20 May 2016 - GOP voters want party to back Trump
Jonathan Martin and Dalia Sussman (The New York Times, 19/05/2016)
An overwhelming majority of Republican voters say their party’s leaders should get behind Donald J. Trump, even as he enters the general election saddled with toxic favorability ratings among the broader electorate, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
And as Mr. Trump faces deep skepticism with general election voters and some Republican holdouts, the Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, is grappling with Senator Bernie Sanders and how to win over his impassioned supporters.
Both parties thus approach their July nominating conventions with significant unease and hurdles to overcome. Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton are widely disliked by voters, and both parties will need to repair schisms that might spell doom in an ordinary election year. But this, of course, is no ordinary year.
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United Party
Peter S. Kalikow (CNN, 18/05/2016)
The corollary of this narrative is that Trump cares nothing about Republican Party unity and instead thumbs his nose at the party at any given opportunity. As a New York statewide delegate to the Republican Convention in July, and one who knows Donald Trump well, I must say this narrative is wrong and utterly inconsistent with the man I have known for many years.
Let's remember that the Republican primary process fielded a lineup of extremely able candidates (I supported John Kasich in the primaries). The fact is that Donald Trump came out on top with 11 million primary votes and climbing to date, the most votes any Republican candidate for president has ever garnered in U.S. history.
Presumptive Nominee
Chris Cillizza (The Washington Post, 19/05/2016)
Donald Trump effectively locked up the Republican presidential nomination on the night of May 3 when he won a sweeping victory in the Indiana primary. Ted Cruz ended his campaign that night. John Kasich followed suit the next day.
It's been 16 days since that night. And Trump, the least orthodox presidential nominee in modern political history, has made a number of very smart moves to coalesce the GOP behind him while also setting the terms of the general election fight to come against Hillary Clinton.
Here are five examples of Trump being smart.
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Media Coverage
Mike Green (TheHuffington Post, 19/05/2016)
You cannot escape Donald Trump. His command of national media ensures your day will be bombarded at some point with news about The Donald. He is the sun around which media coverage of US politics has orbited for a year. Today, Trump owns the Republican Party, having masterminded a hostile takeover using compliant and complicit national media who have been fixated on the circus-like atmosphere of Trumpmania and his uncanny ability to attract large audiences.
Of course, Trump’s antics aren’t all an act to entertain audiences. He is definitely motivated to win. I’m not quite sure what he wants to win, given his predilection toward political suicide. But he proclaims his love of winning. And he has done exactly that, including winning the support of more Republican primary voters than anyone in history. Despite his critics, Trump voters include the support of millions of educated white women voters, white evangelicals and well-educated white professionals, much to the chagrin of those who prefer to think his vast appeal is largely among white supremacists, nationalists, fascists, the working poor and purported fringe elements of society.
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20 May 2016 - GOP voters want party to back Trump, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2016. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/20-may-2016-gop-voters-want-party-to-back-trump