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28 August 2015 - 9/11 "Dust Lady" dies aged 42

Publié par Marion Coste le 28/08/2015

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9/11 Survivor Captured In Iconic Photo Dies Of Cancer
Mollie Reilly (The Huffington Post)
Marcy Borders, a survivor of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks who was photographed covered in dust after fleeing the World Trade Center, has died of stomach cancer.
Borders' family announced her death Tuesday on Facebook. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer last year at the age of 41.
The photo of Borders, taken by AFP photographer Stan Honda as the attacks on the Twin Towers unfolded, has endured as a haunting reminder of the chaos and horror of Sept. 11.
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9/11-related cancers

Death of 9/11 'dust lady' Marcy Borders renews worry over related cancers
Amanda Holpuch (The Guardian)
The cancer death of Marcy Borders, a Bank of America worker who was the subject of a haunting photograph on 9/11, has drawn renewed attention to the illnesses suffered by many survivors of the attack.
Hundreds of studies conducted in the 14 years since the terror attack show that thousands of first responders and people working and living in downtown Manhattan at the time have been diagnosed with mental and physical ailments related to the attack.
Medical professionals have concluded that people at Ground Zero experienced new or exacerbated respiratory ailments from being there, and at least 10,000 survivors have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Mount Sinai Selikoff Centers for Occupational Health said last year there were at least 1,646 certified cancer cases found in 9/11 first responders and rescuers.
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Fund for survivors to expire

Fund That Covers 9/11 Survivors Like 'Dust Lady' Is Due to Expire
Maggie Fox (NBC News)
The stomach cancer that killed 9/11 survivor Marcy Borders is one of dozens of illnesses covered by a federal fund for survivors of the attack and disaster that followed.
But the fund runs out of money next year and one of the doctors who fought to get it established says he's worried.
Borders, 42, died Wednesday. She became known as the "Dust Lady" after a photograph showing her covered with finely ground debris from the World Trade Center collapse was seen around the world.
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Iconic 9/11 photos

Iconic 9/11 photos: Where are they now?
Andrew Card (USA Today)
Marcy Borders, the "dust lady" photographed in the aftermath of 9/11, died recently from stomach cancer.
USA TODAY Network looks at the current lives of other individuals captured in seminal photos from that time.
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28 August 2015 - 9/11 "Dust Lady" dies aged 42, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), août 2015. Consulté le 08/02/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/28-august-2015-9-11-dust-lady-dies-aged-42