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3 March - EU Referendum: the Brexit debate

Publié par Marion Coste le 03/03/2016

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EU referendum: France issues border checks warning to UK

(BBC News, 03/03/2016)

France could end UK border controls in Calais and allow migrants to cross the Channel unchecked if the UK leaves the EU, France's finance minister has said.
Emmanuel Macron told the Financial Times his country could also limit access to the single market and try to tempt London's bankers to relocate.
His comments come as David Cameron and Francois Hollande prepare for security and migration talks in France.

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A trade-off between sovereignty and economics
Buttonwood (The Economist, 02/03/2016)
Facts, just facts. Like Charles Dickens's Mr Gradgrind, many voters simply want some objective information on whether Britain would be better off in or out of the EU. The problem is that it is impossible to know the answer for sure, not least because we cannot know what kind of trade deal Britain would be able to strike. Any deal will involve trade-offs - between access to the single market and ability to control immigration, for example. We can't know what deal the EU will offer and what a chastened government (its advice will have been rejected by the electorate) will agree to accept. That is one reason why the two campaigns will be swapping contrary statistics for the next three-and-a-bit months.
As a guide to the process, every investment bank, think-tank and fund manager worth its salt has indicated its views on the issues. The latest is the biggest fund manager in the world*, BlackRock, which said that
"Our bottom line is that a Brexit offers a lot of risk with little obvious reward. We see an EU exit leading to lower UK growth and investment, and potentially higher unemployment and inflation. Any offsetting benefits look more amorphous and less certain, in our view."

George Osborne

Osborne: Leaving EU would be 'worst of all worlds'
Kate Devlin (Herald Scotland, 03/03/2016)
Leaving the EU would be the worst of all worlds, George Osborne will say today.
The Chancellor will warn that the UK would still have to accept high migration levels and contribute to the EU budget to be able to trade in the single market.
At the British Chambers of Commerce annual conference in London, where he will appear alongside German finance minister Wolfgang Schauble, he is expected to say: “We would be paying in to the EU, following their rules but have no say over those rules or how our money was spent."
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The dilemmas of the diplomats tasked with saving the European Union
Patrick Wintour (The Guardian, 03/03/2016)

The battle for Brexit, like the Battle of Waterloo, may ultimately be won or lost on the playing fields of Eton between two famous old boys, David Cameron and Boris Johnson. But that does not mean European, and American, politicians will be entirely absent from the pitch in the next three months. Indeed, they could play a critical role both by what they say and how effectively they manage to run the European Union in the months ahead.
The question for overseas diplomats is in which role can their leaders best prevent Brexit. Should the UK’s EU partners cast themselves as concerned but mute bystanders, or instead intervene, as David Cameron did in the Scottish referendum, passionately expressing their love and begging a restless partner not to leave the marital home?
There is no doubt that EU heads of state want the UK to reject Brexit, so avoiding a political and economic crisis at a time when Europe, gripped by the migration crisis, simply cannot afford more disruption. Britain, as the world’s fifth-largest power, adds to the heft of the EU, and its pragmatism increases its diversity. Many are worried about the contagion of referenda spreading through Europe.
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3 March - EU Referendum: the Brexit debate, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mars 2016. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/3-march-eu-referendum-the-brexit-debate