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10 November 2017 - Canada Uncensors the Word "Fuck" on Radio

Publié par Marion Coste le 11/10/2017

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Canadian Government Rules It's OK to Say 'Fuck' on the Radio
Beatrice Dupuy (Newsweek, 09/11/2017)
It is now OK to say "fuck" on French-language broadcasts in Canada, thanks to a new ruling by the country's censors.
The Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council ruled Wednesday that the English-language version of the famous "four-letter word" has become such a part of French-Canadian vernacular that it’s no longer too vulgar to speak on air.
"In some previous decisions that the English word 'fuck' constitutes language 'for adults' even in a French-language program, the Panel Adjudicators note that the English word 'fuck' does not have the same vulgar connotation when used in French," the council said in a statement.

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Canadian Broadcast Standards Council

English F-word acceptable for French broadcasts, regulator says
Michelle McQuigge (The Star, 09/11/2017)
Canada’s broadcast standards regulator has ruled that a swear word that’s off-limits on English-language broadcasts is acceptable in French programming.
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council ruled that a Quebec music radio station did not violate any rules by airing two clips of celebrities using the F-word as part of public speeches.
A listener of CKOI-FM filed a complaint after hearing the profane clips from Madonna and Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong played two months apart on afternoon programming.

Not Taboo

Canada decides the F-word is not taboo for radio listeners' ears
Staff and Agencies (The Guardian, 09/11/2017)
It may be still be too blue for English speakers, but authorities in Canada have ruled that the word “fuck” is no longer taboo on French language broadcasts as its use is so commonplace.
The Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council (CBSC) had previously classified the word as being suitable only for adults in both French and English, banning its use on radio and television to beyond the evening watershed and even then, only with a warning.
But after complaints from listeners that the French-language Montreal radio station CKOI-FM had twice aired clips with the word this year, it changed its mind in a ruling released Wednesday.
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Canada declares F-word is not too rude for radio
Helena Horton (The Telegraph, 09/11/2017)

The Canadian authorities have decided that the F-word is not too blue for some radio listeners' ears.
Although on English-language broadcasting the word is still not used until it is beyond the evening watershed - and even then it is only used with a prior warning - it has been decided that on French-language radio stations it is perfectly fine to broadcast the profanity at any time of day.
The Canadian Broadcasting Standards Council (CBSC) previously restricted use of the word on both French and English-language radio stations, but relaxed the rules after complaints from listeners.
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10 November 2017 - Canada Uncensors the Word "Fuck" on Radio, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), octobre 2017. Consulté le 09/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2017/10-november-2017-canada-uncensors-the-word-fuck-on-radio