06 September 2016 - Final sprint of the US presidential election
Ashley Parker (The New York Times, 05/09/2016)
Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump ran virtually parallel campaigns on Monday as they geared up for the final stretch of the presidential race. She made nice with the news media by opening up her campaign plane and chatting with reporters. He followed suit, inviting a smaller group of reporters onto his plane and answering questions during the 30-minute flight.
She took along her running mate, and so did he, as both focused on Ohio and nearly crossed paths in Cleveland. Their motorcades all but passed each other, and all four candidates’ planes ended up on the tarmac at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport at the same time.
Mrs. Clinton moved on several fronts on Monday to confront nagging doubts about her candidacy, despite her comfortable lead in many swing-state polls. Courting labor supporters, she met with union leaders in Cleveland while her husband, Bill Clinton, appeared at a Labor Day parade in Detroit. Seeking the backing of progressive voters, she enlisted her primary opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who made his first solo appearance on Mrs. Clinton’s behalf at a rally in New Hampshire.
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Defining Trump
Cathleen Decker (The Los Angeles Times, 05/09/2016)
Hillary Clinton’s kickoff event on the day that traditionally has opened the most intense part of the election season was dominated by criticisms of Trump, whom she attacked as unqualified to be president.
Speaking in Cleveland before revelers at a holiday picnic, Clinton seemed to accept that the man who has dominated the campaign so far will continue to do so until Americans render a decision on Nov. 8.
Fall campaigns
Henry J. Gomez (Cleveland.com, 05/09/2016)
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump began their final sprints toward November similarly Monday, touching down here for some swing state stumping.
Labor Day, the first mile-marker of the fall campaign, saw Clinton and her running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, rallying with fellow Democrats at Cleveland's Luke Easter Park. Meanwhile, Trump and his No. 2, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, met with a smattering of union leaders in nearby Brook Park before darting to a fair in a Youngstown suburb.
At one point, the planes for all four sat on the tarmac of Hopkins International Airport. And Clinton's husband, former President Bill Clinton, campaigned downstate in Cincinnati.
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Labor Day
(Fox News, 05/09/2016)
Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump on Labor Day barnstormed through America’s industrial heartland appealing to workers with promises of better-paying jobs and a return to prosperity -- in a White House race so narrow now that their entourages shared the same airport tarmac and roadway in battleground Ohio.
“It's kind of interesting to have all the planes here on the same tarmac. Just shows you how important Ohio is. We're going to be here a lot," Democratic vice-presidential nominee Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine told Clinton after she flew into Cleveland, using a campaign plane for the first time this election cycle.
Clinton used the plane -- a Boeing 737 with about 100 seats for passengers and crew -- to take several questions from some of the roughly 40 reporters onboard, amid criticism she is largely avoiding the news media.
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06 September 2016 - Final sprint of the US presidential election, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juin 2016. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/06-september-2016-final-sprint-of-the-us-presidential-election