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26 September 2017 - Trump Blasts National Football League for Anthem Protest

Publié par Marion Coste le 26/09/2017

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Sports world continues to respond to Trump's attacks on NFL player protests
(ESPN, 25/09/2017)
During a week in which a crucial Senate health care vote, his tax plan, the North Korean nuclear threat and Puerto Rico's post-hurricane suffering vied for attention, President Donald Trump carried his feud with the NFL over players who kneel in protest into the new week with a fresh volley of tweets.
But for some, Trump's argument with professional athletes had everything to do with race.
NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart defended players' rights to peacefully protest what they view as racial inequality and police mistreatment of black males.
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The protesting NFL players, not Donald Trump, are the true patriots
Suzanne Moore (The Guardian, 25/09/2017)
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave”. The words of America’s national anthem, uplifting as they may be, do what all anthems do: they reassure a nation of its own self-image. That image is now being contested by another that asks who really is free, who really is brave and who really is at home in Trump’s America.
The challenge comes from the image of American football players kneeling in protest during the anthem before matches. Their “taking a knee” action has fired the imagination and spread beyond football to baseball and even the world of showbiz, with Stevie Wonder among many stars seen following suit in solidarity. I don’t pretend for one minute to understand American football though I have been to several matches. It looks like rugby with crash helmets. But what I do know is a powerful symbol when I see one.

Facing "Tremendous Backlash"

Donald Trump returns to Twitter to comment on NFL protests, discuss race
(USA Today, 25/09/2017)

President Trump was back on Twitter early Monday morning, and he's still talking sports.
Trump's tweets touched on race, fans booing NFL players and his support for the NASCAR community.
Trump said that kneeling "has nothing to do with race. It is about respect for our Country, Flag and National Anthem."
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Trump's ugly battles with the NFL go way back
Jeff Pearlman (CNN, 25/09/2017)

The three men met inside a suite in New York City's Pierre Hotel.
There was Pete Rozelle, the NFL's longtime commissioner.
There was Donald Trump, Manhattan-based real estate mogul and owner of the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League, which was in its second year.

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26 September 2017 - Trump Blasts National Football League for Anthem Protest, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2017. Consulté le 09/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2017/26-september-2017-trump-blasts-national-football-league-for-anthem-protest-