Canada answers the call HELP PAGE
Here is some help to understand the program:
“People were sitting all nights so the stenographer could read off the wire what was happening”
Les gens restaient debout toute la nuit pour écouter en direct les nouvelles télégraphiques de ce qui se passait [à Londres et en Europe].
“When finally in the House of Commons, Sir Edward Grey pledged the strength of the British empire on the invasion of Belgium, I think everyone in the country breathed a sigh of relief. If ever a country wanted war, it was Canada in that week.”
Quand à la Chambre des Communes [du Parlement britannique], Sir Edward Grey a engagé la force de l’Empire britannique [contre l’Allemagne] suite à l’invasion de la Belgique, je crois que tout le monde au Canada a poussé un soupir de soulagement. Si un pays a jamais voulu faire la guerre, c’était le Canada cette semaine-là.
“Scores of men who answered the call in that distant August in some cases before the call was sounded.”
Les dizaines d’hommes qui ont répondu à l’appel au cours de ce lointain mois d’août, dans certains cas avant même que l’appel ne soit passé.
The Prime minister: Le premier ministre (canadien)
The cabinet council: Le conseil des ministres (canadien)
The governor general: Le gouverneur général (représentant du gouvernement britannique)
The militia department: La milice (armée non-professionnelle)
“Party controversy ceased.” : La controverse entre les partis a pris fin.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier: bilingual Canadian from Québec, leader of the Liberal party, Prime minister until 1911 when his party lost the elections to the Conservative party.
“If the mother country is ever threatened…”
“There should be a truce to party strife.” : Il doit y avoir une trêve à la lutte partisane.
“Within three hours of the declaration of war, the Canadian government summoned a meeting of Parliament and the militia department gave instructions for the enrollment of 20 000 volunteers for service on the front. Before the instruction were issued 100 000 offered themselves.”
First testimony (around 4’):
“We were there in hundreds.”
“Bands came out to play Rule Britannia.” [L’hymne britannique]
“There were a French flag and Union Jacks.”
Second testimony (around 5’):
“No man will be taken unless he volunteers.”
“All the lads who volunteer to go overseas take a step forward. There were only two who didn’t.”
“The milicia must be asked to volunteer as well. And they did.”
Fourth testimony (around 6’)
“He said: Are you going?
We said: Yes!”
Pour citer cette ressource :
Canada answers the call HELP PAGE, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), août 2013. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: