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3 December 2015 - MPs approve airstrike in Syria

Publié par Marion Coste le 12/04/2015

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Syria air strikes: MPs authorise UK action against Islamic State

(BBC News, 03/12/2015)

MPs have overwhelmingly backed UK air strikes against so-called Islamic State in Syria, by 397 votes to 223, after an impassioned 10-hour Commons debate.
A total of 66 Labour MPs sided with the government as David Cameron secured a larger than expected Commons majority.
The PM said they had "taken the right decision to keep the country safe".
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had said the case for war did "not stack up" but shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn had urged MPs to "confront this evil".

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First airstrikes

Britain launches airstrikes hours after Parliament backs ISIS bombings
Ben Brumfield and Carol Jordan(CNN, 03/12/2015)
British fighter jets have taken part in their first airstrikes in Syria, hours after UK lawmakers voted in favor of bombing ISIS strongholds there.
"RAF Tornadoes have just returned from their first offensive operation over Syria and have conducted strikes," a spokesman for Britain's Ministry of Defense (MOD) said early Thursday.
The four jets took off from Akrotiri air base in Cyprus, targeting an oil field in Eastern Syria, the MOD told CNN.

Hilary Benn
Hilary Benn launches shock and awe campaign in Syria debate
John Crace (The Guardian, 03/12/2015)
Syria may not be liberated, but Hilary Benn has been. Freed from the burden of his father’s shadow. Freed from the necessity of toeing a party line. Free to be himself. Free of doubt. Where others – both for and against extending air-strikes on Syria – had spoken with hand-wringing angst of the torment they had suffered in squaring their consciences, Benn knew only moral certainty. The vote to go to war had never been in question. What had been lacking was a leader the House of Commons could unite behind. Now they had their man.
For 15 minutes, Benn was verbal shock and awe. He began by laying waste to the prime minister, berating him for not having the courage or decency to apologise for calling Jeremy Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser. David Cameron squirmed uncomfortably. He would probably have found it easier to bear if he hadn’t already known the shadow foreign secretary was about to speak out on his behalf. To then hear the case for war made far better than he had managed earlier in the day was a personal defeat snatched from the jaws of his party’s victory.
Much of the rest of Benn’s speech was directed to his own party. He may have come to the dispatch box to praise his leader, but he left it having buried him. If it felt like an epiphany for Benn, it was more like a Sermon on the Mount to his Labour colleagues. A morality tale made flesh. “What we know about fascists is that they need to be defeated and it is why, as we have heard tonight, socialists and trade unionists were just one part of the International Brigade in the 1930s to fight against Franco,” he concluded to an almost silent house. Even those who disagreed with him were spellbound.
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Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn believes in respectful dissent - why don’t his supporters?
James Edwards (Newstatesman, 03/12/2015)
In her 1994 book, Outlaw Culture, in an essay entitled “Spike Lee Doing Malcolm X”, bell hooks spoke on the reputation of Lee admirers who would censor any view of the movie that was not “unequivocally celebratory” of the representation of Malcolm X. In this essay, bell hooks writes: “We cannot develop a body of [...] criticism as long as all rigorous critique is censored.” She goes on to say that “black folks who subject the film to rigorous critique risk being seen as traitors to the race, as petty competitors who do not want to see another black person succeed, or as having personal enmity towards Lee.” Have we not seen this same type of behaviour recently? Where all criticisms of the Labour leader are themselves their own blasphemy? Where legitimate points made about Jeremy Corbyn that don’t compliment his glowing reputation are a betrayal to tenets of the left?
Yes, we have seen this. And the most rigorous of this abuse is usually aimed, not at those Conservative voters or politicians who don’t like Jeremy Corbyn for reasons of “policy”, but left-leaning individuals who dare criticise a man who is said to be leading Britain into a sans-Blairite future. However, there is a lot to be said on this issue, not only for its counter-productive style of criticism but because it flies directly in the face of, as hooks put it, “meaningful [...] critique”.
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3 December 2015 - MPs approve airstrike in Syria, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), avril 2015. Consulté le 14/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/3-december-2015-mps-approve-airstrike-in-syria