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31 August 2015 - Jeremy Corbyn's rise in the Labour leadership contest

Publié par Marion Coste le 31/08/2015

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Jeremy Corbyn: ‘We are not doing celebrity, personality or abusive politics – this is about hope’
Nicholas Watt (The Guardian)
Jeremy Corbyn is struggling to make his way to a cafe for a mid-morning break as he battles the after-effects of a cold brought on by a whirlwind six-week tour of Britain. Pushing his bike to the Grain Store restaurant at the back of King’s Cross station in London, the surprise frontrunner for the Labour leadership contest is stopped endlessly for selfies and by people who simply want to shake his hand.
Corbyn, who makes friendly conversation with every admirer, finally reaches the Grain Store, where he catches his breath only to have his hand shaken vigorously by the receptionist. “Mr Corbyn, you’re amazing. I have signed up to the Labour party just to vote for you.”
Pausing for a moment, Corbyn says: “I am just an ordinary person trying to do an ordinary job.”
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Tony Blair on Jeremy Corbyn

Tony Blair attacks Jeremy Corbyn's 'Alice In Wonderland' politics
Richard Osley (The Independent)
Tony Blair has made a fresh attempt to steer Labour Party members away from voting for Jeremy Corbyn as their next leader – even though he himself admits that the left-winger’s supporters are not listening to warnings.
In an article for the Observer newspaper, he rails against what he calls Mr Corbyn’s ‘Alice In Wonderland’ politics and reveals his clear frustration that so many members seem to have ignored the advice and experience of three party leaders by choosing to support him.
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From innocent idealist to political threat

Jeremy Corbyn must be stopped
Telegraph View (The Telegraph)
There was a point in the summer when the rise of Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour leadership race was curious, even amusing. But the underdog is now the frontrunner and he stands a good chance of becoming leader of the Opposition. That would put him within reach of No 10, considering how small the Tory majority is and how much the SNP would love to join a socialist coalition government. So Labour’s problem is fast becoming Britain’s problem and they are doing a terrible job of containing it.
Labour criticism of Mr Corbyn has largely focused upon his “electability”. That may seem important to a party humiliated by a recent election defeat. But what matters more to the country is surely the quality of Mr Corbyn’s ideas. And while he has been accepted by many as a nice, if naive, man who just wants planning permission to build a bit of Jerusalem in England’s green and pleasant land, the reality is quite different.
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A witch hunt

Labour leadership: Left Unity 'witch hunt' claims
UK Politics (BBC News)
A left-wing political party has accused Labour of a "witch hunt" against people signing up to back Jeremy Corbyn in its leadership contest.
Left Unity said Labour should be "thrilled" so many people want to join rather than focusing on "people who it thinks are too left wing".
It comes after The Times reported "infiltration" of the contest to replace Ed Miliband by the "hard left".
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31 August 2015 - Jeremy Corbyn's rise in the Labour leadership contest, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), août 2015. Consulté le 08/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/31-august-2015-jeremy-corbyn-s-rise-in-the-labour-leadership-contest