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5 June 2015 - Jeb Bush will run for president

Publié par Clifford Armion le 06/05/2015

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Jeb Bush will run for president, aides say
Staff (The Chicago Tribune)
Tony Blair is to take on a new role tackling antisemitism by assuming the chairmanship of a pan-European body that campaigns for stronger laws against extremism across the continent.
The British former prime minister has been appointed as chairman of the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation a week after he announced that he would stand down as the envoy of the quartet on the Middle East.
In an article for the Times, in which he sets out his plans for his new role, Blair says that he will campaign against the abuse of religions which has become a “mask behind which those bent on death and destruction all too often hide”.
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Jeb Bush plans June 15 announcement that's he running for president, aides say
Staff (The Orlando Sentinel)
There's been little mystery to Bush's plans.
He's been raising many millions of dollars for a separate political group that is expected to support his candidacy and perform many of the functions of a campaign, although with dollars not bound by the same federal requirements as a formal campaign committee.
Bush enters the race as the overwhelming favorite of the Republican establishment, and he is expected to dominate his GOP competitors in fundraising. Yet he faces considerable resistance from the party's conservative flank, which holds outsized influence in the Republican presidential primary process.
Bush will enter a crowded primary field that includes Sens. Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, among others. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry is also getting into the race, a decision he'll make official Thursday in Dallas.
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Jeb Bush Has A Big Announcement On June 15th
Natalia Zea (CBS Miami)
Bush’s failure to confirm he is running, six months after beginning what looks like a presidential campaign, is no laughing matter to Paul S. Ryan of the DC based non profit Campaign Legal Center.
“Jeb Bush in our view under the law has been a candidate for a few months now. He has been violating federal campaign finance laws in a number of respects so we’re glad he’s finally coming clean and being honest and admitting what everyone knows- he’s running for president,” Ryan told CBS4’s Natalia Zea.
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How Jeb Bush made a mockery of ‘exploring’ a presidential campaign
Blog (The Washington Post)
Here's some breaking news for you: It is not a breaking news event.
While all candidates -- and campaigns -- draw out their announcement schedule long after they have made up their mind in order to raise interest (and by interest, I mean money), Bush has taken the "exploratory" phase of a campaign to its logical extreme with his if-I-runsmanship over the last six months.
"Lawyers say Mr. Bush, a former Florida governor, is stretching the limits of election law by crisscrossing the country, hiring a political team and raising tens of millions of dollars at fund-raisers, all without declaring — except once, by mistake — that he is a candidate," wrote Eric Lichtblau and Nick Corasanti this week. The duo quote Karl Sandstrom, a former Federal Election Commissioner and a campaign finance lawyer, saying that Bush's approach "makes a mockery of the law."
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5 June 2015 - Jeb Bush will run for president, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2015. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/5-june-2015-jeb-bush-will-run-for-president