15 September 2016 - Trump and Clinton offer peek into medical files
Amy Chozick and Maggie Haberman (The New York Times, 14/09/2016)
With less than eight weeks until Election Day and pressure mounting for the candidates to give details about their health and medical histories, Donald J. Trump acknowledged on Wednesday that he was overweight and taking a cholesterol-fighting drug, and Hillary Clinton elaborated on the circumstances that led to her contracting pneumonia and the medicine she was taking to recover.
Mrs. Clinton’s doctor said she “continues to improve” after contracting a “mild, noncontagious” form of pneumonia diagnosed on Friday, two days before she grew dizzy and was seen losing her footing while leaving a ceremony for the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
In a letter released by the Clinton campaign, the physician, Dr. Lisa R. Bardack, said she had evaluated Mrs. Clinton several times since Sunday, including on Wednesday. “She is recovering well with antibiotics and rest,” Dr. Bardack said. “She continues to remain healthy and fit to serve as president of the United States.”
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Abby Phillip and Anne Gearan (The Washington Post 14/09/2016)
The letter, from Clinton’s doctor, Lisa Bardack, noted that she received a CT scan confirming the pneumonia diagnosis and is now about halfway through a regimen on the antibiotic Levaquin. It came three days after Clinton’s illness caused her to stumble out of a memorial service and forced her off the campaign trail. Clinton’s campaign said the information updates a health history released last year.
Health controversy
Ryan J. Reilly (The Huffington Post, 14/09/2016)
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump took a shot at the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s health problems at a rally in Ohio on Wednesday night.
“I don’t know, folks, you think Hillary would be able to stand up here for an hour and do this? I don’t know. I don’t think so,” Trump said, after referring to the “hot” temperature in the room.
Trump, a 70-year-old whose BMI places him on the edge of obesity, later said he hopes Clinton recovers from her pneumonia, which led to her nearly collapsing during a Sept. 11 remembrance event in New York over the weekend after she became “overheated.”
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Elizabeth Hinson (CBS News, 14/09/2016)
In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s announcement that she has pneumonia, analysts and politicos are again debating a question that has periodically resurfaced in American presidential campaigns: What should candidates be required to tell voters about their health?
If Donald Trump wins the presidency, he will be 70 years old when he assumes office – the oldest person ever elected to a first term. Hillary Clinton, on the day of her potential inauguration, would be 69 – the second oldest, just a few months younger than Ronald Reagan was in January 1981.
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15 September 2016 - Trump and Clinton offer peek into medical files, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), septembre 2016. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/15-september-2016-trump-and-clinton-offer-peek-into-medical-files