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18 November 2016 - The future of the Democratic Party

Publié par Marion Coste le 18/11/2016

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Bernie Sanders rallies supporters with call for new direction in Democratic party
Lauren Gambino  (The Guardian, 18/11/2016)
On a gorgeous fall day, surrounded by changing trees, a group of Bernie Sanders’ most ardent supporters held a political bonfire for the doomed Trans-Pacific Partnership outside the US Capitol building.
“RIP TPP!” the group chanted at the rally, organized by National Nurses United.
Trump – along with Sanders and eventually Hillary Clinton – was a forceful opponent of the trade deal during the campaign. Trump’s electoral victory is an effective death knell for the trade deal and has handed progressives’ their first major achievement since the election left the Democratic party in shambles and searching for a leader.

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Senator Bernie Sanders

Trump recognized millions of Americans live in despair, Democrats did not - Sanders
(RT, 17/11/2016)
Senator Bernie Sanders says he’s ready to work with President-elect Donald Trump to crack down on corporate greed, but won’t give an inch on bigotry. Democrats lost because they ignored the plight of workers and must address that to recover, Sanders said.
Sanders, who mounted a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination but lost out to Hillary Clinton, is on a whirlwind tour of Washington, DC this week, promoting his new book, Our Revolution. On Wednesday, the Senate Democrats appointed him Chair of Outreach, seeking to repair the party still reeling from last week’s defeat in the general election.

Hillary Clinton's responsability

‘It’s not her fault!’: Hillary Clinton looks for excuses, ignores her party’s failings
Tammy Bruce (The Washington Times, 16/11/2016)
What a difference an election makes. Hillary Clinton and her team need to decide on a brand new slogan now that “I’m with her” means you’re an unemployed sycophant.
Having been crushed by Donald Trump making presidential elections great again, Hillary may want to inaugurate the less optimistic “It’s not her fault!” slogan, which is already echoing through her campaign, media, the Democratic Party, and safe-space dorm rooms everywhere.
During a conference call with donors the Saturday after the election, the wife of Monica Lewinsky’s ex-boyfriend blamed FBI Director James M. Comey for her embarrassing and decisive loss to Mr. Trump.
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Obama's legacy

Obama built a policy legacy. But he didn’t do enough to build the Democratic Party
Daniel J. Galvin (The Washington Post, 16/11/2016)
President Obama has devoted most of his energies over the past eight years to building a policy legacy. He will leave office with many durable successes, from the economic recovery to the revived auto industry, the killing of bin Laden to new administrative rules and rulings that will be difficult to reverse.
But President-elect Donald Trump and the Republican Congress have vowed to undo many of Obama’s other major accomplishments. Reports suggest they will move quickly to dismantle key legislation (Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank), reverse executive orders (gun control, immigration), renegotiate treaties (climate change, TPP, Iran) and block regulations (deportation enforcement, environmental regulation). Democrats will have few ways to stop them. (All hopes hang on the survival of the filibuster.)
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18 November 2016 - The future of the Democratic Party, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), novembre 2016. Consulté le 23/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/18-november-2016-the-future-of-the-democratic-party

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