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22 January 2016 - British enquiry into former KGB officer's death

Publié par Marion Coste le 22/01/2016

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President Putin 'probably' approved Litvinenko murder

(BBC News, 21/01/2016)

Mr Putin is likely to have signed off the poisoning of Mr Litvinenko with polonium-210 in part due to personal "antagonism" between the pair, it said.
Home Secretary Theresa May said the murder was a "blatant and unacceptable" breach of international law.
But the Russian Foreign Ministry said the public inquiry was "politicised".
It said: "We regret that the purely criminal case was politicised and overshadowed the general atmosphere of bilateral relations."

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Sanctions against Russia

David Cameron considers new sanctions against Russia after 'state-sponsored murder' of KGB spy in London
Victoria Ward, Gordon Rayner and Tom Whitehead (The Telegraph, 21/01/2016)
David Cameron has condemned President Vladimir Putin for presiding over the “state sponsored murder” of the Russian dissident Alexander Litvinenko.
A public inquiry into the radioactive poisoning of the former KGB officer found that Mr Putin “probably” sanctioned the assassination by two Russian agents in London in 2006.
Mr Cameron said the UK had frozen the suspects’ assets as punishment for the “absolutely appalling” crime, but critics described his response as “weak”.

The worst part of this story is how much of it remains untold
Robert Vervkaik (The Independent, 22/01/2016)
Nearly 10 years after the shocking murder of a Russian spy on the streets of London we finally know who was “probably” responsible.
Sir Robert Owen makes clear that two FSB agents used a radioactive poison to kill Alexander Litvinenko after he incurred the wrath of President Vladimir Putin.
But this is only the start of the story. The real secrets that lie behind Litvinenko’s death and what they tell us about Russia’s malign influence on British life remain untold.
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The Guardian view on the Litvinenko inquiry: a price must be paid in Moscow
Editorial (The Guardian, 21/01/2016)
A high-level British inquiry into the killing in London in 2006 of Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB officer turned critic of the Kremlin, has not only established that the Russian state was involved, but that a link could probably be traced to Vladimir Putin himself. That home secretary Theresa May has reacted by describing the murder as a “blatant, unacceptable, breach of the fundamental tenets of international law” is welcome – but not enough. The assassination of Litvinenko has now been officially established as “a state-sponsored act”, with a “strong probability” that the killers acted “under the direct order” of the Russian FSB secret service, in an operation “probably approved” by the Russian president. Yet the UK has made plain that diplomatic relations with Russia will not be affected. True, Mrs May announced that a European arrest warrant would be sought against the two Russian agents who poisoned Litvinenko with polonium in a London hotel, but if only on the strength of the home secretary’s own muscular language – pointing the finger at the upper echelons of the Russian regime – this, surely, cannot be enough.
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22 January 2016 - British enquiry into former KGB officer's death, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2016. Consulté le 08/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/22-january-2016-british-enquiry-into-former-kgb-officer-s-death