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18 February 2020 - Canada: Indigenous chiefs against the building of Coastal GasLink pipeline

Publié par mniedda le 18/02/2020

Wet’suwet’en protests: Here’s what’s happening across Canada

Kerri Breen and David Lao (Global News, 17/02/2020)

Tensions remain high across Canada as railway blockades and protests in support of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs enter a third week.

While the dispute over the 670-km Coastal GasLink pipeline goes back years, nationwide demonstrations started earlier this month after the RCMP began enforcing a B.C. Supreme Court injunction that would clear the way for construction.

Coastal GasLink has signed agreements with 20 elected Indigenous councils along the route but the $6.6-billion liquefied natural gas pipeline is opposed by the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs, who claim rights over the unceded land the pipeline will pass through.

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Anti-pipeline protesters march to Queen’s Park in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs

Katherine DeClerq (CTV News, 17/02/2020)

A large group of people marched to Queen’s Park on Family Day in support of the Wet’suwet’en hereditary chiefs who are fighting against the construction of a pipeline through their territory in northern B.C.

The demonstration began at Christie Pitts Park in the city’s west end, near Bloor Street and Ossintgon Avenue.

Holding signs that said “solidarity with Wet’suwet’en,” “no consent, no pipeline,” and “respect Wet’suwet’en sovereignty,” the protesters walked 4.2 kilometers towards Queen’s Park, effectively shutting down the eastbound lanes of Bloor Street.

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Indigenous services minister reports ‘modest progress’ with pipeline protesters as rail blockade continues

Laura Stone (The Globe and Mail, 15/02/2020)

Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller said hours of talks with an Ontario First Nation yielded “modest” progress and he’ll be taking a message to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet about next steps in anti-pipeline dispute that has crippled the country’s rail system.

Mr. Miller arrived at the Tyendinaga rail crossing on the 10th day of a blockade that has brought much of Canada’s passenger and freight railway transportation to a halt.

Emerging from a seven-hour meeting with the Mohawk community near Belleville, Ont., Mr. Miller said “modest progress” has been made, but it appeared the blockade would remain in place for now.

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Wet’suwet’en Coastal GasLink Pipeline Dispute: Every Word You Need To Know

Melanie Woods (The Huffington Post, 14/02/2020)

People on Wet’suwet’en land are speaking out, and people across the country are listening. 

The dispute between Indigenous hereditary chiefs and RCMP enforcing an injunction to build the Coastal GasLink pipeline through their land has exploded into a national headline, as protesters and land defenders occupy ports, rail lines and intersections across Canada to draw attention not only to the pipeline, but also to Indigenous land rights on the whole. 

From Halifax to Victoria, chants of “Wet’suwet’en strong” are echoing out. Hundreds of protesters successfully occupied the B.C. legislature Tuesday, delaying the speech from the throne. CN Rail could potentially close rail lines as a result of protests across Canada.

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Alaska Pipeline. Source: Pixabay.