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16 January 2017 - Saturday Night Live's take on Trump's press conference

Publié par Marion Coste le 16/01/2017

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Donald Trump News Conference Gets the ‘S.N.L.’ Treatment
Dave Itzkoff (The New York Times, 15/01/2017)
If Donald J. Trump’s first news conference as president-elect was a raucous, chaotic affair on Wednesday – and it was – the parody of it on “Saturday Night Live” was somehow calmer and more organized than the actual event.
Still, the “S.N.L.” sketch pulled few punches as it swung at the show’s most powerful, persistent critic, mocking Mr. Trump on a range of subjects, including the perceived lack of star power at his coming inauguration; his opaque plan to divest himself from his businesses; and the possibility that Russia possessed unverified compromising information on him.
Saturday night’s episode, the first new one of 2017, once again featured Alec Baldwin as Mr. Trump. He started off the faux news conference by vowing to answer what he said was “the question that’s on everyone’s mind.”

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“Yes, this is really happening. I’m becoming president.”

Alec Baldwin’s Trump Takes On Obamacare And Golden Showers On ‘SNL’
Mary Papenfuss (The Huffington Post, 15/01/2017)
Alec Baldwin stepped into Donald Trump’s shoes again for “Saturday Night Live” to present his own version of the president-elect’s recent press conference and talk about inauguration entertainment, golden showers and his sons, “Beavis” and “Butthead.”
Baldwin as Trump begins in the cold open with a serious warning: “Let me answer the question that’s on everyone’s mind: Yes this is real life, this is really happening. On January 20th, I, Donald J. Trump will become the 45th president of the United States. Then two months later Mike Pence will become the 46th.”
He says he’s excited to move into the White House, and will even have a “little” pet: Paul Ryan.

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin on Trump: ‘Everywhere He’s Gone, He’s Abused Power’
Raisa Bruner (Time Magazine, 13/01/2017)
Alec Baldwin has made a name for himself as the Saturday Night Live’s official Donald Trump impersonator of our era, and in a new interview with Katie Couric on The Katie Couric podcast, the forthcoming actor had plenty to say about the president-elect he regularly lambasts.
“Everywhere he’s gone, he’s abused power and people who are less powerful than him,” Baldwin said of the businessman-turned-politician. While Baldwin said that he did the “wrong thing a handful of times” himself, he said he saw Trump as a “malicious person,” when comparing him to other famous figures he impersonates.
“Whether it was Tony Bennett or Pacino or DeNiro … there’s an element of appreciation for them,” he noted of his approach. “With Trump, I don’t have that element of appreciation, which makes it difficult,” he reflected. “The key to doing him was to be a man who paused regularly, almost metronomically paused, to dig for a better word—and never came up with a better word,” he explained of his process for the SNL sketches.
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"A complete hit job"

Donald Trump Again Attacks ‘Saturday Night Live’: ‘Always a Complete Hit Job’
Alex Stedman (Variety, 15/01/2017)
In a practice that’s almost become routine, President-elect Donald Trump has fired back at NBC and “Saturday Night Live” after this weekend’s episode that parodied his Wednesday press conference.
“.@NBCNews is bad but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, cast is terrible, always a complete hit job. Really bad television!,” Trump tweeted on Sunday afternoon.
His tweet comes just a day after Alec Baldwin reprised his popular Trump impression, taking on such subjects as Obamacare and his conflicts of interest. The cold open also poked fun at the “golden showers” claim in the unverified Russian dossier that was released this week, letting loose a stream of not-so-subtle urination puns.
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16 January 2017 - Saturday Night Live's take on Trump's press conference, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2017. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2017/16-january-2017-saturday-night-live-s-take-on-trump-s-press-conference