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Ken Loach, «Ae Fond Kiss»

Publié par Clifford Armion le 01/07/2011
Cette page propose un court extrait du film ((Ae Fond Kiss)) de Ken Loach (avec l'aimable autorisation de Sixteen Films) . Ce document est accompagné d'exercices de compréhension générale et détaillée, ainsi que de phonétique.


With the kind permission of Sixteen Films

General comprehension

1) In which country does the scene take place?

2) What are the characters' names? What is their occupation?

3) What religions are mentioned?


Detailed comprehension

Part 1

1) Why is the young woman paying a visit to the priest?

2) Right or wrong. Justify your answer by quoting from the video:

a) The young woman has not attended mass very regularly in the past few weeks.
b) The young woman has lost her job.

3) Focus on the following extract (From "And that's it, yes? Simple as that" to "That is the law of the land."):

a) How does the priest react?
b) Pick out the elements which define a Catholic school.
c)  Fill in the blanks:

"And that's it, yes? ............................ as that. Thank you Father. Good bye, Father. I was ............................ this by the archdiocese. The appropriate ............................ being the ............................ of the Educate ............................ Act 1918, in particular the ............................ of 1989 Schedule 10 paragraph 8 « Each ............................ shall be ............................ as to his ............................ ............................ and ............................ by the ............................ of the ............................ in whose ............................ the ............................ is being ............................. » What do you think is the ............................ behind ............................ schools? It is a ............................ of ............................ where ............................ and ............................ work ............................ recognising that they ............................ the same ............................  ............................ . What do you make of that? That is the ............................ of the ............................ ."

d) Explain in your own words the following sentence: "Each teacher shall be approved as to his religious belief and character by the representative of the church in whose interest the school is being conducted."
What conclusion can you draw regarding religion and education in Scotland?

4) What is the role of a parish priest?

5) Vocabulary. Match the following words with their appropriate definition:

a) Words: attend, rationale, faith, share, witness

b) Definitions:
to go regularly to a school, church
the reasons for a decision, belief
belief and trust in God
to have or use something with other people

Part 2

1) Pick out the priest's first two questions. What can you deduce about the young woman's marital status?

2) What does the priest reproach the young woman with?

3) Focus on each character's behaviour. What adjectives characterise them best? Justify.

4) On what terms does the priest blackmail the young woman?

5) Propose a translation of the following expressions:

To beat around the bush
It's none of your business
To rubberstamp
Altar boy
To sort something out

Part 3

1) Right or wrong. Justify your answer by quoting from the video:

a) Roisin is not a very good teacher.
b) The Catholic church considers Roisin as a married woman.
c) The Catholic church could annul Roisin's marriage.
d) Roisin lives with a Catholic boy.
e) Her boyfriend refuses to become a Catholic.

2) Focus on the following extract (From "Well I suggest you do and anyway..." to "I suggest you go and teach the Protestants.")

a) Pick out the suggestions made by the priest so that Roisin gets a certificate of approval.

b) Fill in the blanks:

"Well I ......................... you ......................... and anyway, even if he doesn't want to ......................... a Catholic we are not ......................... in the ......................... ......................... , when you get an annulment you can get a special ......................... from the church and then you can get ......................... on the ......................... that you ......................... vow that you will ......................... your ......................... as ......................... . Now, in the ........................., you ......................... live in ......................... and come in here and ask me to ......................... it or give you some ......................... of .......................... You might not like that, that's simply the way it is. The ......................... of our ......................... is not for the faint hearted. Now I'll give you some .......................... . You go home. You ......................... him ......................... and you get ......................... . And if you're not ......................... to do that, I suggest you ......................... and ......................... the ......................... ."

c) What does the priest refer to when he says "Well I suggest you do"?

d) What does the sentence "And if you're not prepared to do that, I suggest you go and teach the Protestants" reveal about the priest?

e) Match the words from the text with their appropriate definition:

Words from the text:
annulment, vow, sin, the faint hearted, kick out

- the official statement that a marriage no longer exists
- to make a promise
- an action that is against religious rules and is considered to be an offence against God
- those who do not try very hard
- to make someone leave a place


Phonetics: the pronunciation of the vowel ‹i› and the difference between /ɪ/ and /ɑɪ/

1) Focus on the following words: it, if, this, catholic, public, sit, sin, him, fit, kid.

a) How is the vowel ‹i› pronounced?

b) Look at the last two letters of each word and draw your conclusion:
The vowel ‹i› is pronounced ......... when it is followed by one ................... .

2) Focus on the following words: parish, since, simple, listen, children, thing, interest, think, Christian, satisfy, witness, still, will, bring, kick, dispensation.

a) How is the vowel ‹i› pronounced?

b) Have a close look at the two letters following the underlined ‹i› and draw your conclusion:
The vowel ‹i› is pronounced ......... when it is followed by ......... ................... (except ‹r› and ‹l›), final or non-final.

3) Focus on the following words: time, quite, outside, fine, life, like, advice, recognise.

a) How is the vowel ‹i› pronounced?
b) Have a close look at the two letters following the underlined ‹i› and draw your conclusion:
The vowel ‹i› is pronounced /ai/ when it is followed by one ........................ and ......
c) How do you pronounce the vowel ‹i› in the following words: give - live? Draw your conclusion.


Pour citer cette ressource :

Ken Loach, Ae Fond Kiss, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2011. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/se-former/workbook/sectarianism-in-glasgow/ken-loach-ae-fond-kiss