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5 February 2015 - Facebook to push UK general election vote on users

Publié par Clifford Armion le 02/05/2015

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Facebook to prompt all UK users to register to vote in general election
Alex Hern (The Guardian)
Facebook is to prompt every adult user in the UK to register to vote ahead of the general election in May, in the company’s first intervention into British electoral politics.
The social network is joining forces with the Electoral Commission to promote a reminder at the top of newsfeeds on Thursday, which is national voter registration day.
The reminder, which follows the format of similar exercises in the US and India, will let users create a new “life event” on the site to tell friends that they have registered to vote, and will be run in conjunction with an Electoral Commission campaign to encourage voter registration amongst 17-year-olds who turn 18 before the election.
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Facebook wants you to vote in the General Election - registration reminder to target all UK adults
Olivia Solon (The Mirror)
Facebook is to remind all UK adults on the social network to register to vote in a message that will appear in your newsfeed on Thursday.
The idea is to use peer pressure to encourage a better turnout on May 7.
The message - created with the Electoral Commission - will flag the fact that there are just 100 days until the UK General Election and that if you want to have your say you’ll need to have registered.
It links to the Gov.uk page that makes it super-simple to register online - you'll need to have your National Insurance number to hand, though. You can also register through the Mirror's own tool.
Facebook is a good tool for promoting voter registration as it has more monthly UK visitors (35 million) than people who turned out to vote in the last General Election (29 million).
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Facebook to push UK general election vote on users
Eleanor Burns| (Computer Business Review)
Announced today, Facebook will prompt every UK adult on Facebook to register to vote, ahead of the election in May. This foray into British Politics is the result of a partnership with the Electoral Commission, with the latter running a campaign in conjunction with the Facebook 'life events'.
The creation of the 'life event' on Facebook will inform the user's network that they have registered to vote. Facebook will prompt users with a reminder at the top of users' newsfeeds on Thursday.
Why Thursday? Well the answer to that lies in the reason behind this campaign. Thursday marks national voter registration day, with the Electoral Commission and Facebook campaigns seeking to boost voter registration - especially to those who are younger and who are due to turn 18 before the election.
The Guardian cited Elizabeth Linder, Facebook's politics and government specialist for Europe, as saying: "Over 35 million people in the UK use Facebook, considerably more than the number of people who voted in the last general election."
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Facebook prompts UK users to register for 2015 general election
John McCarthy (The Drum)
"We expect the election to be one of the most talked about topics on Facebook of 2015, and we hope that through partnerships like this one with the Electoral Commission, we can make sure those conversations lead to higher turnout on 7 May.”
Alex Robertson, director of communication at the Electoral Commission, added: “We’re delighted to be working in partnership with Facebook again to reach those who will be eligible to vote on polling day.
"It’s vital that we continue to reach them on platforms like Facebook with information that’s accessible to them."
The registration deadline for the general election is 20 April.
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5 February 2015 - Facebook to push UK general election vote on users, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), mai 2015. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/5-february-2015-facebook-to-push-uk-general-election-vote-on-users