07 November 2016 - American elections: Final Sprint
Alexander Burns (The New York Times, 06/11/2016)
They campaigned urgently, even frantically, at airfields and arenas, on a college campus in Wisconsin and in a Philadelphia church. Hillary Clinton and Senator Tim Kaine, their prospects brightened by news that the F.B.I. had found no new troublesome emails in a review of Mrs. Clinton’s private server, pleaded with Americans on Sunday to get out and vote as if their very way of life were on the line.
Scrambling across the electoral map, Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence, addressed supporters in darker and even graver terms, with Mr. Trump casting the election as a now-or-never moment for his brand of right-wing nationalism.
Surpassing the anxious entreaties of an ordinary presidential race, Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump begged voters to see the 2016 election as a choice of almost apocalyptic significance. Mr. Trump called the vote on Tuesday a final chance to turn back foreign forces menacing American identity, while Mrs. Clinton said the country’s long journey toward equality for women and minorities was at risk of being reversed in a day’s balloting.
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Final sprint
Jenna Johnson, Anne Gearan and John Wagner (The Washington Post, 07/11/2016)
“When I’m elected president, we will suspend the Syrian refugee program, and we will keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. We’ll keep them out,” the Republican nominee told hundreds of people packed into a barn at the Loudoun County fairgrounds, with even more listening from outside.
The stop was Trump’s fifth since Sunday afternoon, several of them in Democratic strongholds he is trying to wrest away from Hillary Clinton in hopes of creating a path to victory on Tuesday.
America Deserved Better
Joe Peyronnin (The Huffington Post, 06/11/2016)
Election Day will be the culmination of a long painful presidential campaign that has pitted two unpopular candidates against each other in one the most offensive races in this nation’s history. The beacon of democracy has been soiled by scurrilous rhetoric that has blemished the character and stature of the United States. No matter the outcome, the healing process is sure to be long and difficult.
Republican Donald Trump fought like a pit bull to win his party’s nomination. He insulted all of his primary opponents, using demeaning language and derogatory terms to describe his foes. He succeeded to play on the anger of many citizens who feel left behind, who believe the government is not functioning properly, who are frustrated with illegal immigrants, who fear a terrorist attack, who are worried their guns will be taken away, and who are fed up with foreign wars.
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Trump's bullying
Barbara Kingsolver (The Guardian, 06/11/2016)
When I was a girl of 11 I had an argument with my father that left my psyche maimed. It was about whether a woman could be the president of the US.
How did it even start? I was no feminist prodigy, just a shy kid who preferred reading to talking; politics weren’t my destiny. Probably, I was trying to work out what was possible for my category of person – legally, logistically – as one might ask which kinds of terrain are navigable for a newly purchased bicycle. Up until then, gender hadn’t darkened my mental doorway as I followed my older brother into our daily adventures wearing hand-me-down jeans.
But in adolescence it dawned on me I’d be spending my future as a woman, and when I looked around, alarm bells rang. My mother was a capable, intelligent, deeply unhappy woman who aspired to fulfilment as a housewife but clearly disliked the job. I saw most of my friends’ mothers packed into that same dreary boat. My father was a country physician, admired and rewarded for work he loved. In my primordial search for a life coach, he was the natural choice.
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07 November 2016 - American elections: Final Sprint, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juillet 2016. Consulté le 10/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/07-november-2016-american-elections-final-sprint