrivain et jeu de l’écriture, discussion avec Alexis Jenni par Alexis Jenni, Clifford Armion, publié le 10/06/2014
Alexis Jenni, prix Goncourt 2011, est venu à la rencontre des enseignants de LELE de l’Académie de Lyon le 7 avril 2014 à l’invitation de La Clé des langues et du Rectorat de Lyon. Nous vous proposons ici une transcription partielle de cet échange autour des thématiques de la mémoire, du pacte autobiographique et de la jouissance de l’écriture. La discussion s’appuie sur deux nouvelles issues du recueil intitulé Elucidations : 50 anecdotes. Les enregistrements de ces deux textes lus par Alexis Jenni sont également à votre disposition sur cette page.
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L'immigration italienne à Lyon par Jean-Luc de Ochandiano, Damien Prevost, publié le 30/05/2014
Au cours de cet entretien, Jean-Luc de Ochandiano nous parle de la question de l'immigration italienne au cours des XIXème et XXème siècles en centrant son discours sur le cas spécifique de Lyon. Jean-Luc de Ochandiano, tout en récusant le terme de "communauté italienne" aborde également l'épineux problème de la mémoire entre héritage et reconstruction à travers deux "événements" : la sortie de son livre l'année dernière et l'exposition aux archives municipales de Lyon.
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The gun control debate in the US par James B. Jacobs, Claire Richard, publié le 08/04/2014
I consider myself a gun control skeptic. I do not believe, at this point in our history, with 300 millions firearms in private hands, and a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and a political situation in which there is a very very small number of politicians who are willing to take a strong position on firearms, that there is a serious potential for regulatory controls. I don’t think that will happen. There is no magic bullet, if you can excuse the phrase, that will change American violence, but the good news is that it has been reduced substantially over the last 25 years....
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Remembering 9/11 - Politics of Memory par Marita Sturken, Claire Richard, publié le 31/03/2014
One of the reasons I was interested in trying to unpack the meanings of kitsch memory culture, say for instance in relationship to 9/11, is precisely the ways in which it creates this culture of comfort, that allows us to feel reassured. And that allows us to not confront the larger questions, about the project of American empire, about the project of national identity, about our priorities and our values as a nation, and about the kind of sacrifices that we have demanded on those serving in the armed forces, and all of the ways in which many families and many communities were really devastated by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...
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Rencontre avec Randall Kennedy par Randall Kennedy, Kédem Ferré, publié le 10/01/2014
Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy answered Aiguerande 11th graders before a conference at the Hôtel de Région for the Villa Gillet Mode d'Emploi festival, on 24 November 2013 in Lyon, France. The meeting was organised by the Villa Gillet and La Clé des Langues, and was prepared by Kédem Ferré and his students.
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The Young Lords par Johanna Fernandez, Claire Richard, publié le 22/01/2013
The Young Lords were the children of the first large wave of Puerto Rican migration to the North East of the United States, in cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and Hartford. The Young Lords was begun not in New York, interestingly enough, but in Chicago. And it was initiated by the efforts of the leader of the Young Lords, who initially in Chicago had been a gang. Cha Cha Jimenez, who was the leader of that gang, worked with a leader of the Black Panther Party, Fred Hampton, to transform this gang into a political organization.
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The black community in New York, past and present par Alondra Nelson, Clifford Armion, publié le 15/01/2013
Alondra Nelson tells us about the history of the black community in New York; where they came from, where they settled and why. She also explores issues related to the urban development in Manhattan and to the gentrification of Harlem.
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Reclaiming the streets, public space and quality of life in New York par Janette Sadik-Khan, Clifford Armion, publié le 11/01/2013
Mayor Bloomberg’s PlaNYC initiative was a thirty year plan to say ‘what do we need to do to ensure that a 9.4 million New York City works better than an 8.4 million New York City works today?’ so that when you open the door in the year 2030 you like what you see. That long term planning view, understanding the growth that’s going to happen, meant that we needed to change some fundamental things. One of the first things we needed to do was to look at our transport systems differently and use the lever of growth to modernise those transport systems.
