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06 March 2017 - Donald Trump's Accusations of Wiretapping

Publié par Marion Coste le 03/06/2017

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What Can Be Gleaned From Trump’s Allegations of Wiretapping
Charlie Savage (The New York Times, 05/03/2017)
President Trump’s claim on Twitter early Saturday that he had “just found out” that “President Obama was tapping my phones in October,” an accusation for which he offered no evidence, has set off another spasm surrounding his young administration. On Sunday, Mr. Trump’s spokesman said the administration was asking Congress to investigate the president’s allegation.
There is ample reason for caution because Mr. Trump has a history of making attention-grabbing and politically explosive claims that have no basis in fact. As things stand, a plausible explanation is that Mr. Trump was merely riffing off a March 3 article on the alt-right website Breitbart.com. It laid out a theory circulating in some conservative circles that President Barack Obama sought to sabotage Mr. Trump through surveillance.
The episode has heightened interest in several related surveillance issues.

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How Congress responded to Trump's request to investigate the Obama administration
Jeremy Diamond, Kevin Bohn and Eric Bradner (CNN, 06/03/2017)
Democrats sharply criticized President Donald Trump's calls on lawmakers Sunday to investigate his baseless claim that former President Barack Obama tapped his phone.
Republicans, meanwhile, urged Trump to let the House and Senate intelligence committees do their jobs.
Both parties made clear that Trump's allegation -- which the White House has not offered any evidence to support, and which Obama administration officials emphatically deny -- won't be dropped anytime soon, as even GOP lawmakers who have backed Trump said they'd investigate.


Did Obama really wiretap Trump Towers?
(BBC News, 06/03/2017)
They were arguably Donald Trump's most striking claims to date: a series of tweets, accusing then-President Barack Obama of wire-tapping Trump Tower during the election.
The claim appeared to come as a surprise, and was not backed up by any evidence.
First Mr Obama's spokesman, then the former US intelligence chief James Clapper denied any wiretap had been ordered.
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Lawmakers stunned, baffled by Trump’s wiretap allegations
Kyle Cheney (Politico, 05/03/2017)
Congressional Republicans were flummoxed Sunday by President Donald Trump's and his White House’s continued assertions — provided without evidence — that President Barack Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower during the 2016 presidential campaign.
A day after Trump made the charge, Hill Republicans were largely mute, and those who spoke out were perplexed at the source of Trump’s information, which the White House has yet to disclose.
Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday he had seen “no evidence” to back up Trump’s wiretap claims. Rubio is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Trump’s ties to Russia and has received classified briefings on the issue.

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"06 March 2017 - Donald Trump's Accusations of Wiretapping", La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2017. Consulté le 27/07/2024. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2017/06-march-2017-donald-trump-s-accusations-of-wiretapping