14 June 2016 - Stanford Rape Case
Sarah Begley (Time, 13/06/2016)
Brock Turner’s probation officer had urged the judge on his case to give him a lenient sentence because he was drunk when he sexually assaulted a woman with the intent to commit rape.
In recently released documents, the probation officer, Monica Lassettre wrote, “This case, when compared to other crimes of similar nature, may be considered less serious due to the defendant’s level of intoxication.”
Lassettre, who recommended a sentence of four to six months in county jail, also wrote that Turner would “likely be highly impacted as a result of his convictions, and he surrendered a hard earned swimming scholarship.”
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Protests at graduation
Thomas Fuller (The New York Times, 12/06/2016)
But across the idyllic university grounds, in the shade of a large tree, is a quiet stretch of lawn that speaks to a persistent and darker side of campus life, at Stanford and across the country.
It was here in January last year, an hour past midnight on a Saturday night, that a young woman lay on the ground, unresponsive, her hair disheveled and knotted, her body covered in dirt and pine needles, and her dress hitched up above her waist.
Light sentence
Susan Miller (USA Today, 14/06/2016)
The male juror, who requested anonymity to protect his privacy, delivered a letter to Santa Clara County Judge Aaron Persky on Saturday, the paper reported. The paper, which published the letter Monday, said it met with the juror to confirm his identity.
Turner was found guilty in March of three counts of sexual assault for an attack on an unconscious woman in January 2015 outside a fraternity party at the California school. He was arrested after two graduate students on bicycles rode up as the assault was taking place near a dumpster, shouted and then tackled Turner when he tried to flee.
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Rape culture
Dani Bostick (The Huffington Post, 13/06/2016)
I was four years old in 1981 when Adam Walsh was kidnapped from a department store and murdered. That tragic incident sparked decades of Stranger Danger rhetoric in my house and schools I attended. Like many kids, I was trained to believe that only deranged, evil-looking strangers perpetrated horrible crimes. I continued to believe that even as my family’s most trusted friend sexually abused me for years. He was an upstanding member of the community, one his supporters called him a “man of impeccable character” at his sentencing after he had plead guilty to sexually abusing me for years when I was a child.
The Brock Turner case highlights an important truth: Perpetrators can seem like good guys and they often receive more support than their victims, who generally remain anonymous out of shame and fear. It is not unusual for perpetrators of sex crimes appear to be people of strong character. They are likable. They hold positions of responsibility within the community. They are trusted. When community members hear one of their own is a sexual predator— perhaps a swim coach, teacher, or star athlete— they respond with shock and disbelief. “He seemed like such a good guy” is a common refrain.
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14 June 2016 - Stanford Rape Case, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2016. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/14-june-2016-stanford-rape-case