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Understanding the social media: an interview with Jeffrey Rosen par Jeffrey Rosen, Clifford Armion, publié le 10/01/2013
Now that we’re living most of our lives online, all of us are vulnerable to the internet. The difficulty with young people is that they may not have experienced the dangers of not being able to escape your past until it’s too late. I like to tell the story of Stacy Sneider, the young 22 year old teacher in training who posted a picture of herself on Myspace wearing a pirate’s hat and drinking from a plastic cup that said drunken pirate. Her supervisor at the school said she was promoting drinking and she was fired. She sued and was unable to get her job back and she had to pick an entirely different career. That’s a very dramatic example on how vulnerable all of us are to being judged out of context by a single image or ill chosen picture and once you do that it may be very hard to escape your past.
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Video game theory par Liel Leibovtiz, Claire Richard, publié le 05/12/2012
TV requires you to interpret, to find meaning, to reject meaning, to make up new meaning, to negociate. Video games aren’t like that. Video games require you to do something else. You turn on a video game, and immediately you exist in three separate forms : you are that self on the couch, sitting in the physical space, watching the TV, holding the remote in your hand, you are the avatar on the screen, the character which you control and manipulate, and you’re a sort of third entity, an amalgamation of the two of you, of real and unreal, person and avatar, of gamer and character.
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Questions d'urbanisme à New York par Michel Lussault, Clifford Armion, publié le 29/11/2012
Michel Lussault, professeur de géographie et directeur de l'Istitut Français d'Education, répond aux questions de Clifford Armion, responsable de La Clé des langues, dans le cadre d'une rencontre organisée par la Villa Gillet dans les locaux newyorkais du Guardian, le 13 octobre 2012. Il évoque les changements opérés dans le paysage urbain de New York ces dernières années aux travers d'exemples comme la reconfiguration de Time Square, la transformation de la High Line en promenade ou bien encore le mémorial du 11 septembre.
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The 9/11 memorial - Interview and footage of the WTC site par Clifford Chanin, Clifford Armion, publié le 30/10/2012
The original World Trade Centre site was 16 acres which if my calculations are correct is about 10 hectares in French geographical terms. So it was a very large space in the centre of the downtown Wall Street business district in New York. Those two buildings were each 110 stories tall. Each floor was an acre square. So you had 10 million square feet of floor space in those buildings. It really was an attempt to build the largest buildings in the world and bring companies from around the world to do business in those buildings. Once the attacks came and the buildings collapsed, it emerged very quickly in the planning process that the actual footprints of the buildings, those places were the they stood, were considered sacred ground.
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Alexis Jenni, L'Art français de la guerre par Alexis Jenni, Clifford Armion, publié le 03/09/2012
Entretien (dans le cadre des Assises Internationales du Roman de Lyon) avec l'écrivain Alexis Jenni, auteur de "L'art français de la guerre", prix Goncourt 2011.
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Mary Creagh on UK environmental policies par Mary Creagh, Clifford Armion, publié le 05/01/2012
Mary Creagh is the Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. She has been a Member of Parliament for Wakefield since 2005. She answered our questions on the environmental policies implemented by the coalition government and the position of Labour on energy and environment related issues.
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Denis MacShane on Europe and Coalition policies par Denis MacShane, Clifford Armion, publié le 12/12/2011
Denis MacShane was Tony Blair's Minister for Europe from 2002 until 2005 and has been a Member of Parliament for Rotherham since 1994. He answered our questions on the policies implemented by the coalition government, the rise in British euroscepticism and the role of the state in financing universities.
