27 January 2015 - First female Church of England bishop
First female Church of England bishop consecrated in York
Andrew Brown (The Guardian)
The Rt Rev Libby Lane has been made the bishop of Stockport with solemn oaths, high ceremony, and a sermon that drew on Call the Midwife in York Minster.
Since it was first built in AD637, the building has seen Viking raids, civil war, and even German bombing, but never a woman among the tends of thousands of bishops made here. Bishop Lane’s consecration was greeted with joy within the building and outside it – although the ceremony was interrupted by a lone protester who objected when the archbishop of York asked the congregation to consent to Lane’s appointment.
Women have been consecrated as bishops in many parts of the worldwide Anglican communion since 1989, and as priests in England since 1994, but opponents put up a long resistance to their further promotion, which only became possible last autumn. Roman Catholic bishops, who frequently attend important Anglican occasions, were absent. The service marked a final and decisive break with the tradition of an all-male priesthood.
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Roisin O'connor (The I)
Libby Lane, 48, became the new Bishop of Stockport following legislation adopted last year to allow female bishops for the first time since the Church's foundation by King Henry VIII in 1534.
During the ceremony, the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, asked the congregation if it was their will that Bishop Lane be ordained. In response, a protester stepped forward and shouted "No. Not in my name."
It is believed the protester was the Rev Paul Williamson, who previously objected to the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla.
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Christiana Boyle (The Los Angeles Times)
Lane's appointment comes more than 20 years after women first became priests in the Church of England, a move that caused hundreds of male priests to leave, many for the Roman Catholic Church.
It was followed by long debate and dissent between traditionalists and reformers over whether to allow women into the church’s highest ranks.
In November, legislation to allow female bishops was finally formally adopted by the General Synod, and Lane became the first woman to be named to the post in December.
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Rebecca Perring (The Express)
"I cannot properly express how encouraged I have been in the weeks since the announcement of my nomination, by the thousands of messages I have received with words of congratulation, support and wisdom.
"I've heard from people of all ages, women and men, people I have known for years and people I have never met, people from down the road and people from across the world."
She added: "Thank you to all who are praying for me and partying with me today."
The bishop said she found the attention she had received "overwhelming."
"I cannot possibly live up to everyone's expectation. And so today, at my consecration, I hold on to words of promise from the Bible, a reassurance that all this does not depend on me," she said.
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27 January 2015 - First female Church of England bishop, La Clé des Langues [en ligne], Lyon, ENS de LYON/DGESCO (ISSN 2107-7029), janvier 2015. Consulté le 04/03/2025. URL: https://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/key-story/archives-revue-de-presse-2015/27-january-2015-first-female-church-of-england-bishop-