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30 May 2023 - HBO Succession series finale

Publié par Marion Coste le 30/05/2023

‘Succession’ Is Over. Why Did We Care?

Alexis Soloski (The New Yok Times, 28/05/2023)

For five years, the series and the question of who would end up in charge captivated a chatty swath of the TV audience. But did anyone really win in the end?

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Have You Noticed that “Succession” Is Like Shakespeare?

Kelly Conaboy (The New Yorker, 26/05/2023)

I don’t mean to sound pretentious, but have you noticed that “Succession” is like Shakespeare? Well, if you haven’t, you should thank your fucking cocksucking lucky dipshit stars (sorry, too much “Succession” LOL) because once you start to notice it, boy, oh, boy, it’s all you can notice!

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Succession, the inside story: could a few scruffy Brits write a glossy, high-end New York drama? Yes and no

Georgia Pritchett (The Guardian, 30/05/2023)

The pilot for Succession was filmed in New York in November 2016, just as Donald Trump was elected president. I was across the country in Los Angeles, filming an episode of Veep called Georgia, about the first “free” democratic elections in the former Soviet republic where the opposition wins more votes than there are people. As we filmed our fictional characters listening to the results in disbelief, I stood in my “I’m with her” T-shirt, listening to the real results in disbelief.

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Everything you don’t actually need to know about the economics of Succession

Louis Ashworth (The Financial Times, 21/04/2023)

Succession is a show about a business. For three-and-a-bit seasons, the saga of Waystar Royco — a storied but creaking media giant led by ageing mogul Logan Roy and his squabbling spawn — has entranced audiences with familial betrayal, corporate intrigue, withering put-downs and Cousin Greg.

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HBO logo. Source: Wikipedia, Public domain.