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An interview with Virginia Heffernan on Digital Culture par Virginia Heffernan, Clifford Armion, publié le 21/02/2011
Dans cet entretien, réalisé à l'occasion de la rencontre "Web culture : nouveaux modes de connaissance, nouvelles sociabilités", organisée par la Villa Gillet, la journaliste américaine Virginia Heffernan revient sur la relation qu'entretiennent les journalistes avec internet.
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An interview with Akeel Bilgrami on environmental ethics par Akeel Bilgrami, Clifford Armion, publié le 14/01/2011
Akeel Bilgrami, directeur du Heyman Center for the Humanities (Columbia), est une figure centrale de la philosophie contemporaine du langage et de l'esprit. Ses ouvrages, Belief and Meaning (Blackwell, 1992) et Self-Knowledge and Resentment, ont connu un grand succès aux États-Unis. Portés par une démarche philosophique originale et singulière, ils proposent un nouveau cadre de pensée. Après s'être intéressé aux questions de la connaissance de soi et l'intentionnalité, il bouscule les manières de penser la nature et les relations que l'homme entretient avec elle.
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Intervista a Walter Veltroni par Walter Veltroni, Damien Prévost, publié le 26/11/2010
In occasione del Forum Libé svoltosi a Lione tra il 24 e il 26 settembre a Lione, la Clé des Langues ha intervistato Walter Veltroni, parlamentare, esponente del PD ed ex sindaco di Roma. Risponde alle nostre domande sul ruolo della politica nello sviluppo sostenibile e sul ricorrente problema dell'emergenza rifiuti a Napoli.
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An interview with Jonathon Porritt par Jonathon Porritt, Tom Cuthbertson, publié le 09/11/2010
Jonathon Porritt was a prominent member of the Ecology Party in the 70's and 80's. He later became Tony Blair's chief environmental adviser and was chair of the Sustainable Development Commission. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on sustainable economy with Yannick Jadot.
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An interview with Lord Peter Melchett par Lord Peter Melchett, Benjamin Young, publié le 09/11/2010
Lord Peter Melchett was a whip in James Callaghan's Labour Party and later became minister of state for Northern Ireland. He was appointed Executive Director of Greenpeace UK in 1989 and he has been Policy Director at the Soil Association since 2002. He was invited by Libération to tackle the issue of GMOs.
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An interview with John Bowen par John Bowen, Clifford Armion, publié le 19/10/2010
Dans cet entretien accordé à la Clé des langues, John Bowen évoque la spécificité française de la laïcité. Il compare le système éducatif français au modèle américain, observant ainsi les différences de deux cultures qui semblent pourtant se rejoindre dans leur crainte de l'Islam.
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An interview with Peter Ainsworth par Peter Ainsworth, Clifford Armion, publié le 28/09/2010
Peter Ainsworth is a former Member of Parliament and Shadow Minister of Environment. He was invited by Libération to take part in a debate on degrowth. He was kind enough to answers our questions on the energy policy of the United Kingdom.
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Interview de Randall Kennedy par Randall Kennedy, Clifford Armion, publié le 01/02/2010
Lors de son passage à la Villa Gillet, en janvier 2010, Randall Kennedy s'est exprimé sur la dimension historique de la dernière élection présidentielle américaine. Cet évènement culturel s'est tenu le soir même où Barack Obama prononçait face au congrès américain le traditionnel discours sur l'état de l'union. Le lendemain, Randall Kennedy, professeur de droit à Harvard et membre du barreau de la Cour Suprème des Etats-Unis, accordait une interview à Clifford Armion, responsable de la Clé des langues.
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L'exil germanophone au Canada : interview d'Helmut Kallmann par Helmut Kallmann, Patrick Farges, publié le 08/01/2008
Biographie et témoignage d'Helmut Kallmann, canadien "d'origine allemande et de destin juif". Enfant, il a pu quitter l'Allemagne par le biais d'un "Kindertransport" et rejoindre le Canada, où il est resté interné plusieurs années, avant de pouvoir entamer une nouvelle vie à Toronto.
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