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02 December 2016 - Trump picks retired Gen. James Mattis as Defense secretary

Publié par Marion Coste le 12/02/2016

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James Mattis, Outspoken Ex-Marine, Is Trump’s Choice as Defense Secretary
Michael R. Gordon and Eric Schmitt (The New York Times, 01/12/2016)
President-elect Donald J. Trump said on Thursday he had chosen James N. Mattis, a hard-charging retired general who led a Marine division to Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, to serve as his secretary of defense.
Mr. Trump made the announcement at a rally in Cincinnati, calling General Mattis “the closest thing we have to Gen. George Patton.”
General Mattis, 66, led the United States Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East and Southwest Asia, from 2010 to 2013. His tour there was cut short by the Obama administration, which believed he was too hawkish on Iran.

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Retired Marine

Trump picks retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense
Dan Lamothe (The Washington Post, 01/12/2016)
President-elect Donald Trump said Thursday he has chosen retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis, who has said that responding to “political Islam” is the major security issue facing the United States, to be secretary of defense.
“We are going to appoint Mad Dog Mattis as our secretary of defense,” Trump told a rally in Cincinnati, the first stop on a post-election “thank-you tour.”
Trump joked that the media and audience should keep the news to themselves. “We are going to be announcing him Monday of next week,” Trump said. “Keep it inside the room.”

'Mad Dog'

Trump picks tough talking Gen. James 'Mad Dog' Mattis as Defense Secretary
(NBC News, 01/12/2016)
President-elect Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine General James Mattis to head the Department of Defense, a move that could signal the incoming administration's tougher positioning with nations such as Iran.
Trump made a surprise announcement of the expected appointment during a rally in Cincinnati on Thursday night, as the crowd cheered wildly. "We are going to appoint Mad Dog Mattis as our secretary of Defense," Trump said theatrically.
He then added: "But we're not announcing it till Monday, so don't tell anyone—Mad Dog. He's great. He is great."
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Fox News

What our nation would get with Gen. Mattis as Defense Secretary
Ralph Peters (Fox News, 01/12/2016)
I’m lucky enough to know General James Mattis slightly. Just well enough to trust him unreservedly with our military and our nation’s security.
The president-elect could not choose a better man to be our next Secretary of Defense. Not just because Mattis is a battle-hardened Marine with a remarkable combat record. And not just because he has a mind of remarkable clarity and is, without question, the best-read general of his generation.
I trust Jim Mattis because he’s a man of character, that most un-Washingtonian quality. His public image is of one rough-and-tough Marine, but the man I’ve encountered is, above all, one of integrity. His code of honor is so out of fashion that one has to reach back to a Victorian vocabulary: He has a noble spirit.
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02 December 2016 - Trump picks retired Gen. James Mattis as Defense secretary, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), février 2016. Consulté le 11/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2016/02-december-2016-trump-picks-retired-gen-james-mattis-as-defense-secretary