11 February 2016 - American presidential elections: New Hampshire primaries
WTF Happened in the New Hampshire Primary, Explained
Riding an anti-establishment wave — the magnitude of which would put the NorCal surf contest Mavericks to shame — Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump scored their first victories of the 2016 presidential campaign in New Hampshire Tuesday night.
The wins may have been expected, based on recent polling. But take a step back, and these results are astonishing: A year ago, victories by the bumptious Trump and the socialist Sanders over the respective heirs of the Bush and Clinton dynasties were, frankly, unimaginable.
If Trump charged to victory with the advantage of a private jet and endless free press, Sanders built his win on pocket-change contributions — and despite a near blackout by the national media. As former Mitt Romney adviser Stuart Stevens tweeted with admiration Tuesday night: "I'm not a @BernieSanders guy, but to go from obscure socialist [senator] of tiny state to this is one hell of a thing. All credit due to him & his team."
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Victory for outsiders
Maeve Reston (CNN, 10/02/2016)
In a state that has always been known for giving new political life to the hardest-working candidates, he swept the field. He lapped his closest challenger, Ohio Governor John Kasich, by double digits, and he notched his first win in this presidential contest by acting more like a traditional candidate.
Trump's victory speech was gracious and restrained with a long list of thank yous for family members and campaign staff. He acknowledged that he had learned the lesson in Iowa that the ground game matters, and paid more attention to turning out his voters in New Hampshire. Most striking, he had nothing but compliments for his fellow rivals.
Hillary Clinton
Amy Chozick (The New York Times, 10/02/2016)
After her unexpected victory in the New Hampshire primary in 2008, Hillary Clinton said she “found my own voice.” She left New Hampshire on Tuesday night, after a double-digit defeat, still searching for it.
Bernie Sanders’s nearly 22-point victory came after Mrs. Clinton’s advisers had worked hard to lower expectations, but privately, many people close to Mrs. Clinton, including her husband, believed the state would once again serve as a lifeline.
They had hoped that women and working-class voters, who had resuscitated Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 campaign and rescued Bill Clinton’s in 1992, would at least narrow the gap with Mr. Sanders. Instead, Mr. Sanders won among nearly every demographic, including women, young voters and those who make less than $50,000 a year. In the end, the only demographic Mrs. Clinton held onto from 2008 was voters over the age of 65.
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Black voters
Dan Balz, David A. Fahrenthold and Juliet Eilperin (The Washington Post, 10/02/2016)
The presidential nomination battle between Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton moved decisively Wednesday to a fight for African Americans’ votes, as the two candidates touted dueling endorsements to bolster their standing within the community.
The flurry of activity underscored how the massive wins by Sanders and Republican billionaire Donald Trump in New Hampshire have reshuffled the presidential race yet again. Even as Trump and Sanders worked to build momentum for their campaigns, some other contenders were left reassessing their strategies.
Meanwhile, some of the underperformers in the Granite state looked inward.
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11 February 2016 - American presidential elections: New Hampshire primaries, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), novembre 2016. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/11-february-2016-american-presidential-elections-new-hampshire-primaries