15 May 2023 - Shipwreck of Blythe Star found off Australian coast after 50 years
Blythe Star shipwreck found off Tasmanian coast brings closure to 50-year mystery
Australian Associated Press (The Guardian, 15/05/2023)
A CSIRO investigation has confirmed the location of the MV Blythe Star shipwreck, almost 50 years after it sank off the Tasmanian coast.
On the 13 October 1973 while making a routine trip from Hobart to King Island, the ship began developing a list to the starboard before taking on water and capsizing.
Shipwreck found off Tasmanian coast after 50 years
AAP Newswire (The Seymour Telegraph, 15/05/2023)
The MV Blythe Star was making a routine trip from Hobart to King Island when it suddenly capsized and sank off the Tasmanian coast nearly 50 years ago.
Three crew members died in the days after the October 13, 1973, incident as the seven survivors waited nearly two weeks to be rescued from an inflatable raft.
The sinking of the Blythe Star
Ann Jones (ABC News, 23/11/2015)
In 1973, the sinking of a freighter sparked a massive search for the missing crew. They were never found. After 11 days and three deaths, they rescued themselves. Ann Jones charts the extraordinary tale of the 'Blythe Star'.
Not all of the crew of the Blythe Star survived.
The ship set sail from Hobart on 13 October, 1973.
SS Speke shipwreck. Source: Pixabay, Pixabay Licence.