7 May 2015 - Britain goes to the polls
General election 2015: Britain heading for hung parliament
Tom Clark and Patrick Wintour (The Guardian)
Britain is heading for a second hung parliament in succession after the most drawn-out election campaign since the war appeared to be ending in near deadlock with Labour and the Conservatives tied at 35% each according to the preliminary results of the final Guardian/ICM campaign poll.
Ed Miliband’s party has pulled back three points on ICM’s previous campaign poll, published nine days ago, with the Conservatives remaining unchanged. Previous ICM surveys had reported Conservative leads, ranging from six to two points.
Labour’s recovery appears to have been helped by a last-week squeeze at the political fringe: Ukip and the Greens both slip back two points, to 11% and 3% respectively.
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Matt Dathan (The Independent)
Is the Queen going to vote?
The law does not ban the Queen from voting but she and the royal family don’t vote to keep the political neutrality.
Why is the TV coverage so boring?
Radio and TV stations have to restrict coverage on polling day to factual accounts.
However the same rules do not apply to social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and email and political parties are planning to bomard millions of people on these platforms to maximise their vote.
So don't switch on your TV to help you decide who to vote for...
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Sarah Knapton (The Telegraph)
A change in the weather from storms to bright sunshine could trigger one of the best election turnouts in years, statistics suggest.
Warm sunshine, particularly in the South of England could encourage a surge of fair-weather voters and push the numbers of Britons voting to beyond 70 per cent for the first time in 18 years.
Mixed conditions in 2010 saw 65 per cent vote, while just 61 per cent voted in poor weather in 2005 and only 59 per cent voted amid showers in 2001.
However warm weather in 1997 saw a turnout of 71 per cent, while 78 per cent voted amid glorious sunshine in 1992.
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James Chapman (The Mail)
A quarter of voters say they could change their minds in polling booths today as the most unpredictable General Election race for a generation goes down to the wire.
An exclusive eve-of-election poll for the Daily Mail by ComRes puts the Conservatives just a point ahead of Labour, though David Cameron has extended a huge lead over Ed Miliband as voters’ preferred prime minister.
Some 52 per cent of voters say they would prefer Mr Cameron to continue in Downing Street, with 31 per cent favouring Mr Miliband.
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7 May 2015 - Britain goes to the polls, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), juillet 2015. Consulté le 08/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/7-may-2015-britain-goes-to-the-polls