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08 October 2018 - Kavanaugh Confirmed as Supreme Court Justice

Publié par Marion Coste le 08/10/2018

Brett Kavanaugh confirmed as Supreme Court Justice

(ABC News, 07/10/2018)

Protesters rallied on Capitol Hill and around the country as the Senate voted to confirm Kavaunagh.

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Who Will Pay for the Mess of the Kavanaugh Confirmation? All the Women.

Ryan Thoreson (The New York Times, 07/10/2018)

In Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee recently, he lamented that his family and his reputation had been “totally and permanently destroyed” by allegations of sexual assault.

Yet Judge Kavanaugh became Justice Kavanaugh on Saturday. The people who will, for many decades, face the consequences for his tortured nomination are women.

Dr. Christine Blasey Ford received death threats and had to leave her family home, after testifying about her sexual assault. She moved her sons in with friends so they could continue to attend school.

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Justice Kavanaugh will be impartial, not political like his opponents

Thomas Jipping (The Hill, 07/10/2018)

No one — not the Senate Judiciary Committee, not the FBI, not powerful media organizations such as the New York Times, NBC News, or the New Yorker — was able to find any corroboration for the last-minute sexual misconduct allegations against now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh. That conclusion returns us to the central issue at the heart of this nomination: What kind of justice will Kavanaugh be?

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was generous in her Oct. 5 speech when she said that the allegations against Kavanaugh did not meet even the “more likely than not” standard. If the FBI had conducted the identical investigation and turned up a whisper of support for the allegations against Kavanaugh, his opponents would have hailed it as the most independent, exhaustive and conclusive investigation in the history of investigations. But if the FBI had taken six months, interviewed 100 people and still found no support for those allegations, Democrats would still brand it a cover-up.

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Senator Feinstein Wondering If Now A Good Time To Disclose 7 Highly Credible Murder Allegations Against Kavanaugh She Received Weeks Ago

(The Onion, 05/10/2018)

Weighing the importance of the information against the potential political fallout, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) debated Friday whether or not now might be a prudent time to introduce into discussion the seven highly credible murder accusations against Brett Kavanaugh that were given to her in August. “Roughly five weeks ago, the family members of five slain women and two men presented me with dozens of file boxes full of concrete, corroborated evidence that Kavanaugh was personally and solely responsible for the deaths, and I’m now experiencing a strong feeling that maybe the other Senators, the media, and the American public should know,” said Feinstein, who also disclosed that dozens of people had come forward with information further connecting Kavanaugh to a string of brutal stranglings committed from 1986 to 2011, but had been turned away over concerns that it wasn’t relevant to the confirmation process.

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Kavanaugh being sworn in. Source: CNBC