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29 September 2016 - Kerry threatens to end talks with Russia after Aleppo bombings

Publié par Marion Coste le 29/09/2016

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Darkness and fear in Aleppo as the bombs rain down
Liz Sly and Louisa Loveluck (The Washington Post, 28/09/2016)
The bombings at night are the worst. There is no electricity in the rebel-held portion of eastern Aleppo, and the warplanes flying overhead target any light piercing the blackness beneath.
So families huddle together in the dark, gathered in one room so that they don’t die alone, listening to the roar of the jets and waiting for the bombs to fall.
After they do, rescue workers venture out, navigating the rubble and craters left by earlier bombings, to dig out victims without headlights or lamps. They haul them to hospitals swamped with patients being treated on the floor by doctors who barely sleep and must choose which lives to save and which to let go.

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End of talks?

Syria Talks Will End if Aleppo Bombing Continues, U.S. Tells Russia
Michael R. Gordon (The New York Times, 28/09/2016)
The United States threatened on Wednesday to halt talks with Russia on the war in Syria and scrap plans for joint military targeting of jihadists unless the Russian and Syrian militaries stopped bombing Aleppo.
The threat, conveyed via telephone by Secretary of State John Kerry to his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov, was the sharpest warning the Americans have made to the Russians over Syria since their Sept. 9 collaboration on a cease-fire collapsed last week.
But the Obama administration did not say what steps it would take if diplomatic efforts failed entirely or how it hoped to deter Russian and Syrian forces from their offensive against rebels in Aleppo, the divided northern Syria city that has become a focal point of the war.

John Kerry

Aleppo hospitals hit; Kerry threatens to suspend talks with Russia on Syria
Frederik Pleitgen and Laura Smith-Spark (CNN, 28/09/2016)
The United States is making preparations to suspend bilateral talks with Russia on Syria -- unless Moscow takes immediate steps to end the assault on Aleppo and restore a ceasefire, the US State Department said Wednesday.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said in a telephone call to his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov, that the United States and its partners held Russia responsible for a drastic escalation in attacks that have put civilians at great risk.
Two hospitals in eastern Aleppo have been bombed "out of service," staff and activists said, as airstrikes pounded rebel-held parts of the northern Syrian city on Wednesday.
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Boris Johnson

Russia could be guilty of war crimes in Syria, says Boris Johnson
Patrick Wintour (The Guardian, 25/09/2016)
Speaking shortly before the re-coronation of Jeremy Corbyn, one Labour MP gloomily remarked of Owen Smith’s failed challenge: “It was always a kamikaze mission.”
Boris Johnson has said the west lacks a viable military strategy in Syria, and that Russia could be guilty of war crimes if it has been involved in the bombing of civilian targets.
Despite the admission about strategy, the foreign secretary said there was no appetite for a different military course, arguing that the best way to force Moscow to draw back would be to shame the country in the court of public opinion.
Johnson was speaking on The Andrew Marr Show on BBC1 on Sunday as the UN security council prepared to meet again to discuss the Russian-backed bombing of Aleppo.
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29 September 2016 - Kerry threatens to end talks with Russia after Aleppo bombings, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2016. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/29-september-2016-kerry-threatens-to-end-talks-with-russia-after-aleppo-bombings